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Tuesday Night Fights

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10 years ago
Oct 2, 2014, 4:42:13 PM
My first multiplayer game of endless did result in my quick defeat. I had fun and learned a lot.

These are my most important conclusions

1) Don't lose units to minor factions

2) Save dust for retrofits, and do partial retrofits if you cant afford full upgrades

3) Expect early aggression

I've trimmed some of the waiting and technical difficulties from the live stream, you can see the videos here:


Hope to play again in the next Tuesday night fight. If anyone is free this Saturday (around 11 AM EDT) I'm planning to stream another round of EL multiplayer.
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10 years ago
Oct 2, 2014, 11:59:56 AM
Dangerously cordial! GG guys. Rook1, glad you enjoyed your first MP game. Thanks to Propbuddha for hosting and PrimEvalCIV for streaming the game.

Like Propbuddha said, if anyone runs into an issue during a TNF, please send one of us a Steam message.
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10 years ago
Oct 1, 2014, 3:38:56 AM
DivisionDTD wrote:
I've been kicked from the game! Oh no! If you're reading this Prop, I'd very much appreciate a reload to get back in there!

I apologize! We figured you took off because you left on turn five. You should have PMed me smiley: frown

Great game to all (especially to the players that stuck around).
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10 years ago
Oct 1, 2014, 3:19:59 AM
Greetings guys!

Thanks for the game, it was the first time I ever tried multiplayer, and it was a blast! I managed to have my hive devour one of the Vaulters, but in the end I over spread myself and could not keep up with my economy I was forced to sell my whole army and most of my city upgrades smiley: frown , very interesting and logical though. Looks like I still have much to learn smiley: smile

Hope to see you next week!

If anyone wants to add me on steam, I would love to play with any of you again sometime.

Steam name: Rook 1
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10 years ago
Oct 1, 2014, 12:19:42 AM
Ack, never mind... the lobby is full with 7/7. Have fun dudes, see you next week hopefully
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11 years ago
Jul 7, 2014, 5:02:50 PM
Looking for a quality Endless Legend multiplayer game?

The Endless Legend Multiplayer Steam Group will be hosting "Tuesday Night Fights" to have some competitive fun with our favorite game.

NEXT EVENT : Tuesday - April 28 - 8:00 PM Central (click here for your timezone)

Look for the "EL-MP Tuesday Night Fights" lobby in game. Server will set up for maximum players and sensible settings (with timers). Game will be drop-in/out and slots will be first-come, first-served (no reservations necessary).


After turn 75, any player with a Global Score that is 200 more than any other Empire will win a "I've Got to Work Tomorrow Score Victory". Players may continue to play if they choose.

If you plan on participating, please make sure you have the time to complete the game. We will play for approximately 3 hours.

Have questions? Post them here.

Previous Event After-Action Reports

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10 years ago
Sep 30, 2014, 7:09:50 PM
I will try to get on there tonight. do I need to get on the steam group?
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10 years ago
Sep 30, 2014, 1:52:27 PM
I am pretty happy with the lack of sea mechanics. For me, water is just a natural barrier against early aggression. Helps establish some borders since players usually won't get the tech too early... But they could and it is something to think about.
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10 years ago
Sep 30, 2014, 1:11:41 PM
Until they add/expand sea mechanics, there isn't a good reason to play on a map with lots of water. That's too bad, naval/trade factions are usually my favourites in 4x games, but it is what it is.

Who else is playing tonight?
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10 years ago
Sep 29, 2014, 9:54:02 PM
I agree with you WhetherMan, I don't think advanced would save much more time (max 1 1/2 minutes) and has the potential to really frustrate the players.

Masterdinadan wrote:
I'm okay with or without advanced encounter, but can we do continents? I like boats smiley: wink

My thinking was to play a few vanilla games and get the format down, then start adding in variations and themes each time for fun. We'll definitely to continents in the future.
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10 years ago
Sep 29, 2014, 7:11:43 PM
I vote against AES, but I'll play either way. Seems like the worst of both worlds. Battles would still take a lot longer than autoresolves, while having the potential for autoresolve style catastrophes. The rest of the settings look good.
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10 years ago
Sep 29, 2014, 6:22:17 PM
TheWhetherMan wrote:
I'll play tomorrow. Have you decided what the map settings will be?

Game Speed : Fast

Players : 8

AI Difficulty : Hard

Custom Factions? : No

Turn Timer : 120 Seconds Overall/30 Seconds Last Player

Battle Pace: 30 Seconds to start, deploy or target, Advanced Normal Encounter Sequence, Very Fast Animation Speed

World Size : Normal (Small region size)

Word Shape: Pangea

Temperature : Temperate

Topography: Average

World Difficulty : Normal (with Spread starting positions)

NOTE: The "Drop-In Desync" bug still exists in 1.0.2, I will lock down the slots when we start to prevent people from dropping in (unless this gets fixed tomorrow)...

My only ??? is regarding Advanced Encounter Sequence . I know this will shave a little bit of time off of battles, but I'm worried that it may annoy people that aren't used to it. Most of the time in larger battles is in resolution. Any thoughts?
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10 years ago
Sep 29, 2014, 12:54:30 PM
DivisionDTD wrote:
Is there going to be a other round of Tuesday Night Fights this week? I'm pretty disappointed I couldn't make the last one and am champing at the bit for some multiplayer!

Hey Division.

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10 years ago
Sep 29, 2014, 9:12:11 AM
Is there going to be a other round of Tuesday Night Fights this week? I'm pretty disappointed I couldn't make the last one and am champing at the bit for some multiplayer!
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