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Spaceship Creation Contest

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10 years ago
Jul 11, 2014, 12:04:07 AM
Entry #1

Schrödinger's Cat Box

"Everything is infinite, until we make it a fixed point in the universe..."

Ship Design: A giant brown cardboard box with an explosive (reference to the other experiment), a broken chemical bottle, and a green haze

Note from Sales Brochure: "Don't be left out of the quandaries of quantum mechanics! Purchase your very own Cat Box, and use yourself as the subject! Or your neighbor! Or your Uncle! Or your pet cat named Fluffy! Anything is possible when inside a Cat Box! *Cat sold separately*"

-The entire map is available (all of the map can be seen [Ifthedevelopersallowit.Itsfineifthisisn'tincluded])

-The crystal waypoint exit changes every 3 turns and spawns in a random unpowered room.

-Once a room with a waypoint is powered, the location of the waypoint becomes fixed to that room.

-Artifacts will randomly choose an upgrade within the respective tree (meaning you won't roll a weapon module at max level on your first floor), costs are randomized within a threshold every time a door is opened (threshold would be greater than or equal to 8 at floor one and less than or equal to 22 at floor one)

Heroes at Start- 4 (Must be at random)

No new heroes nor pods available, so if one hero dies, there are no replacements.

Entry #2

The Thing From Behind the Door (An homage to the classic horror/sci-fi movie premise and one of my favorite concepts)

Ship Design: A large vessel with posters of monster movies, a tv thats on but unplugged, and any other horror cliche I can't think of.


-All mobs deal 1.5 times damage to heroes and modules

-Mob spawn rates are reduced to 50% rate

-When the way point is discovered, mob spawn rate starts at 0 percent and increases by 15 for every door that opens after the discovery of the waypoint. When a wave is unleashed, the mobs will not stop spawning until the crystal is moved to the waypoint.

-All Heroes spawn with a random item equipped and two are randomly selected to start at level 3

-There are no merchants available within the game, the shop major module is unavailable.

Heroes at the start: 4

No new heroes nor pods available, so if one hero dies, there are no replacements.
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10 years ago
Jul 11, 2014, 1:45:39 AM

Code name: Casino Lounge

Note from sales brochure: "Space gets boring. Really boring. And empty. And boring. And monotonous. And boring. Ready for some fun? Step up, spin the wheel and let the cards fall where they may. Let the dice roll, baby! Let 'em roll!"

Special gameplay rules: "Double or nothing" flavor. All event ratios are doubled, meaning you find double food on tables, double reward from dust factories and likewise double consequence from dust factories, two heroes for hire in the same room, opening doors spawns twice as many mobs but you get twice the dust, etc.

Number or heroes at start: 2


Code name: Tiny Tank

Note from sales brochure: "Ain't no point in a broken ship, bud. This baby won't be breaking with her advanced nanobot fancy repair whatevers and the solid-like-an-origami steel frame of steely strong parts. And if you do ever crash? Well, that's when you'll be happy the nanobots can repair your ugly broken face back to just an ugly face."

Special gameplay rules: Mobs not only spawn upon opening a door, but also on a timer of every 2 minutes whether a door has been opened or not. Repair rates during combat are doubled, cost of healing reduced to 3 food.

Number of heroes at start: 3
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10 years ago
Jul 11, 2014, 3:08:37 AM
The Harmony/Silic:

The crystal is actually a member of the Harmony/Silic race picked up by accident. It absolutely refuses all dust found, but can power the rooms immediately around it.

-Harmony powers the rooms it is immediately next to.

-No dust gain, period.

-Increased chance of finding treasure chests.

-Harmony HP determined by highest level hero at the beginning of each floor.

After some thought I realized that if the Harmony could move around on it's own it would essentially negate the exit run phase of the floor. Perhaps it can be moved one room over before triggering the run? Or have a power reach of two rooms. I'm still debating the matter, but open to other's thoughts.

The Factory:

-Increased base industry production, lower food production.

-Heroes have half defensive stats.

-Increased power and defense of modules.

-Mobs have a slightly higher chance of dropping dust.

The Gun Closet:

-All hero item slots are replaced with random weapon slots.

Edit: Edited Harmony and Factory after dev post.
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10 years ago
Jul 11, 2014, 8:00:07 AM
105 proposals already smiley: mrgreen

WearyApollo wrote:
The Harmony:

The crystal is actually a member of the Harmony race picked up by accident.

Interesting, and unusual. I like unusual gameplay elements.

But wouldn't this lead to some contradictions, as Harmony (ES) = Silics (DotE) = Silics (EL)?
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10 years ago
Jul 11, 2014, 10:13:04 AM
Removed my Quarantine Pod submission and replaced it with my new SMART Pod. Hope people like it smiley: smile
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10 years ago
Jul 11, 2014, 4:14:06 PM
Contest Advice

Hi everybody,

Thank you for all these proposals, it’s really interesting and fun to read smiley: smile

You still have until Tuesday to submit your spaceship ideas! When we choose the 3 ideas for the Games2Gether vote, we will obviously try to take entertaining proposals with an added value for the game. But to be honest with you, we need also to select ideas which can fit in our roadmap and production constraints. Furthermore, the spaceships are modes to vary the experience of the solo experience and not entirely new games with the same graphics smiley: wink There are also some misapprehensions about the content of a proposal…

So here are some advice to increase your chances to be selected. Feel free to update what you have already submitted (and add an “edit” message with a link to make sure people will read them again).

  • Avoid using AIs (NPCs, heroes, mobs, drones with special behaviours: auto move, actions etc.)
  • Avoid spaceships for specific heroes or with hero selection constraints (we want each ship to be playable with all heroes)
  • Avoid replacing all the elements of the game ^^ (maximum 1 or 2 special modules or mobs by spaceship for example): we’re looking for a new spaceship, not a list of modules, heroes or mobs!
  • Don’t change the maximum number of heroes controlled by the player (up to 4!)
  • Avoid adding new GUI elements
  • Keep it simple: avoid having a long list of effects, keep only the most important elements
  • Avoid giving to much RP elements (even if it’s really fun ^^) because it’s the subject of the Part 2 of this contest
  • The proposals need to be in English (we’ll accept the French entries before this message but not after)

That’s a lot of things but I assure you, constraints may produce a greater creative force smiley: smile And there are already a lot of good ideas in your proposals that drew our attention.

Thanks again for your participation!
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10 years ago
Jul 11, 2014, 5:32:07 PM
Entry #3

The Clean Up Crew

Ship Design: A Broom Closet stocked with weapons and cleaning products

Note from Sales Brochure: "Greetings from the Crimson Cleaning Company! Our employer wishes you to "clean" the facility as thoroughly as possible. Remember to use the standard issue "brooms and mops" from within the "closet". Good luck, and remember the company motto, "You need it, we CLEAN it"!

-Double dust pick up from mobs, half dust pick up from found rooms

-Heroes start with one random item equipped.

-Production in Science and Food are reduced by 1, Production in Industry increased by 2

-Reduce Production of Dust by 1 (why would janitors want to MAKE a mess?)

-Mobs do 50% damage but have double the spawn rate

Number of Heroes: 3, Heroes are recruitable but they don't gain a random item in their inventory
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10 years ago
Jul 11, 2014, 7:57:04 PM
Mysterarts wrote:
Contest Advice


Let me put all that in simple English:

Mysterarts wrote:

Melkathi, you are disqualified

smiley: wink
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10 years ago
Jul 12, 2014, 12:24:22 AM
Lynx_gnt wrote:
105 proposals already smiley: mrgreen

Interesting, and unusual. I like unusual gameplay elements.

But wouldn't this lead to some contradictions, as Harmony (ES) = Silics (DotE) = Silics (EL)?

Truth be told I'm still unsure what the difference between Harmony and Silic is supposed to be. Is it just a matter of naming?

Either way I've edited the original comment with that in mind, thank you!
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10 years ago
Jul 12, 2014, 12:49:23 AM
melkathi wrote:
Melkathi, you are disqualified

hehehe smiley: kitty You're just too creative for this contest I guess.

I edited my post to fit the suggestions from Mysterarts, but I'm unsure how to "add an “edit” message with a link to make sure people will read them again" as he so put. Is this announcement my "edit message?" is it just the message I added as to WHY I edited my post?
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10 years ago
Jul 12, 2014, 1:20:46 AM
First entry:

Code name: The Statis Room

Ship design: A Spaceship with 4 Statis chambers


-you can't use an type of defense and offence modules

-you can use production modules and shop, HUD,etc

-everyone starts with one good level item (the items are default)

-No free heroes

Number of heroes at start: 4


Second entry:

Code name: The Gadget Room

Ship Design: A Spaceship full of gadgets and robots


-your offence and defense modules are a bit stronger

-your production modules produce more resources

-No free heroes

Number of heroes at start: 1


Third entry:

Code name: The Boss Room

Ship design: A Spaceship with a mighty throne (maybe with a wall full of sunglasses)


-you have a full equipped character and you can choose the items as you wish

-the probability of the spawn of the toughest enemies/"bosses" is higher

Number of heroes at start: 1
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10 years ago
Jul 12, 2014, 7:56:57 AM
Zigeye wrote:
hehehe smiley: kitty You're just too creative for this contest I guess.

I edited my post to fit the suggestions from Mysterarts, but I'm unsure how to "add an “edit” message with a link to make sure people will read them again" as he so put. Is this announcement my "edit message?" is it just the message I added as to WHY I edited my post?

Here you go:

Dear friends and forumites, in compliance with Post#64 (Myserarts386/11Jul2014), Zigeye has edited his entries in Post#20 to conformity with competition rules as set out in Post#1 (Steph'nie2734/8Jul2014). You are kindly invited to reread these entries at your own leisure and can find them here.
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10 years ago
Jul 12, 2014, 12:22:37 PM
Melkathi, I'm going to be borrowing your template to inform the masses of my relative re-edit (if thats fine and dandy with you).

Dear fellow competitors,allies, and forum dwellers, in compliance with Post#67 (Myserarts386/11Jul2014), kongen77 has edited his entries in Post#62 and submitted an additional entry in Post#68 to adapt and appeal with competition rules as set out in Post#1 (Steph'nie2734/8Jul2014). You are more than welcomed to reread these edited entries at your own leisure, and can find them here and here (Really hoping this hyperlink works because I have no clue how to operate it xD)
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10 years ago
Jul 12, 2014, 12:46:47 PM
Dear FoDotE's (Forumites of Dungeon of the Endless),

To reduce adding GUI elements in the game, I have changed the mechanics of my coffee brewer pod idea. The cup of joe is now an special equipment item (that behaves slightly differently) that the crystal drops. Also, instead of a storing capacity of 2 cups of coffee, the crystal now only drops a maximum of 2 cups of coffee per floor.

The full story can be found here.

PS. Good luck to everyone! Especially to the one who suggested the Assault Ship idea. Haha. No bias. But I really want to play that.
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10 years ago
Jul 12, 2014, 12:54:15 PM
kongen77 wrote:
(Really hoping this hyperlink works because I have no clue how to operate it xD)

Links work perfectly, so you must have figured it out just fine smiley: smile

Only thing is, you have 4 entries and are only allowed 3, so the devs will probably disregard the second link smiley: frown
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10 years ago
Jul 12, 2014, 2:29:57 PM
The Entries

Alone in the Dark

Special gameplay rules: Less dust from rooms, no dust from kills, no anti-core mobs, dramatically increased damage from offensive modules.

Number of heroes at start: 1

Love the idea of stripping it right back to the basics - waves of enemies from all angles every time you open a door, retreating back to the only room you can afford to power and praying you can survive until you get off the floor.

Dungeon Keeper

Special gameplay rules: Huge labyrinthine floors, core mob beacon constantly activated, increased smiley: industry per turn.

Number of heroes at start: 4

Would like a mode to encourage proper base building and make exploration extremely risky.


Special gameplay rules: smiley: fids falls randomly from kills instead of dust. Offensive & defensive modules sometimes randomly break and are expensive to build.

Number of heroes at start: 4

More of a risk & reward focus with emphasis on kill salvage. Greater emphasis on "hanging on as long as possible" on early floors to stockpile smiley: fids and would lead players to prepare the floor in a completely different way, funnelling mobs into policed areas until they couldn't hold any longer.
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10 years ago
Jul 12, 2014, 3:12:43 PM
CODENAME- The Machine

Special Gameplay Rules- When you spend dust to add power to a room you have to spend 5 more dust and get 10 units of science, industry, and food. Your may not use any major modules to get resources. Enemies will also drop more dust.

2 starting heros.

CODENAME- The Survivor

Special Gameplay Rules- You start with one hero and -10 units on food. But your hero's health is boosted by 30 units and their defense is boosted 15 units. Major module cost less and produce more but enemies will attack them more.

1 starting hero.
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10 years ago
Jul 12, 2014, 6:24:52 PM
The M-Swarmer was replaced with much more simpler "The Steler Officer", as the first one didn't fits the new rules. Post №6

P.S. I'm sorry, if the original of this post sounded too rude smiley: rollsweat
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10 years ago
Jul 12, 2014, 10:02:47 PM
melkathi wrote:
Links work perfectly, so you must have figured it out just fine smiley: smile

Only thing is, you have 4 entries and are only allowed 3, so the devs will probably disregard the second link smiley: frown

OH. I am an idiot. Thanks for the heads up. I removed the Manhattan Project (it wasn't my favorite) to coincide with the max of three rule. Thanks for the heads up! And good luck on your design!
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10 years ago
Jul 12, 2014, 10:29:09 PM
The Casino

The game runs as it typically would but not science, food, or industry generators can be built. Instead, a slot machine type major module is available and can be upgraded. Each time a door is opened, the slot machines generate a varying amount of any FIDS and you will also receive a smaller bonus amount of that resource for each additional slot machine that gives you the same FIDS. When operated, the machines cause random effects or events to occur through out the dungeon such as one turn power ups or debuffs, extra waves, explosions in rooms, or anything that can shake up the game on a moments notice.
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