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Linking the reserve with my account

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2 years ago
Mar 29, 2023, 11:45:47 PM

Hi everyone! First post, I hope this is the correct thread. Recently i reserved Endless Dungeon, and I live in Spain, so to get my phisical copy it redirected me to Game (a company based on Spain). The thing is that I thought that it included the access to the beta and that kind of stuff, but for some reason I dont seem able to find a way to link it to my account here or something to gain that access, and i havent found a mail or anything like that to send a ticket about my purchase. I can provide proof about it, and if possible link it to my account someway to access to the beta and the early play. Thanks for reading! Cheers!


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2 years ago
Mar 30, 2023, 1:16:22 AM
Groo wrote:

Perhaps this thread is of use for you: https://community.amplitude-studios.com/amplitude-studios/endless-dungeon/forums/203-general/threads/51814-beta-closed-new-one-before-release?page=1#post-368727

Thanks, thats useful, but still, how will i be able to access the beta when they open it if i cant link it to my account? I dont know if theres something i can do to link it, if theres not i'll have to wait but i've been waiting for a very long time to play this game and couldnt get to play it earlier. It would be a pitty :(

Thanks anyway!

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2 years ago
Mar 30, 2023, 2:28:27 AM

Does the game come with an activation key for steam? If so and you bought the version that has the beta access you should just need to link your steam account to this platform (if you havent already) The devs seem to have knowledge as to who owns what for game content. Still im just guessing based on what ive seen so far. Someone with more knowledge might jump in if they see this thread so ill help by upvoting. 

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2 years ago
Jul 1, 2023, 11:34:10 PM

Thanks! And sorry for the late reply. Car accident happened and fast forward couple months im here again. The thing is i think i bought a phisical version of the game, so i guess im not getting anything till the day that i get the game, so i wont get no key no nothing till the beta is finished i fear, am i right? Can i contact the support with the ticket of the reserve or something so i can have access to the beta maybe? (BTW, any news on the beta??)

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2 years ago
Jul 3, 2023, 10:55:44 AM
Kulsar wrote:

Thanks! And sorry for the late reply. Car accident happened and fast forward couple months im here again. The thing is i think i bought a phisical version of the game, so i guess im not getting anything till the day that i get the game, so i wont get no key no nothing till the beta is finished i fear, am i right? Can i contact the support with the ticket of the reserve or something so i can have access to the beta maybe? (BTW, any news on the beta??)

Sorry about the car accident, hope everything is fine.
The beta finished indeed. The next one will be around September, but If not mistaken it is for digital versions, so not sure about the access.

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