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What DLC would you like to see?

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10 years ago
Nov 8, 2014, 10:59:15 AM
Well if it is about me then i will prefer the Aliens Theme because i just love it. and rest of the thing is already explained by the user Vasuki above here..
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10 years ago
Nov 6, 2014, 7:29:15 AM
Yeah, my idea has theory, but it doesn't have balance because we can't playtest the idea.

"On the lower floors, it rarely happens, but on the highest floors, it may happen thrice in a single door turn."

This is vaguely worded, but it's theoretically balanced to stop players from grinding the floors on a lower level.

"For example the power comes from the Crystal, so if the first door from the crystal is closed you'd lose all power regardless, and then wouldn't the game be slightly broken if every time you open a door at least one door closes?"

You could probably add in an increasing rate of reclosing. I mean, if one door closed every time you opened one on the 12th floor, you wouldn't really be able to get past the first door, lol. I'll edit my original post to say that "up to three" doors may close instead though.

"What would happen if you are closed off by several doors from the crystal but monsters spawn immediately next to it when you try to get back?"

You bite the bullet, open them all, and power them back immediately. It seems insanely difficult but in these cases, the devs will rebalance by giving you different buffs. That, or we could put in a bit of a point system for doors closing. Here, I'll be more specific...

Every turn, the bad guys gain +1 reclose point. The bad guys randomly spend these reclose points on the following available options, but they have a maximum amount they can spend per turn, which also increases at a rate of 2 max reclose points per turn.

0: Nothing happens. (The bad guys will choose this option 50% of the time)

1: An opened door which is three opened doors away from the crystal is closed.

2: ^ ditto except 2 doors will close

3: ^ ditto except 3 doors will close

4: An opened door which is two doors away from the crystal is closed

and so on... You may consider #3 to be more or less powerful than #4, but that's what playtesting is for.

10: A door next to the crystal closes.
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10 years ago
Nov 6, 2014, 10:20:05 AM
Themed special levels that can appear randomly instead of a normal floor, with different layouts, rules and/or graphical theme. Like some of the game-changing steles, but for the entire level instead of a few doors. One of these being generated could be announced in-character through an elevator dialogue.


"The Gauntlet" : layout is a straight line of rooms to the exit.

"The Hive": some rooms contain holes instead of major module slots which are eligible for a wave spawn even if room is powered. Necrophage Queen boss monster on the elevator. Maybe a forklift armor suit to be found in the level that grants bonus against her. smiley: smile

"The Reactor": home of a damaged reactor, radiation damages modules on each door opening, repair skill is disabled. Deena could have flavour dialogues there, mentioning that the heroes are also taking their fair share of radiation and that they're now doomed to die in X years at most. OPBot's brain could be messed up and he could throw nonsensical statements or start singing (Futurama fans can think of Bender with a magnet stuck to the head).
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10 years ago
Nov 6, 2014, 8:57:41 PM
I was bored a couple days ago and designed some characters.

Drillbot(Names not final obvioisly.)

Device, device, device. (Maybe too broken? 2 instead?)

Passive:Me first, recycle, operate, master hacker...

Spare Batteries- minor modules buffed in some manner.

Radioactive: Unlit rooms occupied by drillbot become powered, allowing modules to be built. Room unpowered when he leaves it.

Active- Magnet stomp. All units in room immobolised. Du 3, cd 3.

Malfunction. Damage recieved dealt back to attacker.

Basically a tank who can defend a room better than any other character. By himself, low damage. But plop him in a dark room choke point, soround him in modules, and only the craziest of waves will topple him.

Have more if anyone interested.
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10 years ago
Nov 6, 2014, 9:39:10 PM
Clock wrote:
To throw in my own 2 cents, I'd be interested in doors that couldn't be opened without a key that had to be bought from a shop vendor. Not necessarily as a recurring opportunity but say one or two levels had a locked door that either gave extraordinary riches or brought down super hordes that could potentially completely overwhelm the player, providing a tantalizing but risky opportunity for the player to decide.

I like the key idea, but think the key should always lead to a positive thing. It might not be positive enough to warrant the cost of the key, but that would be the risk rather than bringing a crazy wave upon you. That would be a double negative which would really frustrate players.
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10 years ago
Nov 7, 2014, 12:19:46 AM
It'd be cool if there were more things to find in opened rooms. Other roguelikes use pre-established things spiced in to the procedural stuff to great effect, like specific unique mini-boss monsters and 'vaults.' A hallway already set up with Endless auto-defenses which you can activate with Dust, a Hurnas camp where you can pay them off to either stop their unit type from spawning or even fight on your side, a Necrophage hive a few rooms deep where you can choose to fight through a huge shit-swarm for the promise of excellent loot at the end, Endless gene-lab equipment that isn't busted, which you can activate on one of your people to give them a permanent trait of some kind, that sort of thing.
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10 years ago
Nov 7, 2014, 11:32:35 AM
What makes game live longer - replayability.

Item mods/prefixes/postfixes - changing items stats a bit. Like -0.1 cooldown/ +1 speed and -4 armor/ +3 damage; More random items - not just Ricewind, good Ricewind and best Ricewind. It can be debuffing Ricewind, AoE dmg Ricewind, Ricewind that deals more dmg the longer it fires and so on.

Hero passives scaling with their lvls.

Non-linear Hero progression. Not just lvling up and getting exact same hero over and over, but maybe choosing/getting slightly different passives each time.

Different paths in module research.
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10 years ago
Nov 7, 2014, 5:56:49 PM
What I would like to see? Secret areas!

Maybe with changing scenery when you find a secret passage to a place that doesn't look like an indoor area. Caves, rooms without any lights, submerged areas ... what gives me another idea. To visit submerged area you will need to find some kind of a diving equipment, to get any benefits from dark rooms etc. you will need a flash light or a torch, which will give u a bit of light ahead or around the character. In general, I want to see some more interactions and excitement smiley: wink
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10 years ago
Nov 8, 2014, 1:54:04 AM
Clock wrote:
Basically I'm interested in finding out what people would like to see in terms of Downloadable content, if there is any.

This thread sickens me, as an old school gamer.

Almost as soon as the game is out, and before anyone's actually explored the intricacies of the game, people are asking for DLC.

DLCs are an abomination unto the world, a vile practice which says to the gamer : "You bought an incomplete game".

That being said, Paradox have done some things right with adding features to the base game (I'm talking about EUIV) with the release of DLC.

However, they've done loads of things wrong. The DLC for EUIV is almost a hundred pounds on steam (and if you think that's bad, look at train simulator 2013).

I bought Civilization 5 twice, because it was cheaper to do so and get all the DLC the second time around than it was to buy the DLC separately on a game I already own. I'm going to wait with the new Civilization.

Punishing people who buy the game early on is not a good way to encourage sales.

Rant over smiley: wink
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10 years ago
Nov 6, 2014, 7:10:57 AM
How would that work though? For example the power comes from the Crystal, so if the first door from the crystal is closed you'd lose all power regardless, and then wouldn't the game be slightly broken if every time you open a door at least one door closes? Finding the exit would be beyond challenging if you have no safety nets. What would happen if you are closed off by several doors from the crystal but monsters spawn immediately next to it when you try to get back?
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10 years ago
Nov 8, 2014, 2:05:05 PM
Smauler wrote:
This thread sickens me, as an old school gamer.

Almost as soon as the game is out, and before anyone's actually explored the intricacies of the game, people are asking for DLC.

DLCs are an abomination unto the world, a vile practice which says to the gamer : "You bought an incomplete game".

That being said, Paradox have done some things right with adding features to the base game (I'm talking about EUIV) with the release of DLC.

However, they've done loads of things wrong. The DLC for EUIV is almost a hundred pounds on steam (and if you think that's bad, look at train simulator 2013).

I bought Civilization 5 twice, because it was cheaper to do so and get all the DLC the second time around than it was to buy the DLC separately on a game I already own. I'm going to wait with the new Civilization.

Punishing people who buy the game early on is not a good way to encourage sales.

Rant over smiley: wink

There is a difference, between DLC from some publishers nowdays (like Ubisoft cutting about a half of content from their games before release, and selling it later for price highter than game itself) and what we are talking about.

People here not just saing "give us more dlc and microtransactions", but asking Amplitude to continue work on one of their games. And we discussing, in what direction we want to see this game moving.

Yes, there is still "questionable" (as i'm pretty OK with it) price policy, buy i cannot call DotE an incomplete game, even if you get only Pixel pack, and didn't buy EL.
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10 years ago
Nov 8, 2014, 2:10:11 PM
"...before anyone's actually explored the intricacies of the game"

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10 years ago
Nov 8, 2014, 10:35:02 PM
TheStrife wrote:
I really hope they release Kreyang and the Refreezerator pod as a separate DLC.

They are working on that.
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10 years ago
Nov 8, 2014, 11:12:14 PM
In order -

more minor modules. There's not enough variety right now. Call me what you'd like but I tend to gravitate twoards the severely overpowered modules, while others seem far less exciting or even useful. Some scale incredibly well, others don't at all. This could be a design choice, but I really think there needs to be more variety here to introduce more ways to win besides the few strategies that I know work.

more characters. Similar to the minor modules except there's a pretty good mixture of characters here to round out strategy. I think this game could do with more heroes though since these are the keys for lasting enjoyment for me personally.

more pods. I think the pods thus far have done a good job to address suggestions from the community. I'd like to see more, but the Characters / Minor Mods would have more value to the overall package.
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10 years ago
Nov 9, 2014, 2:57:13 PM
What I would like to see, mostly game modes. I guess new ships / vessels.

Maybe a ship where you get random heroes every floor. Or another mode that is superhard (no food and no healing? heroes level up through xp per kills?), but each time you hero dies it gets replaced by another random hero, the goal would be to beat the level with your basic pool of 16 heroes.

A mode where heroes level through kills (or being in a room with turrets) seems like it has good pottential to me.

New heroes would not hurt, if they are truly different from what already exist and bring new abilities. For instance there is a lack of global abilities, ie abilities that work for the whole floor like Nanor's cooking with gas. We can imagine a lot of things, from monster slowdown, to increased vulnerability to monsters to other variations. We could also imagine heroes that can attack /nuke anywhere on the map (cooldown ability) or even teleport. Heroes who can mindcontrol a monster to keep him as ally? A new hero similar to gork (super tanky) with return damage to monsters as he gets attacked. A hero who does more damage the less health he has. The list goes on.

But what would really interest me are heroes with double edged abilities, that can both hurt and help you, but not directly in damage and health. Maybe an ability that makes monsters weaker / more vulnerable but also makes them move faster. Or make them slow moving but do more damage. Or an ability that makes the monsters move backwards for a moment, but they get a speed boost at the end. Things like that would add variety to our runs.
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10 years ago
Nov 5, 2014, 5:10:51 PM
Mysterarts wrote:
Our universe has a timeline, each of the EL factions does not exist at the time DotE is taking place smiley: wink

And there are already several enemies and heroes connections between the 3 games...

I know there are Broken Lords, Drakken, Necrophage and "early Vaulters". That's why I did not mentioned them. But There was some Mages around, right ? And there was Wild Walkers living in the forest misusing animals for sharing (that could be some bosses in later levels, where there will be someone controlling animals, sending them to you until you catch him and kill him. I see there already is big rhino thing that Roving Clans unit ride. But there could be Merchant Hero already, right ? And in cultist lore there is mention about Queen and the second one sleeping, but robots (servants) could still be there. And about minor factions... they were created by Endless, so they are there already.
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10 years ago
Nov 4, 2014, 1:21:41 PM
I'm hoping for a few strongly themed expansions adding more characters and ships.

I would like to see a more "versus" orientated game mode for example with either only prisoners or crew being playable and the heroes of the other side used as boss encounters on each floor. The pack could then include a couple more characters of those two factions.

Then there could be an Auriga Native Pack, perhaps with a game mode themed around not being in the pod at start - perhaps having to locate a crystal and bringing it back to the exit.
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10 years ago
Nov 4, 2014, 4:13:04 PM
A mode to play as aliens also may be.

And new characters that serve some purpose in new kinds of strategies. May be heroes that can have more probability of item-finding if they are not calculated prehand. Or like magicians that use skills that damage based on Will instead of attack damage , or a hero that does near to no damage , have little health also , but has interesting skills like building mods , ... i don't know.
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