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Let's Get To Know Each Other Better!

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3 years ago
Mar 9, 2022, 2:17:05 AM

1. Where you live Born and raised in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Live in Sudbury, Ontario, Canada for the last 6 years

2. How old you are 53, 54 at the end of April

3. What you do for a living Counter sales at an Auto parts supplier

4. What you do outside of gaming for fun Spend time with family

5. What's your favourite genre of music Eclectic. Like most music

6. About your family or pets Married for 22 years come August. 21 year old son who is a gamer like me

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2 years ago
Jan 25, 2023, 7:02:31 AM
brucewayne04 wrote:

No thanks, ISIS. Not answering any of this.

Y'all do realize half of these questions are security related questions?

hazmat22 wrote:
brucewayne04 wrote:

No thanks, ISIS. Not answering any of this.

Y'all do realize half of these questions are security related questions?

I don't generally answer things like this either, not a person that tends to share details online.

But it's entirely possible to answer things like this and not use your security questions as the answers (add/subtract some age, slightly fudge location, etc etc.  You could even post answers that are quiz like with multiple guesses and let people make up their own mind who you are, never confirming what is correct and what was made up =P

So hello all from very Wintry Canada where it is currently -19C, stay warm and enjoy some EL tonight!

I like your folks cautiousness. One can never be too careful these days (or since the start of time really). If set up a game using TCP/IP connection, orf being a being local host for a game session, I use a VPN. I always still shred my physical mail too. Leave no details thrown away in the paper recycle bins without shredding any personal information. Especially in some countries where everyones personal datails are readily availbale online through various sites data lists. As long as you know someone last name, their age and roughly in what area they live you can find their home adress, exact birhtdate etc. Other countries has more protection for privacy and don't allow publication of such info, but some countries are really weak on that protection of privacy. Those countries are a dream for online scammers, targeting often old people. I personally would never use social media likeFakjebook, Twitter, Instagram where I am required to give out my real name, or be so naive as to post when I would be going on holiday and my home is abandoned (an invitation to burglary).

However, some of these question could indeed be answered "roughly", or "in the ballpark". Like say you are 33-37, you could answer "mid 30's", or "in my 30's". If live in say Germany, you could answer "in Europe". If live in say Malaysia, answer "South East Asia". Hmmm, I'll think about it and maybe one day answer like that. :)

I do like the initiative of getting to know each other better as well. Maybe find others who share the exact same hobbies and passions. Such a shame the world is how it is and one has to be so cautious.

Updated 2 years ago.
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2 years ago
Mar 10, 2023, 3:55:27 AM

I'm a Louisiana native. I grew up around the swamps and bayous of southeastern Louisiana. I'm part cajun and part native American. I love my culture and my home state. I've never been married and never really wanted to. Im somewhat of a free spirit.

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2 years ago
Mar 10, 2023, 4:55:47 AM

Oh im not a private type person. I share more than that at show and tell in elementary school. I'm an open book, ask me anything and i'll answer honestly. 

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a year ago
Aug 6, 2023, 12:37:40 PM

1. Where you live: Middle of germany

2. How old you are atm 37

3. What you do for a livingdoinig massage and make up and such stuff

4. What you do outside of gaming for fun sewing, crafting, cinema, concerts and meet friends, drawing and learning blender

5. What's your favorite genre of music rock, metal, 80ties, synthwaves, chiptunes japanese/asia rock and popbands

6. About your family or pets 3cats lovley ones hehehehe

7.What is your native language? german

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