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Steam Achievement Creation Competition

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11 years ago
Aug 29, 2014, 3:47:42 PM
Swatting Flies - Kill an army of at least 15 necrophage units without losing a single one of your own

Hessian League Hire at least 50 mercenaries in a single game

Whispers in the Dark As Cultists, produce at least 500 influence from the Holy City

Build That Wall Level up the city center of your first city to level two by turn 25

Starting off on the Right Foot Kill another faction's settler the turn you meet them

Two Faced Apple Eliminate a faction using mercenary units exclusively, whilst in an alliance with them the entire time

Finding Home As Roving Clans move a level 2 city to a new region

The Real Holy City As a faction other than Cultists, colonize only 1 region throughout the entire game, and win diplomatic victory
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11 years ago
Aug 28, 2014, 7:05:37 PM
andm wrote:

Way better than Napoleon - Conquer 5 cities during a single winter.

I love this one !

I will post my ideas later smiley: smile
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11 years ago
Aug 28, 2014, 7:26:13 PM
I come in peace - really! - Make peace with a faction then attack it in the next 5 turns (fast gamespeed).

The cult of the golden tree - As windwalkers settle a city near every golden tree anomalie on the map.

Nom Nom Nom - As Necrophages gain over 50 population with food stockpiles.

Xenofobe - As vaulters do not trade a single science tech but win the game on science victory.

Flawless victory - Win with every single victory condition on the same turn. (I have done this in civ4 BTS once while being in golden age lol)

A better world for our children- After a minimum 20 turn war(fast gamespeed) make a lasting peace until end of game

Shrewd negotiatior Buy a resource for less than the bonus dust/sci/industry/food/influence you receive from it per turn when you activate it

Parley party Use parley to gain population with a 10 citizen size city or more.

Some achievements about more clever ways to play:

Every step of the path is important As rovers settle and move a city every turn for 5 turns. (I could mention the sell a unit cheaper than you buy it for but I am sure it will be fixed as it has been mentioned in public forums and elsewhere a long time.)

Small food buckets make a big splash As Necrophage sacrifice a population 2 city citizen then use 1 food stock pile and sacrifice again a citizen and repeat this 5 times in one turn.

Trade is our population As Broken lords use emeralds and net more than 500 dust per turn in trade income while adding 5 population to your cities in one turn

No one can stand against a fast dragon As Drakken in a fast small map game conquer a neighbor during the first 20 turns then force a peace.

The winds of change As Windwalkers have all citizens focus on industry while building in a single turn stockpiles for science and food and selling one stockpile for dust

Science is the answer to everything As Vaulters have all population make science and trade technology for dust and buy a food and industry stockpile in a single turn

Food for thought As any faction add 3 village population only after gaining 10 population in a city in a single turn.

I have not yet played ardent mage so I have no good ideas here. Perhaps someone else?


Help us track down this problem in MP get your first out of sync as host.

The host of the party in mp host and finish 20 games without any out of synch problems.

Picasso Have 5 regions of different faction and color next to each other.
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11 years ago
Aug 28, 2014, 7:43:50 PM
SETSEKE GO! - In a single game, relocate a city to include a new anomaly five times.

MINORITY PORT - Besiege a city from a water tile using only minor faction units.

THE LONG GAME - Win on the last turn of the game.

THE NEW FEDERATION - Pacify all villages of an assimilated faction on the map.

WHEN WINTER COMES - Conquer a city on the first turn of winter.

WORLD EATERS - Win a conquest game as the Drakken without having a Peace treaty with any other players.

GUILD WARS - Win an economic victory in a game with only Roving Clan players.

WE GET TIRED TOO, YOU KNOW - Research roads and naval units as the Drakken.

UNNECESSARY - Have food production buildings in three cities as the Broken Lords.

HIRED HELP - Win a game as the Roving Clans without training military units.

NOT YOUR AVERAGE DRAGONS - Negotiate peace with five other players who attacked you first.

VAULT HUNTER - With a Vaulters hero, equip two items you got from quests found in ruins.

In any number of games, lift twenty sieges using only Broken Lords units when not playing as the Broken Lords.

PLAYING FAIR - Win a game as the Necrophages without training or buying Necrodrones.

THE TRAITS, THEY DO NOTHING! - Complete a game as the Drakken, playing against only Necrophages.

("World Eater" references Alduin the world eater from Skyrim.)
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11 years ago
Aug 28, 2014, 10:08:00 PM

“Call of the Valkyries”: recruit 4 Vaulter heroes in a game.

“Let’s go out for dinner”: As Necrophages, don’t research any food upgrade technology in a game.

“Roaming clan”: as the Roving clan, kill 1000 units while only using mercenaries.

“Tree hugger”: Playing the Wild Walker, build 10 Tenei walkers in a game.

“Pressure cooker”: have an Ardent mage unit or hero reach 100 attack through the ardent fire trait.

“Dust workshop”: use dust to heal 10.000 hit points on Broken lords units and heroes.

“Hypernatremia”: Salt every city you conquer during a game (minimum 3).

(icone would be a salt shaker)

“The big flusher” : build a sewer system in all your cities (minimum 3).

(icone would be a toilet, obviously)

“Tin can aficionado”: have all your units to wear full armor and shield (minimum 12).

(icone would be a tin can with a heart on it)

“Cattle King”: With a Roving clan hero visit all regions of the map with an army of 4 Gurans.

(icone would be a cow, like one of those on the road signs)

“Let them come…”: win a battle using only the standing option on your units and heroes in a game.

“Relics junky”: visit twice all the ruins on the map in a game.

“Fear of the past”: don’t search any ruin in a game.

“Pull my finger”: win a battle only using disease attack.

“Meat centrifuge”: kill 1000 units using the circular hit ability (attack or defense).

“Hyperconductivity”: Kill 3 units in one hit with chain ligthning damage.

“Slap fest champion”: With one troop, hit 20 units using the sweeping strike (attack or defense) in a game.

(icone would be a pair of dueling gloves)

“Meat bag vendor”: Sell 100 units to the marketplace.

(icone would be a fist handing over a t-bone steak)

“Frost bite surgeon”: Have a unit spend all winters on the map and survive them in a game.

(icone would be a dental prothesis)

Numbers in each description are really just to put something...

There... i could go on as it's fun and ideas keep coming, but i need a break, hahaha.
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11 years ago
Aug 28, 2014, 10:33:57 PM
At least you tried - lose your starting settlers.

One man army (or lonely wolf) - in a single game defeat 10 armies only by hero without units.

P.s. My English is not good, i know smiley: frown
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11 years ago
Aug 29, 2014, 12:00:30 AM
Were you really looking for a dozen entries per person?

This is getting a little out of hand, hahaha!
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11 years ago
Aug 29, 2014, 12:43:06 AM
Bloodless Coup: Gain control of an enemy faction's capital without ever declaring war on them.

Dusty Roads: Have trade routes with at least three other factions.

Et Tu, Brute?: Conquer a city of a faction not the same as your own with an army led by a hero from that faction.

Ready for Raiding: Learn at least five special weapon or armor recipes from quest rewards.

Fighting Frontiersmen: Win a fight with just one of your settlers.

Flowering Trees: Have a city that includes both the Chromatic Land and the Life Tree anomalies within its borders.

Songs of Sins and Decadence: Have at least five different luxury resource boosters activated at the same time.

Creepy Crawlies: Win a battle with an army containing three Driders and three Vinesnakes.

Living in the Past: Have at least three ruins within the borders of a single city.

Lay the Dead to Rest: Destroy a Haunt village with an army containing at least two Justiceres.

Diversity Committee: Have heroes from at least four different factions as governors in your cities.

Lust for Dust: Earn 10,000 Dust in a single turn entirely from the marketplace.

Cram Session: Use a science stockpile on your Empire while a Moonleaf booster is active and you are earning at least 75 science per turn from trade routes.

Avalanche!: During winter, conquer a city with an army made up of only Harmonites
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11 years ago
Aug 29, 2014, 2:48:13 AM
Looks like meat's back on the menu, boys. As necrophages get a food stockpile from eating armies of other Necrophages.

Now for wrath! Now for ruin! Win a battle using all cavalry units against an army of all infantry.

You won't like me when I'm angry. Give a warning to a faction that is terrified of you

D-day. Land an army with 8 or more units in a faction you're at war with's territory.

We're still friends. Right guys?

Make peace with all remaining factions after declaring war against all of them.

The Desert Fox. Win a Dominance/Military victory on a world with an arid climate.

This is where the fun begins. Start a game on impossible difficulty

BFFs.Finish a game while never breaking an alliance you made with a faction at least 100turns ago.

Excalibur. Find your first sword for a quest.

The Mountain and the Viper.Have one unit with spears lose to an army of 2 or more Ogres. (WIP,need better idea for the title, doesn't do them justice atm.
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11 years ago
Aug 29, 2014, 4:16:02 AM
Power Through Knowledge - Achieve the Diplomatic victory with Drakkens

Bring Out Your Dead - As Necrophages gather 50 cadavers in a single game

Tomb Raider - Search 100 ruins through all games
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11 years ago
Aug 29, 2014, 7:08:20 AM
Ardent Mages

Visions of our Future - Assimilate and Pacify 8 Haunts Villages on your Empire when playing as the Ardent Mages.

Broken Lords

Cold Steel - Win a game as the Broken Lords without settling any Jungle, Desert or Temperate regions.

Virtuous Restraint - Do not research any Dust smiley: dust producing City Improvements when playing as the Broken Lords.


Demons and Dragons and Monsters Oh My! - Assimilate and Pacify 8 Kazanji Villages on your Empire when playing as the Drakken.

Strength in Diversity - When playing as the Drakken, have one Village of each Minor Faction on the map Pacified and within your Empire.


Cattle Farmers - Assimilate and Pacify 8 Bos Villages on your Empire when playing as the Necrophages.

Exotic Chefs - Employ Heroes from 4 different races when playing as the Necrophages.

Hunter-Gatherers - Do not research any Food smiley: food producing City Improvements when playing as the Necrophages.

Mega Hive - When playing as the Necrophages, build Districts on all available hexes in a region.

Roving Clans

Money Makers - Assimilate and Pacify 8 Delvers Villages on your Empire when playing as the Roving Clans.

Money Talks - Only exchange Dust when using Diplomacy when playing as the Roving Clans.

Research Grants - Do not research any Science smiley: science producing City Improvements when playing as the Roving Clans.

Wild Walkers

Far From Home - Win a game as the Wild Walkers without exploiting any Forest hexes.
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11 years ago
Aug 29, 2014, 3:36:46 PM
Everyone must really love the Necrophages, so many achievements based on them lol.
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11 years ago
Aug 29, 2014, 3:38:42 PM
Idle Hands - Don't start any research, move any units, engage in battle, or start any buildings for X turns.

(not sure what would be a good number of turns)
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11 years ago
Aug 28, 2014, 6:44:55 PM
RACIST - Destroy more than 15 minor factions villages.

PYRRHIC VICTORY - Win the battle but lose almost the entire army (one surviving unit).

TUNNEL VISION - Have an armies composed of one unit type.

DAVID VS GOLIATH - Win the battle against four times (or more) larger army.

BIGGER DOESN'T MEAN BETTER - Lose battle having more unit than your enemy (your army should be twice much bigger (or more)).
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11 years ago
Aug 29, 2014, 5:47:12 PM
DotBeta wrote:
Everyone must really love the Necrophages, so many achievements based on them lol.

Well, thematically, the Necrophages are rather easy to come up with Achievements for smiley: smile.
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11 years ago
Aug 30, 2014, 4:15:01 PM
Dungeons & Drakken : As the Drakken exploit at least 40 Ruins in a single game

The Labours of Heracles : With a male infantry/ranged hero kill at least one a Vinesnake, a Minotaur, a Sister of Mercy, a Tekite and an Eneqa Wing in a single game
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11 years ago
Aug 30, 2014, 4:35:38 PM
Teslaflux wrote:
Dungeons & Drakken : As the Drakken exploit at least 40 Ruins in a single game

This one is so good.
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11 years ago
Aug 30, 2014, 11:38:04 PM
Garden of Eden: As the Wild Walkers, win without ever being at war.

Luddite: Win a game without reaching era 4.

Days of the Caveman: Win a game without reaching era 2.

Apocalypse Never: Destroy the Cultists in twenty games.

Merchant of Death: Win a conquest victory as the Roving Clans.

Race Traitors: In a single game, kill three heroes of your own race.

The World Keeps Ending On Me...: Lose five games during an endless winter.

Cooperation: Win five games without declaring war.

Capitalism is for Losers: As Roving Clans, win a game without using the marketplace.

The Little People: Win a game owning more minor faction units than major.

The Little People Keep Killing Me: Lose ten cities to minor factions, across any number of games.

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