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Steam Achievement Creation Competition

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10 years ago
Sep 1, 2014, 1:39:55 PM
League of Legends[/B] - Win a battle with at least 5 Heroes participating on your side.

Outsourced and Outplayed[/B] - Have at least one Hero of each major race as a governor in your Empire.

From Sea to Shining Sea[/B] - Settle or conquer regions until your Empire forms a continuous ring around the world.

Should Have Put a Ring On It[/B] - Upgrade your starting Hero with a Ring accessory.

The Emperor's New Clothes[/B] - Win a battle without any equipment in your army.

Wined and Dined[/B] - As the Necrophages, apply a food stockpile to a city under the effects of the Wine luxury resource.

One Big Step for Our Kind[/B] - As the Vaulters, teleport a Hero-led army from one city to another that is at least 30 hexes away.

Where the Wild Things Were[/B] - As the Wild Walkers, attack four different Minor Faction villages in the same turn.

Dracarys[/B] - As the Drakken, break an Alliance treaty the turn you made it and then conquer a city owned by the betrayed faction.

Red Rover[/B] - As the Roving Clans, relocate a city from one border of a province to another border within 3 turns.

Expelliarmus[/B] - As the Ardent Mages, conquer a capital city with an army armed only with wands.

Ashes to Ashes, Dust to Dust[/B] - As the Broken Lords, conquer a city with at least 20 population while having at least 20 population in your capital city.
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10 years ago
Sep 2, 2014, 7:57:18 PM
DotBeta wrote:

Adderation - Compliment a single faction 50 times, Adderatio demands it.
Adderatio approves.
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10 years ago
Sep 2, 2014, 8:17:20 PM

No idea how we're going to choose...
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10 years ago
Sep 2, 2014, 8:23:31 PM
Slowhands wrote:

No idea how we're going to choose...

You know, you can always choose the best per person (the one that's actually implementable), use a random generator, then let the community decide on... maybe 18? smiley: stickouttongue
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10 years ago
Sep 2, 2014, 8:26:17 PM
Slowhands wrote:

No idea how we're going to choose...

Good luck with that, there are plenty of good ones it would make my head spin. smiley: sweat
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10 years ago
Sep 2, 2014, 8:59:24 PM
Happy-Fun-Joy-Land! - Have all Approval smiley: approval generating City Improvements built in a single city.
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10 years ago
Aug 28, 2014, 12:28:25 PM
RESISTANCE IS FUTILE - Conquer every major and minor civilization in a single game as the Necrophages.

ARCHIMEDES - Defeat another naval unit in a single turn. (Specific to Greek Fire or some similar technology if one is introduced, as a reference to Archimedes supposedly using hundreds of mirrors to focus light and disable enemy ships)

LAND OF THE RISING SUN - Establish three cities on islands.
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10 years ago
Aug 28, 2014, 9:28:25 AM
Brutal Efficiency[/B]- In a battle, destroy all enemy units in a single turn.

Roads? Where we're going, we don't need roads[/B]- Win a game without building any roads.
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10 years ago
Aug 28, 2014, 9:36:50 AM
PECULIA VINCIT OMNIA - as Rowing Clans, achieve Conquer Victory.

MACROMICROMANAGER - have at least 8 cities with governors.

ONE HAPPY FAMILY - be in Alliance with every other Major Faction currently in game.

WILDLIFE PRESERVATION - as Wild Walkers, bribe/parley every minor faction in your regions.
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10 years ago
Aug 28, 2014, 9:40:28 AM
T-BONES FOR DINEER! : As Nécrophages, complete a stockpile by killing a Minotaur unit!

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10 years ago
Aug 28, 2014, 9:40:37 AM
MMO4XRPG - In a multiplayer match, trade 10 times, complete 10 quests, loot 10 ruins.

We require more minerals - Possess a combined stock of 500 strategic resources.

It's all mine(d), again - Exploit simultaneously all 6 strategic resources.

Fast expand - After turn 100, possess twice more regions than the second best player.

Auriga Stock Exchange - In a single game, possess at least one unit of all luxury resources at once.

You were prepared - Survive a 20 turns long winter without any population loss in your cities.

Way better than Napoleon - Conquer 5 cities during a single winter.

Long distance siege - Possess all regions surrounding an enemy region.

Overly attached hero - Complete a game where your starting hero never left his army.
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10 years ago
Aug 28, 2014, 10:59:51 AM
No Pugs allowed : Eliminate at least four Roving Clans factions in single game while playing a different faction.

Endless War : As the Drakken be simultaneously at war with seven factions until you eliminted them all.

Desert Pug : As the Roving Clans achieve a Domination Victory while playing on a huge desert map.

Air supremacy : With an army consist of flying units destroy at least three armys made up of infantry
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10 years ago
Aug 28, 2014, 11:16:30 AM
Hydrophobia: Win the game without researching ships.

One religion: Win a diplomatic victory with the cultists.

Knowledge equals Food: Win a science victory with the necrophages.

Basic battle group: Win a game without researching any hightech units.

Winter is warming: In one game, do not lose a single unit, city or population during any winter season and win.

Cultist and Commander: As a cultist, field 50 minor faction units in a single turn.
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10 years ago
Aug 28, 2014, 11:22:36 AM
GOLDEN BOY - Build a City on a "Golden Tree" Anomaly

PACK 'EM UP, BOYS! - Move your City/Cities 25 Times with the Roving Clans

WORST COMMANDER EVER - Have 25 Armies die in battle with ONE of your Heroes as the Commander every time

NAIVE - Don't create any military units for 50 rounds

BOLD MOVE - Be at war with every faction and have no military units
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10 years ago
Aug 28, 2014, 11:43:04 AM
Around Auriga in 80 days - On a huge warped map with oceans, travel around the world with your starting hero, departing at and arriving in your first founded city before turn 80 in a normal paced game.

You think I'm in danger? I am the danger! - In an 8 player game, upon discovering a new faction - declare war the same turn. Proceed and eliminate all factions from play.
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10 years ago
Aug 28, 2014, 11:43:22 AM
I don't want to live on this planet anymore - Destroy all your own cities. Why? Because you can!

But we have no time - Own x cities after y rounds. (Dont know, what numbers are perfect... 3 cities after 20 rounds? 5 after 30? lol )

Idea for secret Achievements like in Anno 1404:

Nanananana Batman! - Rename one of your cities to Gotham

Got ham? - Create one Food Stockpile in Gotham
(or any other city)

Disney Fan - Rename one of your cities to Duckburg

Scrooge McDuck - Create more than 200 Dust per round in Duckburg
(Maybe change the number.. dont know which is hard but doable to arrange)
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