My Crystal Bot attempted to slot, this is definitely an issue with the seed, there's like an invisible wall, all characters cannot move forward and cannot move past said wall, this is a shame given you spend hard earned scrap to start a run (with chests) to take you to the end and it gets wasted by a silly bug such as this.

I have uploaded a video to YouTube for the devs to review, I tried a few things, such a quitting out and reloading incase it was a render/loading issue, didn't work, all of it is in the video. Such a waste really.

The seed can be seen in the video however just incase, here it is;

Security Vault_90 LB_Dungeon_AIManager_04_FWD_01 -1031998388

Hope this gets resolved soon, a similar run breaking bug has happened once before where the floor didn't load in, I put that down to once in a blue moon, but this new bug has now occurred only 4-5 runs after that.