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Spaceship Creation Contest

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10 years ago
Jul 12, 2014, 10:39:16 PM
The Big Floor: This style of gameplay would involve a single floor, rather than many - the players would have limited access to power, and the game's flow would revolve around moving the power crystal from one room with a power slot to the next as they search for the exit. This would allow them to have limited power while still allowing them to have control of their environment and location.

To limit floor size, the doors might close as the crystal is carried through them, or perhaps the level would just be larger than normal but include the stairs down. Alternatively, the players might not be able to power rooms directly, but instead need to build a major-modual in the center that would count as power (or allow control to doors around it? that sounds op.. maybe power would be spent opening and closing them?).

Didn't put a ton of thought into it, but I hope someone gets something out of it! Also avoided looking at previous entries so I wouldn't copy.. hopefully this isn't a clone. :/
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10 years ago
Jul 13, 2014, 6:30:25 AM
kongen77 wrote:
OH. I am an idiot. Thanks for the heads up. I removed the Manhattan Project (it wasn't my favorite) to coincide with the max of three rule. Thanks for the heads up! And good luck on your design!

Don't beat yourself up about it. I had 10 ideas listed by the time PANCAZU pointed out that little detail to me smiley: wink

I don't need luck. I need the rules to change smiley: smile Thinking of rebelling completely and only submitting my wildest ideas smiley: smile
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10 years ago
Jul 13, 2014, 6:59:32 AM

  • The pod is equipped with an advanced underground mapping unit ... with unintended consequences.
  • Each floor starts with the exit revealed, but monster waves are much bigger.
  • Heroes: 2 or 4 (would depend on how much bigger the waves actually are)
  • There are other heroes, but finding them is risky.

State Room

  • One hero with reduced stats and very high aggro. Only he or she can carry the crystal.
  • Accompanied by a bodyguard escort.
  • Bodyguards can be regular heroes, but preferably they would be a special "space marine" hero.
  • Space marine heroes would have high HP/DPS but no wits or abilities and only gun + armor slots.

The Recycling Bin

  • The smiley: foodsmiley: industrysmiley: science modules only produce resources when monsters are killed in their room (maybe based on HP).
  • No baseline smiley: fids income.
  • If that is too hard, maybe there can a single smiley: fids module that can be switched between different "modes" for each resource.
  • Heroes: 2

Sorry if any of my entries are too similar to others. I tried to read them all but there's already a lot of them.

EDIT: I deleted 2 of the entries since, as it was pointed out, we are each limited to 3 of them.
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10 years ago
Jul 13, 2014, 7:00:45 AM
After reading through all these posts (love the ideas btw) I noticed that there seem to be a few re-occurring ideas such as one super floor, a module heavy ship, or single hero run. How will very similar ideas be considered against each-other?
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10 years ago
Jul 13, 2014, 7:01:51 AM
Virkon wrote:

Sorry if any of my entries are too similar to others. I tried to read them all but there's already a lot of them.

Don't worry too much about it. If more people think of an idea, there is more thought put into it and it can be made better.

But: you are only allowed 3 entries :/
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10 years ago
Jul 13, 2014, 7:26:17 AM
WearyApollo wrote:
After reading through all these posts (love the ideas btw) I noticed that there seem to be a few re-occurring ideas such as one super floor, a module heavy ship, or single hero run. How will very similar ideas be considered against each-other?

Good question. In some G2G votes we have seen ideas credited to two people. I don't know if it was because they were a collaborative effort or not. In another instance the first person to suggest it got credit.
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10 years ago
Jul 13, 2014, 10:35:56 AM
I've read all the others - "bleeding" was too similar to an earlier mentioned "no oxygen" mode. Still think this is a good idea as encourages play in a very different, urgent way.

Have replaced my version with a Firefly mode which would encourage players to roll the dice a bit more on early floors and would completely change the dynamic of the floor endgame.
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10 years ago
Jul 14, 2014, 2:11:44 AM
Entry 1: Fighter Pod smiley: stickouttongueower:

Heroes at start: 1

Description: A one-man fighter pod dispatched to destroy or delay intergalactic pirates.

Background: A small fighter made to clean the space surrounding a large vessel. These one-man ships require minimal training, and have weak firepower.

Because of their low fuel consumption and convenience, these ships are commonly used to escort larger vessels, such as a Prisoner Ship.

Effect on the Game: The Fighter Pod gives you more smiley: industry per turn at the cost of slight reductions in smiley: food and smiley: science points. The fighter ship also

makes your heroes slightly faster and more powerful with slight reductions to Health and Defense. The biggest effect on gameplay, however, is that the ship

gives you every offensive module there is, in its lowest tier (I). Defensive modules cannot be researched.

Entry 2: Nickname() Dust Mop smiley: leader

Heroes at start: 2

Description: A special pod made for scavenging Dust from ship wreckage... and planets.

Background: A pod that gathers dust, the Dust Mop uses specialized magnets inside its collector chamber that react only with the elements found in

dust. The ship itself is mainly a storage compartment for dust.

Effect on the Game: The Nickname() Dust Mop pod gives +1smiley: dust per turn. It also gives the crystal a 100% defensive boost. Enemies are slightly stronger, and Emergency Generators

cannot be researched. A new module called the Dust Bunny will come standard with the ship and will replace the Prisoner Prod I. It can be researched up to tier IV and works much like the

KIP Cannon, but with Dust instead. Tier stats go in order from I to IV, respectively: (2 Power at start, 1 per dust for a maximum of 50. Fire rate of 2.5), (3 Power at start, 1 per dust for a maximum of 90. Fire rate of 2.3), (4 Power at start, 2 per dust for a maximum of 200. Fire rate of 2.1), (5 Power at start, 2 per dust for a maximum of 360 Fire rate of 2).

Entry 3: Radar Scanner smiley: commandpoints

Heroes at start: 2

Description: A pod that can scan nearby star systems, or be tuned to catch a nearby TV broadcast.

Background: When radar first came out, everyone thought it would be like X-Ray vision. Truth is, it wasn't. But now it is, and

the Radar Pod allows you to actually see into anything you want. Luckily, the company who invented the Radar Pod put a strict

no-looking-through-clothes filter into it, although pervy space pirates have managed to get by.

Effect on the Game: The radar pod allows you to see a faint image of any connecting rooms that aren't open or have any

open doors connecting to them. It can reveal treasure chests, enemies, heroes, merchants, and any smiley: fids rewards that can

be found in the room. Powered off rooms can be seen somewhat clearly, but not as clearly as a powered room. If a wave or

waves are to spawn upon another turn, the Radar Pod will alert you during the planning phase as to which rooms are likely

to spawn enemies, and of what sorts. The Radar Pod gives you information upon crash landing, and upon arriving at a new

floor, if there are any merchants or heroes to be found in the dungeon. It gives a major boost to smiley: science at the cost of

somewhat lowering smiley: industry when opening doors. Heroes have less health and attack power.
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10 years ago
Jul 14, 2014, 2:19:48 AM
Oh, hello. I'm new to Amplitude Studios but not to your games on steam. I know you're working hard on Endless Legend right now, but I'll always be

excited about DotE news. I'm still waiting on the Sister of Mercy, which looks like a great character idea! I'm sorry if I sound pushy, I know you guys

are working your arses off to finish your new games, and I won't try to make you work hard. I'm happy with what we got and what we're getting as it is.

P.S. Personally, I love the Radar Scanner pod the best of all 3 of my pod/ship ideas. I think being able to see what's next will definitely give players

a new edge to their strategizing process, and will weed out all those annoying times where you build up heavy defenses in one room only to open one

more door to a dead end with almost no enemies (You know, for farming dust). Of course, it's a nerdy ship, and it comes with nerdy debuffs like low

health and attack power. Please don't think I'm trying to advertise my idea, I'm just so happy about this whole contest!
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10 years ago
Jul 14, 2014, 6:47:49 AM
Junk Ship

3 Hero start, no major production modules, Heroes gain Science, Food and Production per kill based on level. Balance between powering rooms and letting enemies come as well as attack modules vs support in order to survive.

Prison ship solitary confinement stasis pod

1 Hero start, 4x level gain speed, other heroes refuse to work with this psycho or simply don't appear. Attack them at worst. Guerrilla warfare.

Imperial Flagship

2 Hero start, only enemy is the crystal attacker heading for irresistable royal jewel, game becomes modified tower defense, use of Dust becomes very important as does use of production.
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10 years ago
Jul 14, 2014, 1:00:22 PM
"Engineer Pod"

1 starting hero

-25% to hero health, defense, and attack

+100% Industry and Science generation

-50% Food generation

-50% minor module cost

This ship is designed to make the player rely more heavily on their modules than their heroes, forcing more planning and strategy.

"Mutation Chamber"

3 starting heroes

-50% total hero health

Heroes receive +50% total health for each other hero in the room

Heroes receive +25% attack power if they are alone in the room

Starts with Bio-transfer module

It's up to the player if they want to spread thin for more attack, or huddle up for more defense.


2 starting heroes

Starts with the emergency generator module

Doors close each turn when a room is unpowered

Enemies always spawn when opening a door to an unpowered room

I know we're supposed to stick with mechanics that are already in the game, but I thought that this idea was unique and would be very interesting to play.

Hope you guys like these concepts, I tried to keep them simple but interesting. I'm a huge fan of the Endless games and I hope for even more in the future.
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10 years ago
Jul 14, 2014, 3:37:10 PM
Entry 1

The Meltdown

Appearance: Heavily damaged ship with what appeared to by huge reactor broken around the crystal.


- Rooms cannot be powered by player instead all adjacent rooms to crystal are powered (ie max 5)

- Crystal can be moved immediately (Effectively one PC is crystal carrier)

- Reduced Dust gain probably required (approx 25%)

- Crystal deposit at exit is timed event (may not be required, difficulty arises from exploration with few powered rooms)

Starting Heroes: 4

Game play concept: Forces player to change primary defensive position frequently for optimised play. Causes more waves to spawn. Requires better utilisation of 'naturally' powered rooms. Requires highly optimized defences as generally maximum single powered room buffer between crystal and possible spawns.

Entry 2

T%h3 # V!rus

Appearance: Ship appears to be lab with contaminated specimens. Re-skinned spawned monsters in cage.


- Similar to power lines that extend out, crystal slowly grows out infection lines (I know no GUI rule, idea is that it is just a colour variant of existing yellow power lines). Virus extends to a new room per 2/3 rooms explored AND/OR 2/3 minor modules infected in an infected room.

- Infected major modules remove associated FIDS and cannot be removed. Minor modules attack allies (and receive damage and health boost)

- In place of/in addition to self-powered rooms are new viral spread points.

Starting Heroes: 2

Game play concept: Forces player to keep keen eye on additional game play element (the virus), and as a result manage modules much more intensely than standard play. Adds a purpose for deleting modules other than replacement. Forces new game play element of opening vulnerabilities to get monster spawns to remove infected Major modules.

Entry 3

The Gen-lab


- PCs levelled up in the same room as the crystal can choose skill/stats on level up

- Start with higher tier food module

- Increased level up cost approx 1.2-1.5

Starting Heroes: 1

Game play concept: Ongoing customised game play after player has completed multiple play throughs. Allows customisation ideas such as, sprinter (all movespeed buffs), operate master (only wis, remote skills)... etc etc
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10 years ago
Jul 14, 2014, 4:39:20 PM

Special gameplay rules:

-No random chests for items

-Items are dropped from Mobs

 +Items assigned rarity

 +Special mini-boss mobs have better loot drops

-New minor module to increase "Magic Find" on the floor (high priority for mobs to destroy)

-Merchant Prices increased

 +Merchant item stock composition change per level i.e. level 1 common with some rarer (very expensive), level 5 more lower rarity items, level 10 mostly highest rarity items

 +Can restock items every 5-10 doors

-No Major Production Modules

-Instead, Mobs drop resources (Food/Industry/Science & Dust)

-Food still levels heroes

-Industry still purchases modules

-Science still purchases Module blueprints from Aertifacts (no research time)

 +Artifacts treated as NPC, can be destroyed by Mobs at any point

 +Acts like a merchant, can restock every 5-10 doors

Number of starting heroes: 2
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10 years ago
Jul 14, 2014, 4:44:47 PM
Briefing - The Basics (TLDR):

The Ir"ration"al: -25% Health and Attack Power, -75% Production

The Ambrosia Atrium: -10% Movement Speed each time is consumed, Extra Monsters, consume 3 automatically for each 3 doors opened.

I'm adding these simplified versions just in case the in-depth is considered too daunting.

Briefing - The Advanced

Code Name: The Ir"ration"al

"Teach a man to fish... in these conditions?"


  • -25% Health and Attack Power
  • -75% Production

Start Heroes: 1


Crashing on a planet deprived of food resources due to extreme weather conditions, very little can survive on and even fewer is edible. Food production is minimal and is found either scavenged or gained slowly. Lack of food leaves you with a negative modifier to Health and Attack Power.

Side Note:

It could start at 0% reduction(since you crash), as it progresses, Floor 2 can add a -25% Health and Attack Power and Floor 4 will up to -50% Health and Attack Power.

Code Name: The Ambrosia Atrium



  • -10% Movement Speed each time is consumed to heal (up to 100%)
  • +25% Monsters (Add roughly 1 extra monster per pack)

When a character reaches -100% Movement Speed they are no longer usable on current floor. Resets on the next one.

Start Heroes: 3


The gods are angered, you are consuming their food. They have sent their minions out to destroy you!

Additional Notes:

Monster volume increased so players eat more to get "bloated". Every 3 doors opened, each hero on the floor can not resist the food of the gods and consumes some applying a permanent(on that floor debuff of -10% movement speed, passive food consumption by door opening does not decrease your current amount).

This could add a positioning tactic to the level in general. Forcing players to stay in or out of combat to help aid others and not gain negative movement speed debuffs used for healing in order to keep progressing through the floors, so you may never know if you need the additional support in the next room or not.
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10 years ago
Jul 14, 2014, 6:48:17 PM
The crazy nano-pod


Unable to deactivate rooms, 1 hero at start, offense modules autorepair at the end of battle, hero defense modules get a boost (autorepair and boost are lost the moment you hire a second hero).

The cristal of the ship recognizes the activated rooms as a part of the crashed ship, taking control over them and not allowing you to deactivate them (choose carefully!!)

It tries to protect its occupant, and only him/her/it.
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10 years ago
Jul 14, 2014, 7:02:11 PM

CodeName: The Distress-Beacon


Your shuttle was originally equipped with a high powered distress-beacon used to aid searchers in your rescue, But is now announcing your location to every creature that lurks beneath the depths of Auriga's surface, and they are none too happy...

Gameplay Rules:

-Enemy waves will occur every time a door is opened

-More powerful enemies will come sooner and in greater numbers

-Merchants and recruitable heroes are much more common

Heroes at Start: 2

"The question isn't if someone will find you... it's who."


CodeName: FIStD Converter


An adaption of Endless technology the FIStD (Food, Industry, and Science to Dust) Converter takes in basic resources and creates dust, due to its obvious applications, converters of this kind are common on budding colonies, but your not exactly on a budding colony are you?

Gameplay Rules:

-You lose 50% of your total FIS production to conversion

-You gain 3 Dust every turn

-All events where you receive FIS The amount you gain will be reduced 50%

"The Most valuable commodity comes at a price"
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10 years ago
Jul 14, 2014, 7:04:46 PM
The Sandbox

Ever wanted to test a defense or see what heroes work best in what situations? Relive the good 'ol days where anything was possible with the sandbox pod! This pod enables you adjust the heroes levels at a whim, set there equipment to whatever you like, choose what monsters will spawn to attack you and their difficulty, and what modules you are able to place and their individual levels! Test out your defenses, go head to head against endless waves of monsters, see how well your favorite hero will do when you actually get them to the max level, die endlessly! What could be more fun!

(Creators note: We are not responsible for the actual amount of fun you will have, nothing here is guaranteed. Also please note that you may only use items/heroes/levels/etc that you have unlocked in the main game or purchased at some point, IN the sandbox mode. Also prepare to die...a lot.)

Game play Rules

The player is allowed to change heroes at any moment/change there level/change there equipment.

Player is allowed to place any module and set its level.

Player is allowed to spawn in monsters from a room/choose what monsters they are/how powerful they are.



My apologies if this has already been posted before. I got here kinda late and didn't have time to read all the posts.

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10 years ago
Jul 14, 2014, 7:34:50 PM
Looks like my Dr. Who TARDIS idea broke every rule! oO' Time to think of more...
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10 years ago
Jul 14, 2014, 7:50:45 PM
The Nap Pod

The ergonomic seats and ambient white noise in this part of the ship leave heroes SUPER rested!

Starting heroes: 4

All modules and FIDS are as normal, but heroes are all 200% faster at the start of the game. They get 30% slower each level as they tire out. At the end of the game heroes are fully upgraded but really slow.

The Groove Station

This used to be the ship's party central room. Even in a damaged state, it's still dripping swag!

Starting heroes: 2

Everything is exactly the same... But the crystal is a gloriously psychedelic disco ball which constantly plays bumpin' music beats.

C'mon guys, who WOULDN'T want to use this ship?
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10 years ago
Jul 14, 2014, 8:27:34 PM
Idea #1

Weapon Bay

-When the ship crash lands, the only room they have to work with, are all of their weapons to protect themselves

-(adds more of a tower defense feel)

-Start with 2 People

-Start with only the Science and Industry Modules at level 1

-Start with every minor offensive module unlocked at level 1

-Leveling up people grants them no bonus damage or attack speed

Idea #2

The Hive

-The crystal room is a yellowish hue, and shaped like a hexagon

-The ship crash lands right in the middle of the enemies Hive

-Start with 1 person

-Limited amount of time to get to the end of each floor

-Enemies spawn more frequently

-When time runs out for that floor, enemies spawn in every unlit room at once

Idea #3

The Throne Room

-They crash land in an underground castle starting in an abandoned throne room where they find 50 dust

-Start with 2 people

-Start with 50 dust in the beginning of the game

-No dust gain when opening doors

-get 50% more dust from killing enemies

-Dust stays the same through out the entire game when you move between floors

-When you find the exit, every unopened door gets locked
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