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[Q&A] Ask us (almost) anything

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10 years ago
Mar 8, 2015, 11:05:05 PM
How many more hero-creation contests are there gonna be? I absolutely love making and voting on ideas for DotE, but no contests excite me more than hero contests. Especially when I have the chance to get my hero into a game and some copies for my buddies. I'd love to see a duelist with 2 pistol slots and 1 device (or 1 armor) slot.
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9 years ago
Aug 13, 2015, 9:21:52 AM

We didn't forget them: we've made some good progress on the design and visual part!

We still need to work on implementing the behaviours but we're almost there smiley: smile
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9 years ago
Aug 6, 2015, 9:18:21 PM
Devv13 - Community - Has anyone contacted the devs about speedrunning this game? I started a post in the forums, but I don't want to repave a road already laid.
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9 years ago
Jul 26, 2015, 10:21:22 PM
A simple question: does the Too Easy mode turn of the Steam Achievements?

I know, super unimportant. I'm one of those weird achievement fans.
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9 years ago
Jul 16, 2015, 4:37:52 PM
Hello. Desk Lamp here. Have you guys forgotten about Rosetta? It's one thing that you do a completely new update that was announced AFTER Rosetta, and implement it into the game along with other features, but it's another thing to not even hear about Rosetta anymore. What happened?
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9 years ago
Jun 29, 2015, 9:03:45 AM
Nouka wrote:
Hello Amplitude devs!

I am trying to mod Dungeon of the Endless and found some fun stuff while doing so.( Like future mobs etc...)

What's your opinion on people modding the game and does everything in the game files need to be keep secret?

I didn't plan to show any of your assets anyway but wanted to be sure, I don't want to spoil your hard work.

If there is any problem I will stop.

Loving your games!

Hey there, you may post about what you find in the public folder but it would probably best if you did not publish anything about the art you may find: most of the content you'll find is unpursued work. smiley: zipper
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9 years ago
Jun 28, 2015, 9:31:31 PM
Hello Amplitude devs!

I am trying to mod Dungeon of the Endless and found some fun stuff while doing so.( Like future mobs etc...)

What's your opinion on people modding the game and does everything in the game files need to be keep secret?

I didn't plan to show any of your assets anyway but wanted to be sure, I don't want to spoil your hard work.

If there is any problem I will stop.

Loving your games!
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9 years ago
Jun 10, 2015, 8:54:29 AM

dotRiFF wrote:
Why is the development team avoiding the key mapping bugs that people have been having since 2014?

I answered to your question and thread here.
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9 years ago
Jun 10, 2015, 3:29:44 AM
Why is the development team avoiding the key mapping bugs that people have been having since 2014?
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9 years ago
Apr 6, 2015, 8:11:54 PM
I am relatively new to strategy games, and Endless Legend looks like just the sort of thing I want to sink my teeth into; however, I have encountered a bug (either in the software or my head?) in the Tutorial that does not allow me to move the armies to explore. I use a Mac, and have a Magic Mouse, so I do not know if the problem is with my mouse, or the Tutorial, or me. If I can't move armies or explore, I'm pretty much dead before I start. Any suggestions?
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9 years ago
Apr 5, 2015, 10:40:11 PM
GreyFerret - Hero

Was there any reference to Serious Sam in mind while creating Gork? He looks like Sam, but his nature is kinda dark. Or, maybe, kinda realistic for such alien-killer.

Or can you inscribe him more? At first I liked him, but personality not very likable.
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10 years ago
Mar 20, 2015, 11:11:39 PM
EndlessDeskLamp wrote:
How many more hero-creation contests are there gonna be? I absolutely love making and voting on ideas for DotE, but no contests excite me more than hero contests. Especially when I have the chance to get my hero into a game and some copies for my buddies. I'd love to see a duelist with 2 pistol slots and 1 device (or 1 armor) slot.

I love the duelist idea.
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10 years ago
Feb 3, 2015, 11:30:48 AM

Hey folks!

Since the release of Dungeon of he Endless, we have seen a lot of questions about the game, the lore, the scenario etc... We're encouraging you to post your questions in this thread so we can answer to them as best as we can. We will do a stream/video about it and post it in this thread.

As we did for Endless Legend here, we are ready to answer to your questions. smiley: smile

Each month, we'll select a bunch of questions, so please follow this example:

Username - Theme - Question


Saylawl - Hero - What's your favorite hero in the game?

Saylawl - Pod - How about adding a Pug Pod?


  • To avoid duplicates, check the questions that have been posted before you!
  • Make sure you keep your questions intelligible.
  • Give a chance to others and don't post too many questions (or do, but we'd like to hear the shy lurkers out there [hellobytheway!]).

You can watch the video right here: LINK

Thank you very much.
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10 years ago
Feb 24, 2015, 12:15:45 PM
Hmm, first question Romain answered, he seems to have misunderstood my question smiley: frown
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10 years ago
Feb 24, 2015, 2:06:24 AM
@Saylawl Thanks for posting the link for the stream replay, I can't wait to see what happens in April lol,

[PKMN] Haunter - Characters When can I look forward to buying hats for my characters smiley: biggrin
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10 years ago
Feb 23, 2015, 1:10:14 PM
Hello everyone!

We will stream today at 4pm CEST and will be answering your questions. smiley: smile Link here.


Edit: For those of you who missed the stream, here is the link to the replay: link.
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10 years ago
Feb 9, 2015, 12:41:00 PM
I have posted a long-winded proposal for a diegetic-groundhog-day start menu.


My idea was half-shot down because it would be too much work, but also praised and stated that something simpler would come out eventually.

I'd be pretty happy to have a single room (ship bridge) with a DON'T TOUCH TO START THE GAME big red button (someone always presses the big red button! people should know better lol) which inevitably sends the ship crashing when clicked, and all unlocked characters bumbling/idling about.

Do you have anything in this regard cooking already?
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10 years ago
Feb 7, 2015, 4:07:50 AM
Nxf7 - UI - Any chance for an Advanced Tooltips option? With numbers that scare most people preferably.

Game Balance - Any plans to tweak the numbers of heroes, turrets or items or is the team comfortable with the current state of them?

Bug - Please fix the negative science cost to reset skills, it tempts me every run :/
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10 years ago
Feb 6, 2015, 11:39:33 PM
Slowhands wrote:

Certainly not! Firstly, Tulak would have returned to her family in the Broken Lords, not stayed underground with the Vaulters a minute more than necessary. In addition, as she would also eventually be forced to go through the process of maintaining her life forces with Dust, many of her memories would necessarily corrupt or fade. This is a problem that all of the Broken Lords share.

Well there is an upside to this, her uncle will then also not remember she had his favourite horse die on her smiley: smile

Second round of questions:

melkathi - endings: Did you guys/gals consider adding short ending story screens for the various characters, describing how their life went on after the dungeon? Possibly with a flag whether their personal story/stories got resolved?

For example: Though he had never truly fit into any society, as the crash survivors tried building a life for themselves in this new land, Gork found his love for violence welcomed instead of feared -- Auriga was a dangerous place and provided him with an endless supply of things to masssacre to his heart's delight. He probably scared people but they needed him and so Gork could simply be Gork.

(flag: Clash of Heroes = 1 entry continues: Besides, nobody wanted to end up like Sara / Clash of Heroes = 0 entry continues: That is until one fatefull day his past caught up with him.)

melkathi - trivia: What is the airspeed velocity of an unladen necrodrone?
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10 years ago
Feb 6, 2015, 10:52:39 PM
Lynx_gnt wrote:
Lynx_gnt - Jeff Spock

When Jeff will answer, who is the autor of ingame album?

Patience, please! All will be revealed. We are working on a lot of different content updates, and we are not so cruel as to leave big questions like this unanswered. And even if I get hit by a bus it's okay, because the team has all the info smiley: wink

And where is the video about monsters?

Oops... that one will take a couple of weeks. We have a lot more focus videos that we want to do, including this one, but we were set back in our schedule by Endless Day and some work on Endless Legend. Don't worry, we haven't forgotten any of this.
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10 years ago
Feb 6, 2015, 10:46:12 PM
Hi awesome community people,

Now that I am back from a lot of traveling I will try to answer some of your (admittedly very difficult) questions.

melkathi wrote:
melkathi - Monsters:

Why don't the Hurna and Necrophages attacking us attack each other?

There would have been too much carnage in the lab if all of the specimens could attack each other, so some level of interspecies passivity was programmed into them. The Necrophages in particular were heavily modified, while the Hurna would be smart enough to view the well-equipped heroes as a greater threat.

melkathi - Lore/Heroes:

Is the story of Dungeon of the Endless the story of the crash survivors who's decendants become the Vaulters? Does that mean it would make sense to have both more prisoner and crew heroes than natives, the natives only adding colour to the roster but not truly being part of the story?

The natives were more or less tied to their original faction, and would return there once they escaped (if they survived). The tragic exception would be the Necrophage heroes; they would not have been accepted by any other society nor by their own. As comrades in the dungeon the natives would mingle with the future Vaulters, but once they were free there would be little reason to stay together. After all, getting out of the dungeon only took a few hours smiley: wink

melkathi - Lore:

The Vaulters only tell tales about the time their ancestors arrrived on Auriga - oral tradition and myths. Seeing how Lady Joleri Tulak is still around in Endless Legend, couldn't they just ... you know... ask her about first hand details if Opbot isn't providing enough of those? :P

Certainly not! Firstly, Tulak would have returned to her family in the Broken Lords, not stayed underground with the Vaulters a minute more than necessary. In addition, as she would also eventually be forced to go through the process of maintaining her life forces with Dust, many of her memories would necessarily corrupt or fade. This is a problem that all of the Broken Lords share.
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10 years ago
Feb 6, 2015, 7:04:49 PM
Lynx_gnt - Jeff Spock

When Jeff will answer, who is the autor of ingame album? And where is the video about monsters?

Lynx_gnt - Modding

Yes, we know that DotE is not very frendly with modding. But can we get a few hints, about files with characters arts/animation and how we can work with them?

Lynx_gnt - Bio Pod

Any info/art about it? Current status? Main team is working on MP, but designer might work separately from them.

Lynx_gnt - Sales

Not asking for sales numbers (but also curios about them, especially after winter sales in Steam), does this game brings any profit? Or at least cover the expenses?
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10 years ago
Feb 5, 2015, 4:19:18 PM
LACES - Pods

How about a pod that adds a countdown timer mechanic? Players would have a short amount of time to open their next door and accumulate more time with each turn, but would receive a penalty if the countdown reaches zero (Dust penalty? Perhaps a random door opens?). This would force players to be quicker with their actions and decision-making than they may be used to and would add a new challenge — especially with large enemy waves that take more time to down.

LACES - Items

I often see threads about new heroes or pods, but how about items? Are there any plans to add new, unique devices to augment our heroes?


One of my biggest peeves about the game is that a hero must be moved to an artefact before starting a new research there. Players can build/destroy modules remotely, so why can't we start researches remotely? How intentional was this design choice and what were the reasons behind it?

LACES - Lore

Is Esseb Tarosh the author of the notes in the album?
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10 years ago
Feb 5, 2015, 3:42:28 AM
Kaien - Update :

When and what we will have the next update ?

Kaien - Dev :

Of ocurse, i think you will add some small staff to game (like the last hero). But you think add something more ... heavy to the game ? And if yes, you can talk about ? Or the game is almost ''finish'' ? DLC ? extension ?

Kaien - Hero :

You said :

''30 heroes include the sevens of the Alpha''

20 heros today. So, that means I will have 10 news one day ?
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10 years ago
Feb 3, 2015, 2:32:34 PM
Ok Invisilawl, I corrected the names. Makes much more sense this way smiley: smile Better this way, I was having a hard time starting a question with Guy who everyone says looks like the guy from Hot Fuzz but who himself says he looks nothing like him - code :P
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10 years ago
Feb 3, 2015, 1:27:00 PM

One precision, the name you add before the category is your name, not one member of the team. smiley: wink Even if you have a good knowledge of the team, this is not the case for everyone here. ^^

melkathi wrote:

Saylawl - Spystuff:

Have you had time yet to supersneakily stealth your way into the design documents and add a Mel Kathi hero without the DotE team noticing?

Yes I did and it was quite hard. Mysterarts is spying me, I had to use an Endless technology in order to get invisible! It worked really well, I can't see myself now! smiley: roll
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10 years ago
Feb 3, 2015, 12:35:37 PM
melkathi - Monsters:

Why don't the Hurna and Necrophages attacking us attack each other?

melkathi - Lore/Heroes:

Is the story of Dungeon of the Endless the story of the crash survivors who's decendants become the Vaulters? Does that mean it would make sense to have both more prisoner and crew heroes than natives, the natives only adding colour to the roster but not truly being part of the story?

melkathi - Lore:

The Vaulters only tell tales about the time their ancestors arrrived on Auriga - oral tradition and myths. Seeing how Lady Joleri Tulak is still around in Endless Legend, couldn't they just ... you know... ask her about first hand details if Opbot isn't providing enough of those? :P

melkathi - Heroes:

Seeing how you guys now can do more with the game than before, being more comfortable with the boundaries set by your engine/programming/code/whatever, and having a better idea of what the gameplay allows, how worried are you that future heroes will make the original heroes like Sara, Deena and Troe not obsolete but boring in comparison?

melkathi - Pods:

Do we know when the Biopod will be ready?

melkathi - Saylaw/Spystuff:

Have you had time yet to supersneakily stealth your way into the design documents and add a Mel Kathi hero without the DotE team noticing?
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