Max + Gork is effective. Use Max to open doors and run the crystal. Running back to your turret room after each door is a very safe thing to do, no point taking unnecessary risks.

Economy rush if you can get away with it. Neurostuns and Teargas are a must-buys, get them by the mid game. KIP's for single target bursting, Teargas/Claymoar for AoE.

Wit affects Operating and repairing. A hero with Operate that stands next to a major module for a turn will provide a boost for as long as they remain in the room.

You miss out on a lot of resources if you take an early exit, which may screw you later on. Do it on the higher floors if you have a surplus of resources and can win without making more.

I've made this for myself based on what other people have claimed to be the room ranges per floor:

1: 12-16 14

2: 13-18 15

3: 14-20 16

4: 15-22 18

5: 17-24 20

6: 19-26 22

7: 22-28 24

8: 25-31 27

9: 27-32 28

10: 27-33 28

11: 28-33 29

12: 29-34 30

The 3rd number is the number of rooms to break even with. For example on floor 3 if it costs 30 industry to make an industry module that gives +3 per turn, and I'm 7 doors opened, the floor needs another 10 to break even. I've put 16 rooms as my breakpoint figure for floor 3 so therefore it's too risky to expect a profit from placing an industry generator this far into the floor.