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Poll : Was it hard to finish the Alpha ?

Too easy, in less than 3 attempts
Easy, but took a little time (3-7 attempts)
Hey, that was some tough times (>7 attempts)
Finishing ? This Alpha has an end ???
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11 years ago
Jan 17, 2014, 10:47:13 AM
Ail wrote:
like trying to save that 5 food and not healing a hero who needs it or trying to save the industry and neglect necessary turrets or starting with the wrong major module.

Or answering the phone while your heroes are being swarmed *nodnod*
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11 years ago
Feb 19, 2014, 9:19:58 PM
After playing the 0.2.0 version, I found the last level terribly easier with the laser-module at level 4 and with no presence of "minor module" crusher monster it was just a kind big alley of murder with my heroes just waiting the end of the waves. with improvement of major modules the income was just crazy. I finished the alpha with a kind of 500 140 250 resources left. My final score was 7995.
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11 years ago
Feb 16, 2014, 3:29:33 PM
The balance changed, and with the integration of skills and such, made me have to reevaluate how to run through things. I've beaten it around 6 times now, with a top score of 3035. Not horrible. Likely going to lay off until the next update. Loving this.
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11 years ago
Feb 15, 2014, 12:23:28 AM
While I actually beat it on my second run through, I failed to do so on the next half dozen, so I picked the second choice instead. My second run I got very lucky with Sara and Deena to start, TWO tutus within the first few rooms, and an additional hero on each of L1 and L2 with some additional helpful gear. Getting a third eye at the start of the third floor, as well as healing blueprints, combined with a layout that allowed me to defend 5 major modules behind a single chokepoint (and the dust from the eye to power everything without even thinking twice) pretty much cinched the game - had all heroes up to L6 halfway through the level, and had to turn down accepting a 5th teammate due to party size limit. From that point on I never had an issue with food, ind, or dust for the rest of the game. Basically, I got really lucky and everything just lined up to be timed and positioned perfectly the whole run :P Haven't seen another one that perfect since then though, but I've gotten to the point that I can beat it about half the time now (and more often than that if I allow myself to restart at the beginning for a good hero pair, rather than taking whatever I'm given).
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11 years ago
Jan 23, 2014, 11:43:48 PM
I initially beat it within my first couple tries. It was rare that I didn't make it well into the third floor. Right now I still have yet to get past the 4th due to scarcity of nodes and dust.
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11 years ago
Jan 22, 2014, 12:06:28 PM
My theory is that most if not all of the people who don't think it was too easy didn't know about the active-pause.
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11 years ago
Jan 22, 2014, 6:05:56 AM
Won on my first go by playing safe. In general, I minimized the number of routes to the crystal and made a fortified choke point. I had 2-3 characters at the choke point, and one scout. As soon as the scout opened a new door, he immediately fell back to join the others. The first two levels were a breeze, but on the third I lost focus for a few seconds and lost a character. I leveled up as soon as possible (with a small buffer for emergency healing) and spent a lot of dust on new items (always plenty - made sure to open every door).

Once I discovered how easy it was to pause (spacebar) and that orders could be given while paused it took a lot of the stress away. Let the battle go for ~8 seconds, pause, reevaluate the situation, make changes, and continue.
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11 years ago
Jan 20, 2014, 10:42:27 AM
Yes this took me some time, but I managed it somehow - grab the crystal and RUN LIKE HELL IS CHASING YOU - well, it actually IS chasing you lol
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11 years ago
Jan 19, 2014, 10:02:58 PM
It was hard but doable, I had to get the hang of it. Some of the random levels do require a bit of luck in not encountering a ton of enemies in the beginning or having few nearby nodes.

Still I usually explore the entire dungeon. In the end of level 3 its get a bit easy, you have 4 level 5 hero's kitted out with gear (meaning you can use your food just for heals). I had support guys killing entire waves by themselves because I could spam the heal button.

Very nice game though, looking forward how it develops.
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11 years ago
Jan 19, 2014, 4:14:05 PM
I beat it on my fourth attempt, but I don't generally consider losing more than 50% of the time easy. I found that my ability to succeed was linked to how much dust I found. Going through 5 rooms without finding any dust is a real killer.
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11 years ago
Jan 19, 2014, 3:34:15 AM
Surprisingly my best run to date - I Didn't get hardly any blueprints except for heals and the tesla. I grinded food up and got 3 characters to level 5 as quickly as possible and sacrificed some dust for merch items.

More than any other game with roguelike elements I feel like this one with the right strategy will let you adapt and pull through surprisingly well. I haven't had that typical roguelike feel of "oh, well I didn't get X, Y, Z within the first two floors so I guess i'll restart".

And of course, when I think i'm on top of the world suddenly things can come crashing down XD

*edit* - To mention, Troe is my king door opener, thus far. I've had really good luck with him.
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11 years ago
Jan 19, 2014, 12:14:22 AM
I only recently stopped using Gork as my door opener. I've never had a group kill him, even as he ran through the different hostile waves.

I'm really excited about the 4th floor being added and the skills playing a factor. Can't wait to see how it changes the overall feel of the game.
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11 years ago
Jan 17, 2014, 3:05:26 PM
I put easy even though it likely took me more than 7 times. I did however initially restart the moment I lost a single NPC (Even if the others were all in better shape).

Finally beat it with only a single NPC, the other three all died in a single set of waves on Level 3.

Found hostiles + 3 waves spawned. Level 5 Gork died to those sprinting NPC killers before he made it two rooms (he had to make it 3 to get back to turrets/kill area). The other two who died were not as levelled nor did they have nearly the same amount of HP, it was a case of HP melting faster than Healing would have helped in their cases. I think from what I could see by the time they reached the final NPC (after running through ~15-20 3Ind Turrets) and there were still ~7 of the sprinters, on top of the bugs, diamonds and golems.

Gork is definitely not the best choice for opening doors when far away from Turrets, he can't escape groups in time to survive because he is so slow. At least not until they add skills (And he gets some sort of Tanky skill)
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11 years ago
Jan 17, 2014, 2:50:48 PM
I would have summed that up under "not knowing that there is a pause-button". ^^
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11 years ago
Jan 13, 2014, 9:39:49 AM
Hello, just a little poll to know how you managed your escape through the 3 levels of the Alpha.

As I am always unlucky in roguelikes and other stuffs, it took me nearly ten attempts to finish properly.

The key to winning was to have a good pool of heroes (Gork smiley: cool and another hero with good speed) to begin with.

I must say that the last time was the easier though, and too easy when finishing level 3.

For this, I think that there is a lot of balancing to be done until the release of the game... But it's already a good challenge !
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11 years ago
Jan 17, 2014, 10:01:53 AM
Chakiral wrote:

There are some couple of beginning variables that are a key to the success, when other will simply not allow you to make it. Ok, it's a rogue-like, it's like that.

Sorry, but I don't think that the fluctuation in the beginning variables is big enough to cause the game to not allow you to make it.

If you know what the worst thing that could possibly happen is and how to manage it anyways, then there is no exception to always making it.

Unless you make a crucial mistake that is, like trying to save that 5 food and not healing a hero who needs it or trying to save the industry and neglect necessary turrets or starting with the wrong major module.
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11 years ago
Jan 16, 2014, 2:45:13 PM
I think now after having put the hours in, I could probably get to level 3 about 90% of the time. But initially it did take about 5 goes to get to level 3.
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11 years ago
Jan 16, 2014, 12:17:57 PM
Well, the poll is incredibly clear : the unlucky group (as me) is a minority !

I think that all the answers are around the same point :

There are some couple of beginning variables that are a key to the success, when other will simply not allow you to make it. Ok, it's a rogue-like, it's like that.

The key to a good rogue-like for me is to have an interesting beginning each time, and the "Tower Defense" part authorizes the testing of some "it may work & lucky situations", rather than "It's not OK, the first 3 rooms are completely full of bad-ass, I have to restart X times if I want to go through it".

The difficulty needs to be balanced when playing the game.

Maybe some "Director" event as Left 4 Dead would add some difficulty when needed, or simply not happen when the situation will be too frustrating for some of the players ?
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11 years ago
Jan 15, 2014, 1:43:47 AM
It's an enjoyable diversion but not overly difficult once the mechanics of wave spawns are made clear. The RNG can be harsh in the first 5-6 rooms if you can't get enough major nodes quickly also if you start with no heroes who can repair. That doesn't really feel like difficulty though IMO, it seems like poor balancing especially with regards to repair skill. All that said I can really see additional levels stretch the limits of a player and their party assuming the stick with a 4 hero group in increasingly expansive dungeon. Plus the current game only having 3 levels leads to a power spike for heros late level 2 if you manage to blow all your dust on a merchant. I'd expect later upgrades to be more incremental just by nature of the RNG.
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11 years ago
Jan 14, 2014, 10:35:25 PM
I beat it on my third attempt smiley: smile Keep going back though, since the fact the dungeons are randomized makes things so much better and replayable.
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