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Crash message when hosting a lobby

Copied to clipboard!
9 years ago
Nov 5, 2015, 3:30:19 AM
Hi, first time poster. This only happened to me once but figured I'd send it.

Description: Was hosting a multiplayer, waiting in lobby. Two guys enter room, one guy leaves then I get a crash notification.


Model - HP Compaq 8000 Elite USDT PC

Processor - Pentium (R) Dual-Core CPU (2.93 GHz)

Resolution - 1280 x 720

OS - Windows 7 Professional

Game Version:


Game Directory:


(This is my first time using a dropbox. Hope it's satisfactory)

Screenshot: I'll just post verbatim what the notification said;

"The game crashed. The crash report folder named "2015-11-05_091402" next to game executable. It would be great if you'd send it to the developer of the game!"
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9 years ago
Nov 17, 2015, 11:35:13 PM
Annnd I now have a different crash to report.

Description: Was on floor 10, Sanitary Pod (single player). After activating the elevator the game crashed within a couple of seconds. When I restarted DoTE my save had vanished.

Game Version:


Game Directory:


Screenshot: A picture is included in the dropbox showing the crash message.
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