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OSX - Resolution cannot be change

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10 years ago
Oct 28, 2014, 8:41:47 PM
My Imac has actualy a resolution off 2560x1440, but the game is stuck on 1280x720 and the three graphic options in the menu don't change anything... at all.

I tried by editing the registry.xml file, but it's useless. Changing the resolution of the Imac is also a failure...

Is there any solution, or should I wait until a patch cames out ?
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10 years ago
Nov 13, 2014, 9:31:53 PM
I am using a 1080p external monitor on my Retina, 15-inch, Late 2013 Mac Book Pro and am having a similar issue. As you can see in this image http://imgur.com/LVYVAqc my main menu options are cut off. Here is a shot I took with my phone http://imgur.com/GbfGMkR

You can see the game thinks my machine runs at 1024x768. I cannot exit full screen mode either by command enter or command shift f. I cannot command tab out of the game either. I tried turning off steam overlay but it made no difference.

I tried various things in the Registry.xml with no success (hoping that some of the Endless Space options might work). My GameResolution value for the user space xml file was FullStretched. I pulled the value from the game's package contents (BestStretchedSameRatio) but it reverted back and made no difference.
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10 years ago
Nov 14, 2014, 1:24:39 PM
Thrustache wrote:
I am using a 1080p external monitor on my Retina, 15-inch, Late 2013 Mac Book Pro and am having a similar issue. As you can see in this image http://imgur.com/LVYVAqc my main menu options are cut off. Here is a shot I took with my phone http://imgur.com/GbfGMkR

You can see the game thinks my machine runs at 1024x768. I cannot exit full screen mode either by command enter or command shift f. I cannot command tab out of the game either. I tried turning off steam overlay but it made no difference.

I tried various things in the Registry.xml with no success (hoping that some of the Endless Space options might work). My GameResolution value for the user space xml file was FullStretched. I pulled the value from the game's package contents (BestStretchedSameRatio) but it reverted back and made no difference.

As the title says the resolution issues are resolved with the latest update. When I left fullscreen mode my window was positioned so that it was not 100% visible. There is no title bar so repositioning it isn't easy to do without a trackpad or third party program. In my case I use Hyperdock so control-alt left mouse lets me reposition but this might be a problem for mac users who are not on a laptop, do not have a trackpad or some third party program.
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