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Mist ?! (looking for some answer and information)

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11 years ago
Feb 24, 2014, 9:19:57 PM
Basically what people have been saying is correct:

Dust can be:

  • Found in a new room after opening the door. I do not know what the chances are for this event to trigger.
  • Gained by selling items to the merchant.
  • Looted from enemies.

If I understand things correctly:

Enemies have a chance to drop 1 dust upon defeat.

The chance for an enemy to leave dust behind is based on two factors: the type of enemy and which level of the dungeon you are in.

In the current build:

The small four legged enemies have a base chance of 0.1 (10%) to drop dust. The enemies going directly for the crystal and the very fast enemies hunting the heroes have the highst chance at 0.7 (70%).

The Dungeon by itself has a loot probability modifier of 1. That means that by default, all monsters have their inherent chance to drop dust.

In the current build, the first level of the dungeon has no additional loot probability modifier. So again, a tiny enemy with a 10% chance to drop loot has exactly that 10%, while a large crystal golem has their inherent 60% chance.

Level 2 of the dungeon has a modifier of 0.9. So every monster only has a 90% chance of their inherent chance to drop loot. The tiny enemy then instead of a 10% chance has a 9% chance. The enemy going after the crystal from a 70% chance has a 63% chance, the crytal golem a 54% chance etc.

Level 3 has a 0.7 multiplier, so the chance drops even more.

Lvl 4 has a 0.5 multiplier. All monsters have half their inherent chance to drop dust.

Lvl 5 has a 0.4 multiplier.

Of course all these multipliers are based on the current build and are bound to change as new levels are added and the game is balanced accordingly.
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11 years ago
Feb 24, 2014, 6:58:52 PM
I haven't played much the game but from what I saw :

- You can randomly gain mist in new rooms

- You can randomly gain mist on defeated monsters, but you need to fetch it with a hero

- Some heroes improve the chance of gaining mist.

- Gained mist in rooms is often 5-10.

- Gained mist on monsters is often 1-2 (not sure about the 2 though)

I'm not sure if there are other recognizable patterns like "mist on only empty rooms"... Maybe more experienced people can say ?
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11 years ago
Feb 24, 2014, 6:56:46 PM
Ohhh, is that Dust? Is the resource named differently for different languages?

If it is Dust, then yeah, I'm not too sure myself. I think the only ways to gain mist are by opening doors, killing enemies, and selling items. I could be wrong about opening doors.
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