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4 years ago
Aug 1, 2020, 7:16:52 AM
I'll answer some of these.

I'm 26 currently, going on 500. Or so I feel when I wake up every morning lol.
I was former military, these days I work jobs in the legal field.
Outside of gaming I'm a writer, an artist and I crochet. Really poorly.
My favorite genre of music is everything except for gospel and country for the most part. I enjoy alternative, industrial and 80s music the most though.
I have two cats, my dog passed away last year.
Native language is English!

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4 years ago
Aug 1, 2020, 7:24:03 AM

Hello all!

Excited about Humankind, seems a great game in the works!

1. Where you live
San Diego area
2. How old you are
72 - yes, not a typo
3. What you do for a living
Retired civil service, former military
4. What you do outside of gaming for fun
Think about what to do when I grow up
5. What's your favorite genre of music
Technical acouostic dance? Alternately, Victory at Sea soundrack when the mood strikes.
6. About your family or pets
We herd cats and dodge viruses
New Q: What is your native language?

Italian and now English but Ukrainian is spoken by all the women in the house

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4 years ago
Aug 1, 2020, 12:13:55 PM

Hey everyone!

1. Where you live:

Canada (but used to live in Brazil)

2. How old you are:
30 years old

3. What you do for a living:
I am a materials engineer focused on failure analysis

4. What you do outside of gaming for fun:
Reading, cooking and listening to music!

5. What's your favorite genre of music:
Metalhead for life! \m/

6. About your family or pets:
Me and wife.

7: What is your native language:

I can speak Portuguese and English, but am also able to curse in French and German. =P

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4 years ago
Aug 1, 2020, 1:30:54 PM

1. Where you live: Buenos Aires, Argentina

2. How old you are: 38

3. What you do for a living: I make videogames (Role-Playing)

4. What you do outside of gaming for fun: Salsa Dancing

5. What's your favorite genre of music: Cuban Salsa

6. About your family or pets: Wife, 2 cats and one dog

7. What is your native language: Spanish

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4 years ago
Aug 1, 2020, 3:07:34 PM

1. Where you live

Brazil, Joinville

2. How old you are


3. What you do for a living


4. What you do outside of gaming for fun

stay at home, listen to music, movies,etc

5. What's your favorite genre of music


6. About your family or pets

wife and dogs (3)

New Q: What is your native language?


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4 years ago
Aug 2, 2020, 9:19:53 PM

Born in Poland and raised in South Africa.
I am 41, IT Teacher by proffesion, running self sustaining business with ample free time on my hands :-) 

Used to enjoy outdoor activities before Covid19, now we are all locked down in cages and in front of PC. Love camping in the berg. I've just started Keto and it's woking incredibly well.

I listen to Trance (Above&Beyond, Armin), Chillstep (Sublab, Fluidfied), Progressive House but I am open minded and sometimes listen to classical too depending on the mood.

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4 years ago
Aug 3, 2020, 5:27:20 PM

Same same - excited for Humankind, espcially after seeing Potato McWhiskey playing and discussing the past couple of months.  Also participated in the Old World beta and enjoyed cranking through several games even though it was excruciatingly long to play through a game.

1. Where you live
Massachusetts between Boston & Providence

2. How old you are
35 - Playing 4x for as long as I can remember
3. What you do for a living
Entrepreneur in Med Tech
4. What you do outside of gaming for fun
Art (painting, etc.) and Outdoors (Hiking, climbing, kayaking)

5. What's your favorite genre of music
Ska, punk, alt, classic, heavy - however the mood suits!
6. About your family or pets

Couple of adorable pups - a pit mix and a plott hound.  They're either asleep on my feet or trying to button mash while I play. 

7. Native language


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4 years ago
Aug 3, 2020, 7:56:58 PM

1. Where you live
Buenos Aires, Argentina. But actually I'm from Cuba

2. How old you are
3. What you do for a living
Software Engineer, a lot of Web/Cloud development. But I would love to move on to game development, is just really bad paid here
4. What you do outside of gaming for fun
Not to much...only family time and traveling with my partner

5. What's your favorite genre of music
Instrumental Soundtracks, Rock, Electronic, Cuban salsa/dance music
6. About your family or pets

none here in Argentina... my family is spread in a lot of countries. I live here with my partner only

7. Native language


Updated 4 years ago.
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4 years ago
Aug 4, 2020, 6:02:30 PM

1. Where you live
United Kingdom

2. How old you are

3. What you do for a living
Credit Controller

4. What you do outside of gaming for fun
Watch escapist TV shows and movies - by escapist I mean anything that takes me away from the real world. Sci Fi, Fantasy, Action, Horror, Comedy.

5. What's your favorite genre of music
Soundtrack/movie scores

6. About your family or pets
Girlfriend and two daughters in Vietnam, no pets.

7. What is your native language?

The Queens English my dear chap!

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4 years ago
Aug 5, 2020, 3:44:57 AM

1. Where you live

Lahti, Finland

2. How old you are


3. What you do for a living

Teacher in history and society studies

4. What you do outside of gaming for fun

Geocaching, reading and pet our cat

5. What's your favorite genre of music


6. About your family or pets

Wife and cat

New Q: What is your native language? 


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4 years ago
Aug 6, 2020, 12:03:48 PM

Just came from Humankind, I'm really disappointed by how Civ 6 behaved and I'm happy to see a new contender in this genre!

1. Where you live

Xi'An, China

Our city's in the exact center point of our country, or at least that's what our city folks believed.

2. How old you are


3. What you do for a living

Slapping keyboard, sometimes the words I typed just run by themselves, people seem to call them codes or whatever.

Yeah I know, crazy right?

4. What you do outside of gaming for fun

Making games, I still have a dream of being an indie game dev, hope I can say this out loud again 10 years later.

And other nerdy stuff you could imagine, i.e. board games, medieval history, tabletop RPG

5. What's your favorite genre of music

TBH I cannot tell the genre of music, I just lack a basic understanding of my music taste.

OST from videogames often amazes me so I'm usually listening to the ones I love among the tracks.

6. About your family or pets

A typical family under the influence of previous one-child policy, nothing fancy here.

New Q: What is your native language? 

Chinese, I'm capable of basic English communication and I'll be glad to meet someone that can teach me a few words in other languages.

Updated 4 years ago.
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4 years ago
Aug 7, 2020, 11:44:23 PM
kleverson wrote:

1. Where you live

Brazil, Joinville

2. How old you are


3. What you do for a living


4. What you do outside of gaming for fun

stay at home, listen to music, movies,etc

5. What's your favorite genre of music


6. About your family or pets

wife and dogs (3)

New Q: What is your native language?


Im a Brazilian to! I live in São Paulo

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4 years ago
Aug 7, 2020, 11:47:11 PM

1. Where you live: São José dos Campos, São Paulo - Brazil

2. How old you are: 40

3. What you do for a living: I'm a Graphic Designer

4. What you do outside of gaming for fun: watch series and movies

5. What's your favorite genre of music: Indie

6. About your family or pets: Wife and 2 sons

7. What is your native language: Portuguese

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4 years ago
Aug 9, 2020, 12:49:29 PM

I'm from the UK and really keen to see Humankind succeed.  After almost 5000 hours in Civ 5 it's getting a little jaded :)

61 years young, a property developer with too much spare time on his hands.

My main hobbies are gaming - PC and board games - used to play GW, X-Wing etc.

Married with 2 boys and 2 grand children.

I'm hoping to get on the early play test and to hopefully contribute a little.

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4 years ago
Aug 9, 2020, 5:58:06 PM

I'll answer some of these

My name is Martijn, I live in Breda, the Netherlands.
I'm currently a student enjoying an extra year in uni, besides that I'm also the Integration Manager and Treasurer in my organization.
I used to be a bit of a gym rat, starting to get back into it, going for a run without earphones and just listening to the city sounds and of course enjoying some time with friends.

My favourite genre of music would be Deep House/Summer Vibes and korean soul.

My native language used to be Dutch, but after living abroad for a couple of times I will have to settle with both Dutch and English as my first language, while native speaking in neither.

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4 years ago
Aug 9, 2020, 8:11:17 PM

Hi! New to the family and really excited for Humankind! So here's a little bit bout me:

1. I'm an Indonesian, currently living in a new town called Tangerang Selatan (South Tangerang). Stuck in the home cause people don't care about corona.. smh 

2. I'm 19 to 20, still young but tired and felt "too old for any sh.."

3. I'm currently working as a Business Development Strategic Planner (which I REALLY ENJOY) and learned a lot actually from games HAHAHA like civ and total war (really useful)

4. I like to go hang out at cafes and bars, listen to live music. Really into coffee and tobacco too, as where I could literally travel just to try new coffee seeds and tobacco leaves :) Sometimes I teach MMA and Kung Fu but don't really work out anymore since I got my new job hue

5. Really love rap and house, BUT ALSO RnB, Jazz, and Alternatives hehe

6. Got 2 elder sisters (youngest), broke up 2.5 years ago so single and thus lots of free time. Got 2 cats: Pancake and Cheesecake :) both fat and annoying, but I love em anyway.

That's about it! If you wanna get in touch, you could follow me on IG @itsbenbon and just DM me to say that u found me here (I set my IG to private). Hoping to meet you all someday.

P.S. I speak English and Indonesian (or Malaysian) fluently (got a family side from the states), a bit of Mandarin and French, with a topping of German :)

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4 years ago
Aug 9, 2020, 10:32:58 PM

Hi everyone! First time writing in this forum, so many hours on Sid Meier's Civs, some on Endless franchise.

1. Where you live

Somewhere in the south of France where the sun is.

2. How old you are


3. What you do for a living

C++ and Python developper (formely level designer)

4. What you do outside of gaming for fun
Exploring the nature in the surroundings. Drawing sometimes.

5. What's your favorite genre of music

Indus Metal & V A P O R W A V E

6. About your family or pets

Living w/ my s.o. which is much better than me on 4x!

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4 years ago
Aug 11, 2020, 12:42:42 AM

Humankind videos really made me so excited, and I finally found this place writing down this! I'm in love with this historic 4X genres, but unfortunately, Civ is almost the sole game that match my interest. Now it seems it would gonna be double, and I'm SUPER happy with this guys!

1. Where you live

Seoul, Korea

2. How old you are

26 yrs old

3. What you do for a living

Pharmacist working in the hospital

4. What you do outside of gaming for fun
Usually travel. Not acceptable right now tho ;)

5. What's your favorite genre of music

Almost any genre. If it's good to hear, than I take it.

6. About your family or pets

Live by myself, but I have one younger brother, one dog and my parents

New Q: What is your native language?

It's quite obvious, but yeah, Korean :)

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4 years ago
Aug 11, 2020, 2:09:48 AM

Fave 2 games to date have been Civ V (4,000 hours!) & CK2 (2,500 hours).  Detest Civ VI and am looking for a new fave.  Have high hopes for Humankind --- like what I've seen so far. 

1. Florida, USA.  Can watch rocket launches from my balcony!

2.  60-OUCH!

3. Retired lawyer / teacher.

4.  Swim, bike, learn & practice languages (German, French & Dutch so far, plus some Spanish)

5.  Newgrass / jazz, very diverse, just not heavy metal or hardcore country!

6.  Wife of  35+ years!

7.  English (but fairly adept in several others)

Updated 4 years ago.
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4 years ago
Aug 14, 2020, 3:58:20 PM

1. Where you live: Born and raised in California and now live in Georgia

2. How old you are: Just turned 50

3. What you do for a living: Work for the Railroad

4. What you do outside of gaming for fun: Woodworking and painting

5. What's your favorite genre of music: Hard Rock

6. About your family or pets: Wife, 2 Cats and 3 dogs

New Q: What is your native language?  English

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