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10 years ago
Feb 9, 2015, 10:58:15 PM
any tips for dust? i'm at level 6 and i noticed i don't have enough dust to power rooms.

anybody know the loot percentage increase probability on the emergency generator?

i noticed the shop module mentions it generates dust if operated when merchant is present. does the merchant do the operating? anybody know the percentage of the dust?
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10 years ago
Mar 3, 2015, 1:23:15 AM
Mysterarts wrote:

The number (or the location) of lit rooms doesn't affect the probability to have a mob wave event but can reduce the number of waves during the event smiley: smile

Thanks I was just wondering after been pitted against four pit bosses from four diferent directions.
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10 years ago
Feb 24, 2015, 9:45:50 AM

The number (or the location) of lit rooms doesn't affect the probability to have a mob wave event but can reduce the number of waves during the event smiley: smile
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10 years ago
Feb 23, 2015, 5:59:15 PM
I just finished my first dungeon in the escape pod. After nearly been killed in the last floors by three pit bosses that appeared almost at the same time when I opened a door.

Now my question: Is there a condition for this monsters to appear like you left three succesive rooms unlit or is pure random as long as there is an unlit room on the floor?
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10 years ago
Feb 17, 2015, 11:49:59 PM
misterdean wrote:
i found on the wiki operating emergency generator increases loot probability by 0.5% per point of wit. that doesn't sound very enticing

Depending on how many monsters are spawning in waves, this can be more effective than operating the Shop. The Shop is 1 Dust for each 10 Wit. If a wave of monsters has 20 monsters in it, then this is also an expected 1 Dust for 10 Wit. Of course, with the rounding, it gets less clear, but in the end game, I feel like I'm usually getting 4 Dust for 31 Wit from a Shop, and to match that with a generator we would need waves of 26 monsters or more (31 Wit = +15.5% chance of dust, 4 / 0.155 ~= 26). I actually have no clue how many monsters spawn in waves later on, but I think it's more than 26. After doing this math I think I might have undervalued operating an emergency generator (even if it's slightly worse than a shop, I don't always have a merchant around to make the shop useful).

On the other hand, I really like the idea of my trained killer mercenary prisoner sitting behind the counter with a merchant and, what, selling "relics" from our crashed ship to monsters passing by?
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10 years ago
Feb 12, 2015, 12:25:46 PM
Mysterarts wrote:
(melkathi, you could have seen the Heuristic="ClosestUnpoisoned" in the XML ^^)

*grumblegrumble*Make one mistake and everyone acts as if they know the game better than you just because they are the devs and wrote the code*mumblegrumble*

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10 years ago
Feb 12, 2015, 10:59:36 AM

Some additional clarifications:

The Dust loot bonus of the Emergency Generator is only for the monster loot.

The Tear Gas effect is applied to the room. The stacking of this module is a bit special:

  • 1 Tear Gas Lvl 1 = Defense / 2
  • 2 Tear Gas Lvl 1 = Defense / (2 x 2) = Defense / 4
  • 3 Tear Gas Lvl 1 = Defense / (2 x 2 x 2) = Defense / 8
  • ...

So, it's impossible to reach a negative number smiley: wink

Indeed, the Viral Injector DoT doesn't stack, but extends the duration of the effect.

But this module will target first the closest not poisoned mob (melkathi, you could have seen the Heuristic="ClosestUnpoisoned" in the XML ^^)
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10 years ago
Feb 12, 2015, 9:40:37 AM
Cap in drill pod is 999.

I don't know if there is a minimum cap or by rounding down the game turns defense to 0, it should never become negative.

Though I learned to never trust developers when it comes to maths :P

There is nothing in the targeting AI to prioritize enemies with or without a DoT as far as I know. It should stack, though it might stack the duration and not the damage.
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10 years ago
Feb 11, 2015, 11:28:03 PM
i made it out of the escape pod. i know how most of the game works. but still have a few questions.

tear gas, is this a single target or a room effect? it says it reduces defense by half. if i have more than one will it reduce defense to zero or below zero?

viral injector, does the damage over time stack? will it prioritize enemies without the dot?

drill pod, is it really endless or is there a cap?
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10 years ago
Feb 10, 2015, 12:27:19 AM
i found on the wiki operating emergency generator increases loot probability by 0.5% per point of wit. that doesn't sound very enticing. does that increase dust chance from both enemies and rooms?

still trying to figure out my defensive strategy. not sure which minor modules i want to focus on. debating between automated damage and hero buffs. i'm assuming heroes will always do more damage. heroes can also hold aggro. i'm thinking one hero with auto-doc, bio-organic, dust field, and suppresive firebot for my choke point. this will also limit the amount of food i need for healing so i can level my heroes quicker.

also thinking about using the tesla as my only offensive module. i will fill the room before my hero to soften up enemies before my buffed up hero finishes the job.

not sure how tear gas works though. does one module effect all enemies in the room?
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10 years ago
Feb 9, 2015, 11:00:21 PM
misterdean wrote:
how does wit work?

For operating, it depends a bit on the module, but for the Food/Industry/Science modules, it's +1 resource generated for every 2 wit. For the Shop, it's +1 Dust for every 10 wit.

It's very important to note that in this case, wit rounds *up* (favorably), a lot of other math in this game rounds down (unfavorably). That means that the sweet spot for FIS modules is always slightly over a multiple of two (e.g. 2.5 to get +2 resources, 4.5 to get +3 resources). Important to note that a single, max level Mechanical Pal will give you +2.5 wit, which means +2 resources, and due to rounding, the next 3 mechanical pals you could build would only give you +1 each, until the 5, bringing the total to 12.5, once again gives an additional +2, for a total of +7 resources / turn. Similarly, at level 1, the first Mechanical Pal will give you +1 resource, but the second will give you nothing. Because of this, I almost always build a single mechanical pal with every FIS generator, especially if I've already researched them up to level 4. For the Shop, the sweet spots are 0.5 wit (e.g. 1 Mechanical Pal of any level) for +1 Dust/turn, 10.5 wit for +2 Dust/turn, etc. For shops, if I'm not going to operate them with a hero, I try to always build them in a room with 5 minor module slots, so that 5 level 4 Mechnical Pals can generate 12.5 wit, which rounds up to 2 Dust/turn. If I'm operating with a hero, I look carefully at their wit, and if I can get it up over the next boundary, I'll build Mechanical Pals to help with that, otherwise I may put a lesser operator (who, through rounding, generates the same Dust/turn) on the shop, in order to get a few more Industry or Food a turn from the wit that would otherwise be "wasted" due to rounding.

For the other major modules, I can never remember the specifics, but at least one of them gives an extra boost just *if* it is operated, regardless of the amount of wit, so building a single Mechanical Pal on that one is optimal. I seem to recall the Emergency Generator gave a percentage boost to monsters dropping dust for each point of wit (no rounding), but I'm not 100% certain.
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10 years ago
Feb 7, 2015, 6:40:44 PM
which research upgrades should i focus on?

how does wit work?

is there any reason not to open all the doors before going to the next level?

at what point should i stop building major modules? i noticed i have built some and only had a few doors left and did not recover my cost of the module.
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10 years ago
Feb 9, 2015, 12:40:16 PM
As said, the pilfering hero needs to be the first to interact with the door.

A hero needs to be hired and survive for three floors or needs to finish the game (if you hire them for example on floor 11 where there aren't three floors left).

Almost everything in the game stacks. So if you have two heroes with a skill that buffs all heroes (Knowledge is Power I think that gives Wit for example) then each hero will be buffed for each instance of the skill.

A hero can not have a skill twice though. So giving Max a Third Eye will not give him Pilfer twice.

The Max and Hikensha example means each will give you science for their Endless Expert skill. It is not really a matter of stacking as each hero is a sepparate entity and the two instances of Endlesss Expert do not interact with each other.
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10 years ago
Feb 9, 2015, 3:25:29 AM
The pilfer hero needs to reach the door first.

Needs to be hired and survive 3 turns to unlock.

Effects from turrets stack such as neurostuns and teargas. I'm unsure about hero passives; getting an item for the same passive probably doesn't work, such as Max and 3rd Eye. Same passive on 2 heroes might work, e.g. Golgy and Hikensha's nyctophilia.

Check out the wiki also. It's not comprehensive but you might find some answers yourself sooner than you'll get a response from here.
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10 years ago
Feb 8, 2015, 7:02:12 PM
how does pilfer work? does that character have to open the door? does that character have to enter the room? will it work if that character is with another character?

if a hero i discover in dungeon dies will it still unlock? do i have to hire the hero to unlock it?

do passive skills stack?

max + hikensha seems like they would provide alot of science and dust.
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10 years ago
Feb 8, 2015, 6:20:07 PM
The two numbers are the number of doors a floor will have. It is a random value between and including those two.
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10 years ago
Feb 8, 2015, 6:18:05 PM
Yes you will meet unlocked heroes in the dungeon.

Operate is very useful as resoures are extremely important.

Wit is wasted on heroes who do not operate.

Emergency generators come in handy in the late game when you have little if any dust.

Remember, the more dark rooms there are, the more monsters can spawn. Later in the game that can lead to you getting overrun.
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10 years ago
Feb 8, 2015, 5:08:23 PM
will i find characters that are already unlocked in dungeons?

how crucial is operate to survival? it's nice getting a little extra but i dislike having to force a character to stay in a room to get it.

if not planning to use the operate skill is wit useless? i know it effects the speed of repair but that's not as useful when you can repair between waves.

is emergency generator worth it? i haven't really noticed a difference in dust. dust also doesn't carry over to the next level. seems like the other resources are more important. if i wanted more dust i could also purposefully leave rooms unlit for more monsters right?

i don't understand your chart. i know the first number is the floor and the last number is the amount of doors to break even but what are the other two numbers?
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10 years ago
Feb 8, 2015, 2:53:27 PM
I appreciate the general advice. I haven't tried this game too much, but I've noticed that the difficulty can be fairly brutal at times; which is expected, I bought this because it was a rogue-like. I feel that I'm just missing out on the "flow" of the game and it will probably take many more deaths before I get a good feel for it. Good luck misterdean!
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