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ELCMT - Map Creation is available again! Rejoice!

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3 years ago
Nov 29, 2021, 12:41:28 PM
Wikist wrote:

I actually had the new Auriga map fully ready, but I stopped cause I needed to start it all over again in the newer version of your ELCMT to be playable. I even copy/pasted the terrain with some problems, but in the end I will maybe finish it up, once I have some more time.

Would my Auriga map from before your new editions be allowed to be ported into the newer version with the latest changes from yours?

I suggest that, when you finish your Auriga map, you just release it on Steam Workshop as a regular mod. Map mods are 100% playable without ELCMT (although some might require ELCP).

Technically, ELCMT isn't even an Endless Legend mod, because it doesn't modify anything in the game directory. It's just a set of tools.

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3 years ago
Jan 25, 2022, 11:36:58 AM

The ingame world generator can also create negative elevations down to -5, which can often be seen in large ocean regions.

I've tried to implement them into the Tiled resources, but this seems to break the map elevations completely.

Is there a way to have a lower elevation than -2 for custom maps?

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3 years ago
Jan 30, 2022, 12:14:24 PM

I used to use a Map Generation mod before MT broke it and remember setting ocean max depth (up to -5) as a choice .  I played around with lots of elevation settings to make giant mountain island war games and such but was never 100% on how much it contributed.

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3 years ago
Mar 12, 2022, 11:36:23 AM
Wikist wrote:

I actually had the new Auriga map fully ready, but I stopped cause I needed to start it all over again in the newer version of your ELCMT to be playable. I even copy/pasted the terrain with some problems, but in the end I will maybe finish it up, once I have some more time.

Would my Auriga map from before your new editions be allowed to be ported into the newer version with the latest changes from yours?

Very nice man! :) It bugs me that an official map can't contain all official factions. 

Was really interesting reading this conversation. Did you succeed with the port? 

I'm honestly curious.

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