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What DLC would you like to see?

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10 years ago
Nov 4, 2014, 8:55:40 PM
More lore! Extended dialogues and in-game books (found as items) to describe game universe in more details. And maybe new kind of trading NPC which trades not items but skills.
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10 years ago
Nov 4, 2014, 9:40:23 PM
Basically what Melkathi and Stepuk said, something that connects us more with Auriga and tons of lore please!

Maybe give us race specific dungeons from the Endless Legend races, and naturally a few more ships/heroes/items are always awesome.
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10 years ago
Nov 5, 2014, 12:07:02 AM
More characters and items etc obviously.

I'd love some more narrative touches too. Random events when you open doors, where you must make a choice (the team would vote in an MP game) causing certain things to happen. Perhaps a boss spawns or you get a temporary ally.

I'd also like to see more open areas, like you open a door into a large space. It would be broken into sections just so you can order heroes to the different sections, but otherwise would act as one large area with multiple major module slots. Hard to hold because of its size, but giving bonuses to different major modules. Eg you find a huge alien manufacturing bay, giving bonuses to industry. Or you find a greenhouse/biosphere type thing, giving bonus to food production.
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10 years ago
Nov 5, 2014, 11:54:08 AM
More lore connection with Legend. Where are Wild Walkers, Roving Clans, Arden Mages and Cultists ? I would love some of cultists robots as new enemies. Arden Mage as hero (prisoner) with skills with low cooldown. Roving Clan member as hero (guard) with cool cooperation with merchants. Wild Walkers in primal state as sharing users, some shapeshifting.

Most important I would like to see balance changes to everything, but that's obvious.

More minor factions from Endless Legend can be implemented as enemies. Or as heroes. I would like some connections.

And if should be something huge than adding different mode "surface mode". Where you see whole floor and you have to survive waves of enemies and build some base. Like "first city settlers".
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10 years ago
Nov 5, 2014, 4:49:47 PM

Very interesting topic, we're carefully reading your expectations smiley: smile

Just a small precision about myrec's post:

Where are Wild Walkers, Roving Clans, Arden Mages and Cultists ?

Our universe has a timeline, each of the EL factions does not exist at the time DotE is taking place smiley: wink

And there are already several enemies and heroes connections between the 3 games...
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10 years ago
Nov 5, 2014, 5:04:53 PM
Characters, ships, new tilesets, all given. But new play modes are something I would like to see. For example:

Reverse Mode: You take the role of the hordes of monsters. Every round, the AI powers another room and spends generated resources to build new modules. Once those are set, you spend dust (which increases every round) to select what rooms your hordes spawn from, how many spawn, and how strong they are. Once your setup is done, you hit play, and watch the AI open a door and the fun begins, with the ultimate goal of stopping the heroes form reaching the elevator. I envision two selectable difficulties: Too Easy, emulating a floor from 1-4, and Easy, emulating a floor from 6-10.
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10 years ago
Nov 4, 2014, 12:51:38 PM
Basically I'm interested in finding out what people would like to see in terms of Downloadable content, if there is any.
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10 years ago
Nov 5, 2014, 9:05:07 PM
Hey! Id like to see an mod where someone is playing an alien hero and trying to stop the human progression.

Or just a versus mod. smiley: smile
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10 years ago
Nov 5, 2014, 10:10:58 PM
After thinking, what was done really good in other games with procedual generation (Risk of Rain, Binding of Isaac, Diablo 2 O_o ), i come to the simple conclusion: items.

In those two games items are really "game changing" things, your gameplay always depends on them.

So what did i want to see in future expansions? - Deeper items mechanic.

Right now we already can see some of them: Aftershave and Hipster Scarf/Ahrmani Suit.

Other weapons/armors/devices also gives some passives, but they are not unique. Not a problem, but makes it a little bit boring.

P.S. And how about to include an epic/legendary loot, which grants an active skill to hero, who wears it? smiley: cool As we can see, hero panel have a third "always empty" slot.
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10 years ago
Nov 5, 2014, 10:49:45 PM
I want to see scenario packs with pixel art comic book issues as rewards for beating them:

For example:

Golgy in the Lair of the Spider Queen

(introducing the drider faction from EL as a boss encounter).
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10 years ago
Nov 6, 2014, 12:13:45 AM
Lynx_gnt wrote:
After thinking, what was done really good in other games with procedual generation (Risk of Rain, Binding of Isaac, Diablo 2 O_o ), i come to the simple conclusion: items.

In those two games items are really "game changing" things, your gameplay always depends on them.

So what did i want to see in future expansions? - Deeper items mechanic.

Right now we already can see some of them: Aftershave and Hipster Scarf/Ahrmani Suit.

Other weapons/armors/devices also gives some passives, but they are not unique. Not a problem, but makes it a little bit boring.

P.S. And how about to include an epic/legendary loot, which grants an active skill to hero, who wears it? smiley: cool As we can see, hero panel have a third "always empty" slot.

melkathi wrote:
I want to see scenario packs with pixel art comic book issues as rewards for beating them:

For example:

Golgy in the Lair of the Spider Queen

(introducing the drider faction from EL as a boss encounter).

If a G2G vote came about with these both on the ballot, I'm not entirely sure I would be able to choosesmiley: wink
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10 years ago
Nov 6, 2014, 1:47:14 AM
For me, anything extra in any form is a great bonus.

But if possible, I'd love to get the full/completed album in hand *hint* smiley: wink
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10 years ago
Nov 6, 2014, 5:13:00 AM
To throw in my own 2 cents, I'd be interested in doors that couldn't be opened without a key that had to be bought from a shop vendor. Not necessarily as a recurring opportunity but say one or two levels had a locked door that either gave extraordinary riches or brought down super hordes that could potentially completely overwhelm the player, providing a tantalizing but risky opportunity for the player to decide.
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10 years ago
Nov 6, 2014, 6:59:18 AM
Imagine if some doors reclosed at random. Heroes, with their full module setups, are placed in a darkened room, but they can simply reopen that faulty door... if they dare!

Enter the "Repairman-man-man-man Pod"

AKA "Doors that randomly re-close Pod"

Every door turn, a random door that was already opened may close, leaving heroes on the other side of the door disconnected from the chained room of dust. The amount of times this happens per floor is limited. On the lower floors, it rarely happens, but on the highest floors, it may happen thrice in a single door turn. This changes evarythang! You'll more often leave a floor before opening all the doors, but when you decide to do so is up to you. In normal DotE, players usually just open all the doors because the rewarded amount of res gained is almost always superior to the risk of the monsters. This time around, you'll have to consider whether the reward of the res gained is equal to or greater than the amount of inherent risk that opening that door has- Since any door can reclose, this risk factor is much more random, but not completely unpredictable.
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