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ELCMT - Map Creation is available again! Rejoice!

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4 years ago
Jun 7, 2021, 9:54:13 PM

With the release of the Auriga map, we once again have a .tmx file that is viable for import to the current version of Endless Legend. With help from LeaderEnemyBoss (of ELCP fame) and Xephi-Zero, I've been able to build from this to a set of Endless Legend map templates, tileset images, XML configuration files, and documentation.

I am proud to present the Endless Legend Community Mapping Tools! With these, a copy of Tiled map editor, and a little knowledge of XML, you can create your own Endless Legend maps, and distribute them as mods on the Steam workshop!

Documentation is included in the zip, but a more reliably up-to-date version can be found here.

Note that you will need to jump through hoops in order to create a map that's compatible with unmodded Endless Legend. The Endless Legend Community Patch (ELCP) adds certain null checks and bug fixes that make it much easier to create ELCP-compatible maps than Vanilla-compatible maps, and also increase the breadth of features that can be included. For this reason, if you want to play user-created maps, I strongly recommend downloading ELCP - the latest version is linked in the thread here. You will need ELCP version 2.7.0, which is released today! Earlier versions still have bugs relating to user-created maps.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask them in this thread, or come to the ELCP Discord server here.

Updated 4 years ago.
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4 years ago
Jun 7, 2021, 9:54:23 PM

With the latest version of ELCP, ELCMT enables a whole new feature that I'm calling "Custom randomization". This allows the map creator to place - for example - tiles that are randomly either Titanium or Glassteel.

This feature is documented here... but the documentation isn't that great. Fortunately, I did include an example map and tileset in the latest version of ELCMT, which you should be able to figure out.

Updated 3 years ago.
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4 years ago
Jun 9, 2021, 2:16:30 PM

So I wanted to update the canon Auriga map to 13 players in ELCP. I started to edit it in the standard Tiled with only vanilla materials. Now I swapped to use your materials (thank you a lot for them <3), but even though all tilesets are visible when editing the map, none of the new ones have values. What can I do to add values to tiles in a map like this? I can't find any option to do so in the Tiled program.

Updated 4 years ago.
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4 years ago
Jun 9, 2021, 4:33:34 PM

Okay I managed to edit the values by opening every png in Tiled itself as a seperate file. I just edited them manually following the names from your given template of huge map model.

But even after all of that I can't play this map. I got this error message:

Do you know what is the cause of this? I tried to follow all the instructions from the file. I checked for any tiles on wrong layers, checked north and south most regions to be wastelands and checked all the rivers with their elevation. This one seems like I have a value pinned to a tile that is higher then the game allow it to be. The Anomalies numeration seems to be a bit off with missing numbers, but it was the same in your example map, so I followed it fully. Maybe something there is causing the error?

Please help.

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4 years ago
Jun 9, 2021, 6:17:52 PM

Your error report screen usually is displayed, if an antivirus-software blocks game from execution. Do you have one (i.e. Avira, Avast, Kaspersky, Bitdefender) activated? This case create an exception for the Endless Legend folder(s) it refers to.

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4 years ago
Jun 9, 2021, 6:47:44 PM


Due to a small mix-up between myself and LeaderEnemyBoss, the "Random Facility" and "Random Citadel" points of interest weren't generating. That should be fixed now.

Download ELCMT here!

There are no new features in this update and the documentation has not changed. It's purely a bug fix.

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4 years ago
Jun 9, 2021, 6:58:58 PM
Wikist wrote:

Okay I managed to edit the values by opening every png in Tiled itself as a seperate file. I just edited them manually following the names from your given template of huge map model.

But even after all of that I can't play this map. I got this error message:

Do you know what is the cause of this? I tried to follow all the instructions from the file. I checked for any tiles on wrong layers, checked north and south most regions to be wastelands and checked all the rivers with their elevation. This one seems like I have a value pinned to a tile that is higher then the game allow it to be. The Anomalies numeration seems to be a bit off with missing numbers, but it was the same in your example map, so I followed it fully. Maybe something there is causing the error?

Please help.

Hi Wikist!

Using my tilesets in the pre-existing Auriga map is going to cause problems right off the bat. For a start, Amplitude's PointOfInterests tileset has the tiles in a different order from mine, so a one-for-one replacement is going to substitute some anomalies with others, and that's almost certainly what's happened here.

If all you want to do is add more start locations to Auriga, I suggest you don't touch the PointOfInterests layer at all. Just add my images for Elevations, Regions, Terrains, Rivers and Spawns. You can edit the tileset and add custom properties to tiles like this:

Select the PointOfInterests tileset, then click the "edit tileset" icon below the tileset menu.

Select the tile you want to edit and click the little plus icon at the bottom of the properties pane to add a new custom property.

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4 years ago
Jun 9, 2021, 9:08:29 PM

Thank you Groo and Fluffiest for answers.

Unfortuntelly Groo I added the exception pointing to the mod folder, but still the same error.

Fluffiest I actually revamped the whole map to be more viable for every faction. I gave every faction unique start position with 2-3 regions free to conquer without much confrontation and so on. So I did a lot of tweaks. All the errors that were about bad values dissapeared, because I entered the same values as are on your maps. Pretty sure every tile is in the right spot. Don't really know what to do next. I am trying to copy/paste my map to one of your templates, but it is taking time. I am thinking that maybe that will fix it.

Updated 4 years ago.
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4 years ago
Jun 10, 2021, 7:34:59 AM

So I have made a little of progress. It seems that I have two major problems. First of all I managed to start the map without the points of intrest that I made. That one is okay, because later on I can just add new POIs one type at a time and see if one breaks the game or not. Something in POIs was causing the crash error that I showed here before for sure.

But there is another problem. I can not start the game with more than 8 players, even though I have ELCP installed. To make sure that this is not caused by my map, I edited the huge template and added one more start position in a new region with some luxuries to make it launch the game. It didn't. So for some reason I just can't start the scenario with more than 8 players. For the record I edited the Scenario.xml file and changed the three instances with max major factions from 8 to 13 as advised in the file and deleted "-->" signs. Later on I also tried to delete all the other size descriptions and leave only the huge one, but that also didn't help.

Of course Fluffiest. Thank you. I will send you the file with POIs layer still on. It will propably won't work, but if you delete the POIs layer, then add basic luxuries from each era and start the game up to 8 players then you will propably launch the map in game (I just surrounded every start position with the same luxuries and strategic to make the map work while testing). But with 9 or more players that is propably not possible without tweaking. That is my file:


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4 years ago
Jun 12, 2021, 10:04:58 AM


Since several people have been wanting to modify the Auriga map, I made a version of that map that uses my tilesets, including the rearranged PointOfInterests tileset. It should work like any other map.

I also corrected the capitalization of "Village_Birdhive". Not sure if this was actually causing issues, but better safe than sorry.

As usual, download it here.

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4 years ago
Jun 12, 2021, 10:15:33 AM

Wikist, you should upload your complete mod, as errors can occur in multiple places and its also easier for testers to just copy it in their mod folder and run the map this way.

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4 years ago
Jun 30, 2021, 10:57:26 PM

Not an update to ELCMT, but a change to the documentation. See here for the relevent bit.

In summary, there are two user mapping folders. "Community" and "User Generated Content". The former just lets you drop mods into it and have them appear in game. The latter is used for if you want to upload your own mods to the Steam Workshop, and it require the --enablemoddingtools startup option.

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4 years ago
Jul 8, 2021, 9:04:08 PM


Two changes here.

Firstly, the order of the Minor Faction villages has been reshuffled to be alphabetical. I was getting annoyed trying to find the ones I needed and I figured everyone else must be as well. This shouldn't break existing maps at all.

Secondly, there are now Tiled tilesets (.tsx) files included. The intended use of these is for if you have an old map file from before ELCMT, you can swap out the tilesets in the old map for the ELCMT tilesets to get better images and access to new stuff like volcanic terrain.

As usual, download it here.

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3 years ago
Sep 26, 2021, 9:04:01 PM

I actually had the new Auriga map fully ready, but I stopped cause I needed to start it all over again in the newer version of your ELCMT to be playable. I even copy/pasted the terrain with some problems, but in the end I will maybe finish it up, once I have some more time.

Would my Auriga map from before your new editions be allowed to be ported into the newer version with the latest changes from yours?

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3 years ago
Nov 25, 2021, 6:56:12 PM


There's a new version of the Auriga map here, incorporating the changes made by Amplitude. It still doesn't have things like sea fortresses - it's just the free DLC Auriga map, but with the ELCMT tilesets added so it's easier to edit.

There's also a whole new feature, "Custom randomization", which allows you to have - for example - tiles that are randomly either Titanium or Glassteel. This feature is documented here but the documentation isn't that great. Fortunately, I did include an example map and tileset, which you should be able to figure out.

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