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5 years ago
Jun 6, 2020, 5:17:54 PM

I'd really like to be able to play this game again, especially with the whole quarantine going on. Have the devs looked into this at all since two months ago? It sounds like the solution might literally be just "check a box on Steam", but if not, it'd be nice to know that it had at least been looked into.

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5 years ago
Jun 10, 2020, 5:25:13 PM

I'm afraid is a bit more than that, the steam depot holding the files for the game found here https://steamdb.info/depot/249052/ don't have any 64-bit stuff in and this is the only depot for the mac version.

They would need to build a Mac version of the game compiled into 64-bit and update this depot as well as tick the correct boxes to make this work as intended.

and that would need testing for the 32 bit older versions.

In the steam system requirements i notice they have topped out on a very old version of the os, so they can get away with saying it supports Mac.

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4 years ago
Nov 6, 2020, 7:02:24 PM

Hoping for some followup on this.  Particularly since Switch and PS4 received ports this year, it's more than a bit frustrating that 64-bit support is only a problem for the Mac version.  I've been on a heavy Endless kick the last few weeks, and both Space 2 and Legend run well (though Space 2 *does* have a heavy loading hitch the first time you activate the "Scan" mode in space battles).  It's just incongruous to have Dungeon unavailable.

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4 years ago
Dec 8, 2020, 12:33:09 AM

Just noticed there seems to have been an update to Dungeon of the Endless, but it doesn't look like it addresses this. ? A real shame, especially given the iPad codebase must already be 64bit. And, as a side bonus at this stage, the iPad version must also be running native on Apple Silicon. It'd be wonderful if Amplitude could find the time to merge the two so both versions get fixed.

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3 years ago
Dec 27, 2021, 3:09:46 PM
The-Cat-o-Nine-Tales wrote:

I've had a chance to talk to the producers, and they told me that Dungeon of the Endless itself should be 64 bit compatible. We are suspecting that this may be a similar issue to what is happening with Endless LEgend and Endless Space 2, where Steam does not supply the correct version of the Mono framework.

The way our players solved this was by manually removing the old version of mono and installing the proper Mac version of Mono.

Hi, sorry for bringing this up but I was curious if there had been a definitive answer.
The game was made with mono which is 64 compatible, but it seems it was builded as a 32. Now, since you said your players fixed it, do we have a chance to run the game?
I have the same issue with ES2 Definitive edition.

See ya.

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