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Any news on upgrading from pixel to founder pack?

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10 years ago
Jun 20, 2014, 11:12:22 AM
melkathi wrote:
They are.

What Steph said is that they have been available in ES for those people who have the Founders pack since the first day the Founder's pack existed. Unlike Josh 'Ntello who only became available this week.

Oh, okay, was just the way it was worded made me a bit confused. I really want to play as the Vaulters. Thanks for clearing it up.
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10 years ago
Jun 27, 2014, 12:51:47 PM
The Upgrade from Pixel to Founder was requested by players who enjoyed the game but wanted to enjoy the extra content initially promised to the Founder Pack owners only. We thought it was better to give these people the small advantage (after all, they didn't know if they would have liked it at first) while still giving others, if they want to, the ability to upgrade.

And in general, you will notice that bundles (even if I don't like calling the Founder Pack a bundle...) are usually cheaper than having to purchase a DLC, and another and so on.

But yeah, it's up to you to decide if our sweat and tears are worth the extra cents. smiley: smile
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10 years ago
Jun 26, 2014, 5:12:04 PM
Zigeye wrote:
My guess is that it took some work to make it available to us and only a fool would work for free.

The fact that the founders pack is only for people who are interested in supporting the game and basically gives you nothing of true value, it was easy to assume such intentions of your "frame of mind" as you so put. Had you added the above details for the Devs, I might have assumed otherwise. My apologies still for my incorrect assumptions. Hope you enjoy the new founders pack smiley: smile

I never stated as such my intentions, and from the outset was clear that I was asking for clarification from the devs. Of course I don't expect the devs to work for free; I have the greatest respect for Amplitude for actually having Alpha games that get regular content updates. My concern was that those of us who were unsure whether we would see value in the additional bonuses of the Founder pack end up paying more via the upgrade option than if we had stumbled blindly in, uncertain of whether or not this was a game we would enjoy.

As far as posting the question publicly, I feel that it was a big enough concern that those who may peruse the forum as guests or even those too shy to speak up for themselves may be wondering the same thing, hence my posting it in this thread. As the OP, and a significant contributor to all of Amplitudes projects, I have that right. The only thing I ask in return is a fair answer from the devs. Steph'nie, do you have any word on the pricing of the upgrade to pass along in regards to my question?
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10 years ago
Jun 25, 2014, 8:02:34 PM
leracos wrote:
I know what it is, thank you very much. I have no problems supporting the development, and intend to purchase the upgrade myself. I just want to know, from the *devs*, if there is a specific reason the upgrade ends up being priced higher than the Founder pack straight up (Or if it's another error on Valve's part). Stop making assumptions about my frame of mind. I was not complaining, I was simply asking for some clarification.

My guess is that it took some work to make it available to us and only a fool would work for free.

The fact that the founders pack is only for people who are interested in supporting the game and basically gives you nothing of true value, it was easy to assume such intentions of your "frame of mind" as you so put. Had you added the above details for the Devs, I might have assumed otherwise. My apologies still for my incorrect assumptions. Hope you enjoy the new founders pack smiley: smile
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10 years ago
Jun 25, 2014, 3:51:40 PM
Your wording made his assumption rather reasonable.

If other people replying to your posts bothers you, I highly advise using PMs. That way only the intended recipient will be involved.
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10 years ago
Jun 25, 2014, 3:49:41 PM
Zigeye wrote:
The founders pack upgrade is only added on for people who missed out on getting it because of some hesitation about the game and will surely disappear when the game is released. You're paying an extra $0.73 with the 25% off. Who cares! If you don't want to support this game then don't buy it.

I know what it is, thank you very much. I have no problems supporting the development, and intend to purchase the upgrade myself. I just want to know, from the *devs*, if there is a specific reason the upgrade ends up being priced higher than the Founder pack straight up (Or if it's another error on Valve's part). Stop making assumptions about my frame of mind. I was not complaining, I was simply asking for some clarification.
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10 years ago
Jun 24, 2014, 6:21:39 PM
Zigeye wrote:
Not really sure how to add it into my achievements on this forum... but.... it's cool. I'm still happy smiley: biggrin

Never mind, there is an extra code to upload under CD Key on Steam, I just didn't look hard enough :P
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10 years ago
Jun 24, 2014, 3:33:32 PM
Xumari wrote:
Great! I've purchased it! Thanks!! smiley: biggrin

I also purchased it! Much Thanks!
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10 years ago
Jun 24, 2014, 6:59:31 AM
leracos wrote:
I have a concern regarding this. After checking the prices on the store page, and adding up the total costs, as of right now the Pixel Pack + Founder Upgrade costs more than buying Founder outright. Pixel + Upgrade is $21, whereas Founder outright is only $20. Would one of the devs care to share light on why this is?

The founders pack upgrade is only added on for people who missed out on getting it because of some hesitation about the game and will surely disappear when the game is released. You're paying an extra $0.73 with the 25% off. Who cares! If you don't want to support this game then don't buy it.

On a side note, thanks for allowing me to upgrade Amplitude, I'm happy to tip you some change for the privilege of being a founder of your amazing game! Not really sure how to add it into my achievements on this forum... but.... it's cool. I'm still happy smiley: biggrin
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10 years ago
Jun 24, 2014, 6:37:01 AM
I have a concern regarding this. After checking the prices on the store page, and adding up the total costs, as of right now the Pixel Pack + Founder Upgrade costs more than buying Founder outright. Pixel + Upgrade is $21, whereas Founder outright is only $20. Would one of the devs care to share light on why this is?
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10 years ago
Jun 21, 2014, 8:38:23 PM
SheidoQ wrote:
hi i bought the founder pack but where can i accept the cd key, or when the game release can i?

If you've brought the Founders pack, then it should install like any other Steam game. Most of the content should be available at release.
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10 years ago
Jun 21, 2014, 6:50:43 PM
hi i bought the founder pack but where can i accept the cd key, or when the game release can i?
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10 years ago
Jun 20, 2014, 9:42:04 PM
Ancalador wrote:
Great now i'm gonna be stalking Steam till they get their act together...

You and me both. They really need to sort out their releases of events like this. Screws the system over so many times...
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10 years ago
Jun 20, 2014, 8:44:33 PM
Okay so end result is that we're waiting for Valve to fix things so those of us who want to can upgrade, and when we do we will get everything that is available to those who originally bought the Founder's Pack, but it will only be available until the game is officially released.

Great now i'm gonna be stalking Steam till they get their act together...
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10 years ago
May 30, 2014, 5:59:22 AM
I'd like to bump up my contribution, and I'm wondering if devs have an answer for this yet. Thanks!
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10 years ago
Jun 20, 2014, 11:08:03 AM
Crystion wrote:
Wait so are the Vaulters not available with the upgrade?

They are.

What Steph said is that they have been available in ES for those people who have the Founders pack since the first day the Founder's pack existed. Unlike Josh 'Ntello who only became available this week.
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10 years ago
Jun 20, 2014, 10:46:58 AM
Steph'nie wrote:
The Vaulters, coupons and forum awards have been available since the very beginning. However, we promised the unique hero and ship, soundtrack for a bit later or for the real release (out of Alpha and Beta).

Wait so are the Vaulters not available with the upgrade?
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10 years ago
Jun 20, 2014, 9:04:11 AM
ok thanks! so we must wait and when valve make their job, the upgrade will be available.
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10 years ago
Jun 20, 2014, 8:23:32 AM
lukemacu wrote:
I must be missing something here. Prior to the Beta I had bought the Founder pack, I have all the other hallmarks of it: The Vaulters in ES, the extra coupon, even the badge. How come I'm hearing now that it wasn't available until recently?

The Vaulters, coupons and forum awards have been available since the very beginning. However, we promised the unique hero and ship, soundtrack for a bit later or for the real release (out of Alpha and Beta).

Sandrock wrote:
" You will only be able to pick up the Founder Pack Upgrade during the Beta"

yes, and what's the name of the news? "Dungeon of the Endless - Now In Beta "

So the question seem logical no?

The Founder Pack Upgrade (for Pixel Pack owners who want to upgrade to a Founder Pack) has only been made available now: from Beta until the release (well, when Valve fixes the issue because it's still not showing on the Steam store). As for the discounts, our logic is to have our game 25% for the duration of Alpha (game being more likely to be buggy and with lots of missing features), then a 10% discount for the Beta and finally full price for the normal release.
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10 years ago
Jun 20, 2014, 1:42:25 AM
The Founders addon pack was supposed to go up in the shop today, but what with the summer sale, something went wrong on Valve's end.

The "only available during beta" line means that the Founder's Pack will not be available once the game officially launches. So those of us who got the pack during Alpha yay. Those who get it now also yay! Those who get the game in a few months when the beta is over: not so yay.
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10 years ago
Jun 20, 2014, 1:25:21 AM
It would be logical, but it also says beta discount will be 10% AFTER summer sales...so maybe that's when they plan to do it? In order to give new people a chance to buy Founder's before price goes up? But that would mean we who bought during Alpha would have to pay more. It is confusing...
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10 years ago
Jun 19, 2014, 11:56:56 PM
" You will only be able to pick up the Founder Pack Upgrade during the Beta"

yes, and what's the name of the news? "Dungeon of the Endless - Now In Beta "

So the question seem logical no?
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10 years ago
Jun 19, 2014, 11:49:27 PM
"To celebrate the Beta of DotE, you will finally be able to purchase the Founder Pack Upgrade, that includes the unique Library ship and Josh 'Ntello hero, Endless Space coupons, and the Founder Pack badge for our forum. You will only be able to pick up the Founder Pack Upgrade during the Beta: once we announce and reach the final release, it will be too late! Also, the game (both editions: Pixel and Founder pack) will keep the 25% Alpha discount until the end of the Steam Summer Sales before changing into the usual 10% Beta discount."
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10 years ago
Jun 19, 2014, 8:45:23 PM
I must be missing something here. Prior to the Beta I had bought the Founder pack, I have all the other hallmarks of it: The Vaulters in ES, the extra coupon, even the badge. How come I'm hearing now that it wasn't available until recently?
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10 years ago
Jun 19, 2014, 6:04:57 PM
Hi, I have the Pixel Pack and always wanted to upgrade to the Founder Pack. Now I saw that the Founder Pack Upgrade should be available due to the last update. But I can't find it. Did I get something wrong?
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10 years ago
Jun 2, 2014, 1:09:57 PM
leracos wrote:
Thanks for the quick response! About to give Endless Legend a try, went Founder on that one after my impressions of Dungeon. smiley: biggrin

Oh thanks for the support. The games are completely different but it's nice that DotE players go and check Space or Legend because it shares the same universe, and vice versa! smiley: smile
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10 years ago
May 30, 2014, 2:26:27 PM
Thanks for the quick response! About to give Endless Legend a try, went Founder on that one after my impressions of Dungeon. smiley: biggrin
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10 years ago
May 30, 2014, 9:46:36 AM
leracos wrote:
I'd like to bump up my contribution, and I'm wondering if devs have an answer for this yet. Thanks!

Not yet, unfortunately. But we'll post announcements when/if this happens!
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