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8 years ago Oct 28,2016, 16:16:00 PM

Early Access and Roadmap

14 176 Views

Hi all,

First of all thanks for your commitment to the game and the forums. Endless Space 2 was an enormous undertaking for Amplitude, and we are glad you could finally play with our baby. Yes, there is room for improvement and we are on it ! Here is how and when.

This is not our first Early Access (actually the fourth one) and we are facing the same issue: fans want new content as soon as possible and at the same time we need to develop the missing content of the game, which takes time. Specifically, every time we add a new feature to the game, we add bugs (not willingly obviously). So for every build we deliver to you, we have to halt all development for a week to stabilize everything. We want you to give us gameplay feedback, not sweep a minefield :)

So if we give you frequent updates, we will only spend time stabilizing the build, and release the final game in 3 years from now. I guess no one wants that! The compromise we find acceptable is to go through 2 two-weeks sprints of feature/improvements development, stabilize for a week, and deliver the build (with a few patches for issues we missed). This way, you can try a new build with a sizeable amount of new content, and optimal stability.

Following this method, we have paved the way to release with 3 updates (+ the final release) of 5 weeks (make it a big month) duration. The list below will let you know what is planned and when. Some features become available in Update2, but because their complexity requires more than 4 weeks to develop them. So even if they appear only in Update2, the development duration of this feature spans over Update1 and Update2. Also this list does not include requests for improvement that may appear, or secret weapons we will reveal only at the end (yes we love to tease you!). Also the last features have not been as thoroughly estimated as the ones currently in development, so there may be slight changes as we progress through the Early Access.

For each update, new features will come with their AI counterpart, and the general quality of the AI will improve towards the release. However, thanks to the new architecture and tools we developed for the AI, we feel in a better place than we were with EL at the start of the Early Access. But it is still too soon to be cocky :)

Update 1

  • New Major Faction content and gameplay
  • Minor faction quest: the ability to interact with minor factions with quests. Not sure all the content will be there for Update 1 though
  • Marketplace system & screen
  • Manpower and ground units management : allows you to customize your ground troops and their breakdown between soldiers / tanks / strike crafts
  • Advanced star system list : population management, colonization shortcuts, etc
  • New Major Faction content and gameplay. I know speculations are high but I cannot disclose yet what Faction 5 will be!
  • System razing
  • Improved Forced Truce system
  • Improved System ownership (as in ES1)
  • Pacific System Conquest
  • Population collection bonus (empire wide bonus when you reach a certain amount of population of a type)
  • Mercenaries (privateer units)
  • Population migration visuals (ships actually appear on the map), and manual migration system
  • Deeds: competitive objectives unlocked by era. Not sure the whole content will be ready for Update 1
  • Cooperative / competitive quests : update on the UI to handle this type of quests
  • Technology Era 4 (some visual content may be missing in Update 1)

Update 2

  • New Major Faction content and gameplay
  • Space Battle improvements (complex, could not fit into Update 1)
  • Battle scan view improvements
  • Advanced fleet management (automerge, reinforcements)
  • Senate / population improvements
  • System orbital scan view (display numeric value and ranking)
  • Remaining victory conditions
  • Star system rebellion
  • Advanced gameplay options

Update 3

  • New Major Faction content and gameplay
  • Technology Era 5
  • Multiplayer
  • Constellation control
  • Star system governor AI
  • Shortcuts and exotic controls (zoom slider etc)
  • Scan views polish / improvements
  • Reserve time for G2G requests


  • Fighters / bombers (maybe available earlier, but this is a long feature to develop)
  • Final Major Faction content and gameplay (probably the Unfallen)
  • Advanced Diplomatic options
  • Planet scan view
  • Custom factions
  • Battle advanced report (could be earlier)
  • Modding (will try Steam Workshop for release)
  • Advanced planets and suns interactions
  • Global storyline
  • Achievements
  • More secret stuff that we are not sure to do (or are really interesting).

Again, this may be subject to change, but that is what we are aiming for. If we miss a feature in Update N, the goal is to have it in update N + 1. 

As to when this starts, we hope to release the first update in about 3 weeks.

Thanks for your attention!

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8 years ago
Nov 11, 2016, 8:32:46 PM
strike48 wrote:

Both UE and Horatio have been data-mined from the game's XML files.

Both are coming as major factions. ;)

In game files can be misleading but... where can i read what else major factions were found during this research?

You can see them yourself in the game's steam folder.

SteamApps/common/Endless Space 2/Public/GroundBattle.

SteamApps/common/Endless Space 2/Public/Simulation/Battles. There you'll see all 7 major factions listed as well as a minor factions XML.

The new major factions in these files are UE(either as UE or Terrans), Horatio and Timelords. 

Timelords could be a placeholder name though because the other 2 completely new factions, the Vodyani and the Lumeris are both called something else (Vampyrilis and Venetians)

Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
Nov 11, 2016, 9:45:14 PM

Very likely you're right with that palceholder your assumption is logical. It looks the way you said. Personally I have hope that those game files names are insidious trick to mislead us. Otherwise it would be rather lame to keep in secret 2 factions that can be discovered there. Or it is more insidious trick with putting those names there to make us think that they are there to mislead us. Well even if 2 Major human faction will be revealed what aren't mine dream I shall still be happy for Cravers, Sophons, Lumers and Unfallen as factions I want to play.

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8 years ago
Nov 12, 2016, 11:58:01 AM

AmpliMath from Amplitude thx for the update.

However when looking at your roadmap I can conclude that you're not listening to your community/fanbase enough, especially the old hardcore Endless Space 1 community.

I speak mostly for myself as and Endless Space 1 fanboi, however there are others with similar deep concerns when I chat with them or read this post (not my post)

Let's say I was the Boss at Amplitude studios, the boss as in: the CEO, (lead) Game designer, Business owner/shareholder.

These are the things I would want you to implement:

1. Space combat control: 

I want to have more control during space combat. What you have right now in ES2 is a downgrade for ES1. Less choices less control. Ironically Endless legend had a lot of (turn-based) control during combat, which made it stand out.

What happened here?

2. Fully customizable ships:

In ES 1 you could load ships the way you wanted, full armour, full weapons, combination with both. ES2 has less freedom (predefined slots). Maybe you want to balance things more, however you do this at the expense of freedom of choice, freedom of customizability. 

Bring back the freedom Amplitude.

3. Fully customizable races:

You haven't implementd this feature yet, but I can predict your going to nerf customizability. In ES1 you had a large list of faction traits you could choose from, which allowed you to put together a race with either 10 traits or maybe even 40 or more. 

The sky was the limit. The only restriction was that you need to stay below 76 positive trait points.

I predict that your going to nerf that. I predict that ur going to set a limit like 10 traits per faction max.

Don't do this Amplitude. Do not do this.

4. Explorable techtree.

ES1 had a fully explorable techtree. Now? Not so much. The current ES2 forces you to take a more balanced route when doing your tech research. However in ES1 you could go deep in any direction you want.

You, as a player decided where you wanted to go and how deep with no Era restrictions.

5. Races

And finally races. Why not just use all races from ES1 and add new ES2 races to it? Compare it with Street fighter, Mortal combat, Tekken. Every sequel had the same old characters but added new ones each time.

You have to understand that people get attached to certain races from ES1, just like getting to attached to play Chun li in Streetfighter or playing Ryu.

Why not reuse the ES1 races/concepts and build something new upon that foundation?

Anyways, if I would be your boss, I would force you guys/girls to implement these changes. And probably a large part of the ES1 community agrees, just read that post which sums up the current discontent quite perfectly.

But I can't force you, I can only complain here on these forums like a Greenpeace activist with no power.

You are the boss here. If you choose to be arrogant and not give a sh*t. You can just go according to the plan/roadmap. 

But by doing this your slapping your loyal ES1 fanbase in the face. 

Don't do this Amplitude.

In short: Start listening to your community Amplitude and bring back old ES1 feature or bring it back bigger and better. Read the forums. And be really Agile. 

Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
Nov 12, 2016, 2:25:45 PM
EndlessYouth wrote:

1. Space combat control: 

I want to have more control during space combat. What you have right now in ES2 is a downgrade for ES1. Less choices less control. Ironically Endless legend had a lot of (turn-based) control during combat, which made it stand out.

What happened here?

2. Fully customizable ships:

In ES 1 you could load ships the way you wanted, full armour, full weapons, combination with both. ES2 has less freedom (predefined slots). Maybe you want to balance things more, however you do this at the expense of freedom of choice, freedom of customizability. 

Bring back the freedom Amplitude.

3. Fully customizable races:

You haven't implementd this feature yet, but I can predict your going to nerf customizability. In ES1 you had a large list of faction traits you could choose from, which allowed you to put together a race with either 10 traits or maybe even 40 or more. 

The sky was the limit. The only restriction was that you need to stay below 76 positive trait points.

I predict that your going to nerf that. I predict that ur going to set a limit like 10 traits per faction max.

Don't do this Amplitude. Do not do this.

4. Explorable techtree.

ES1 had a fully explorable techtree. Now? Not so much. The current ES2 forces you to take a more balanced route when doing your tech research. However in ES1 you could go deep in any direction you want.

You, as a player decided where you wanted to go and how deep with no Era restrictions.

5. Races

And finally races. Why not just use all races from ES1 and add new ES2 races to it? Compare it with Street fighter, Mortal combat, Tekken. Every sequel had the same old characters but added new ones each time.

You have to understand that people get attached to certain races from ES1, just like getting to attached to play Chun li in Streetfighter or playing Ryu.

Why not reuse the ES1 races/concepts and build something new upon that foundation?

Anyways, if I would be your boss, I would force you guys/girls to implement these changes. And probably a large part of the ES1 community agrees, just read that post which sums up the current discontent quite perfectly.

But I can't force you, I can only complain here on these forums like a Greenpeace activist with no power.

You are the boss here. If you choose to be arrogant and not give a sh*t. You can just go according to the plan/roadmap. 

But by doing this your slapping your loyal ES1 fanbase in the face. 

Don't do this Amplitude.

In short: Start listening to your community Amplitude and bring back old ES1 feature or bring it back bigger and better. Read the forums. And be really Agile. 

1. This aspect needs some improvements thats for sure.

2. I actually don't mind this restriction and if balance gains on it I dont mind it even more.

3. First off you dont know that yet. Second thing in mine opinion they should give us around 3 options when it comes to custom races in multiplayer: 

A: To not allow them at all.

B: To allow them and give us as much freedom as you desire.

C: To allow custom races but with more restrictions.

If those options will be there I'm nearly sure it will be all right.

4.You are to some point right and to some wrong. If there would be no era restriction there would be rather ridiculous situation happening. Imagine Faction that can produce ships able to destroy entire planets with one shot but their scientifical improvements are so low that all the research is made in garages, civilisation that doesn't know that it requires more than plant seed in ground and wait for crops,  has so limited industry that they assemble those powerfull ships with bare hands on their backyards.

5. What if some of those races historically ceased to exist or lost so much of they power that they stopped to be competitve to other major factions? Streetfighter ? SF 5 didnt had even one thrid of characters present in SF4U when it were released also lacked many important features. Tekken sometimes skips certain characters in certain parts for example Jun that were loved T2 character but didnt returned in T3,4,5,6 although she were present in both TTT's spinoff games. Also there were more characters that didnt showed up in certain tekken parts proceeding their first appearance although it wasnt unseen when certain character were ''disappearing'' but the other new one ''accidentally'' had similar playstyle. In this particullar series characters rarely die which has negative impact on story (Kazuya and heihachi hate each other throwthemselves to volcanos but none of them dies, Yoshimitsu seeks to avenge his friend but his known killer still lives) story suffers on their unwillingness to kill many characters yet even if namco goes to that lenghts to leave doors open for nearly all the characters there are still parts of the gme when given character is missing. Mortal kombat list of characters that are absent is rather long it is sad but at least sometimes fighters who are fighting to death are dying in combat which is good for story since it would b ridiculous if they keep fightin with desire to kill but none of them would be actually dying also i think some of them are skipped because they woudl be to hard to fit in into given versions gameplay right to fit their theme and keep them relatively balanced. Also there are more reasons why all factions can't necessarily return: It takes time an work to implement a faction and they have limited resources, some factions could be hard to fit into game balance while keeping their theme.

Last thing you are veteran and you love part one so you want it to just simply to be bigger, improved Endless space 1 but there are alos peoples who arent so much in love with ES1. It is nearly impossible to keep vets who loved ES1 and those who didn't liked it pleased.

I'm sorry for mine poor english. I hope that you get what i wanted to say even if mine english were lacking.

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8 years ago
Nov 19, 2016, 12:57:03 AM

Updates are hard work delay is to be expected when something unexpected happens and updating/making new game is surely great source of unexpected troubles. I rather wait longer than face horde of bugs. Still I would like to hear a word or two about what is going on.

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8 years ago
Nov 23, 2016, 1:45:46 PM

They do communicate with us through wikia. High frequency of updates is sign that next update is very close.

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8 years ago
Nov 23, 2016, 11:55:15 PM

Update came out today!!! 


And their space communists. But not REAL space communists. Not yet. Not till custom factions come out and I can turn them into the IMPERIUM!!! FOR THE EMPEROR!!!

Updating right now, can't wait to get stuck in :D

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8 years ago
Nov 24, 2016, 10:33:47 AM

For everyone complaining that ES2 combat is Rock, Paper, Scissors, I'd just like to point out that ES1 was also Rock, Paper, Scissors (Offense, Defense, Tactics).  And you might have a General Card that says "hard to starboard and raise shields", or you might have a Hero Card that says "hard to starboard and activate repair drones".  In the end they were essentially the same.  You were simply choosing the composition of your Rock, the color of your Paper, or right or left handed Scissors.

ES2 is also Rock, Paper, Scissors, merely a different implementation.  Short advantage over Mid, Mid advantage over Long, Long advantage over Short.  But it does offer its own flavor of strategic thinking, especially with the updated weapons ranges today.  "The enemy fleet is Optimal at Short, so if I pick Long, I'll have an advantage.  But they are also decent at Mid, so in that case, THEY would have the advantage.  So should I pick Short and try to anticipate their bluff?  Or perhaps we will both end up slugging it out.  There's also the possibility that they will pick Long, and then I'll be screwed then too, and look they have that one Cruiser in the second group that is Optimal at Long.  Crap."

In this case, you are selecting the weight of your Rock, the thickness of your Paper, and the sharpness of your Scissors.  And those can matter.  "My Rock might just be heavy enough to rip their Paper under its weight."

I think it's shaping up fine in this area.

Ships could benefit from a Tonnage System, so that there might actually be reasons or incentives to not just blindly pick the best of every slot.  Dedicated slots itself is not a bad thing, but it does need some choices in what you are selecting, which a Tonnage System would provide it.  More hybrid slots might not be a bad idea either.

Finally, today's update seems to have introduced a memory leak, resulting in some ridiculously frequent hitching.  It's an extremely slow trickle, but the game keeps building up RAM usage over time.  Also many battles fail to display properly, or at all, and I just logged out of a game where my main Hero Fleet got stuck in a Warp path and hasn't moved for a dozen turns.  The enemy Hero he just defeated is floating there at the system he just departed from with 0 HP.  And there are a bunch of "0" Fleet number markers in odd places around the galaxy.  Saving and Reloading, it fails to load that file, and gets stuck at the same point on the progress bar each attempt.  You definitely broke a few things.

2 cents.  Carry on.  \o

Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
Nov 27, 2016, 9:50:00 AM

Thoroughly enjoying this update, with all the new techs I'm getting used to as well as the marketplace update, praise the gods! And of course the new faction! FOR THE EMPEROR! FOR THE IMPERIUM!! *ahem* However I'm also finding space combat a bit different too since the update has come. A good edition has been the change that weapons can still fire outside of their optimal ranges albeit at reduced effectiveness. One fault I'm finding now is that the laser beams the medium range weapons are quite powerful. Since its both optimal in long and medium range, (its better then missiles even) since the TOT (time to target) is much shorter for for beams and longer for missiles so more damage can be dealt in a shorter amount of time. Where as you'd expect beams to be average at short distance, optimal at med and poor at long. I have given all my ships shielding as a way to combat the energy weapon but it proves fruitless really as even with Tier 2 Hyperium shielding, the shields do not last long. As opposed to previous Endless Space 1 the shields can actually fail and one fallen will no longer provide any protection from energy weapons. This is a big boon to energy weapons. As the protection and counter to the weapon type can only last so long where as projectile weapon types can be protected against with more armoured plating. 

I very much like the idea of shields failing from too much energy weapon fire and would like the same principle to apply to armoured plating. Being blown or sheared off by weapons fire.  Beams currently are the best weapon type for the above reasons and so I have to fight fire with fire. What wounds me is that my super armoured brawling fleet is near useless currently :( But other then that I have great hopes for the development of this title. I wish you the best :D

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8 years ago
Jan 4, 2017, 7:49:00 PM

I wish update number 2 were here already. I cant wait to know what will next faction be.

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8 years ago
Oct 28, 2016, 7:54:19 PM
Ridiculi wrote:
  • Pacific System Conquest

Pacific System Conquest is all well and good, but what about Atlantic System Conquest?

Definitely coming in update 666 :)

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8 years ago
Oct 28, 2016, 7:53:49 PM
bigbantha wrote:

So wait, we have TWO new major factions in Update 1? There are two entries that say "New Major Faction content and gameplay", and judging from your comment on the second one, the inclusion of this line in each update means a new faction then. Or is it just a duplicate? Also, when will Moon explorations be an actual thing, as the useless Fake Improvement in Era 3 is sadly lacking.

EDIT: Also, are we gatting any new minor factions, or just the quests in update 1?

Sorry about that, there is only one new major faction in update1, stupid typo. Yes there will be new minor factions, I have new Monday what comes when.

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8 years ago
Oct 28, 2016, 7:51:45 PM
Falkner wrote:

You know best, of course, but I am concerned that a 40 day sprint for everything sounds like a Herculean task.

Honestly. the only thing that bothers me about ES2 in its current version is the combat (an objective downgrade to even ES1 combat) and the time it takes for turns to be processed. The later is going to get optimized but I don't think it's realistic to expect major improvements to combat in such a short time frame. I think that even a straight up port of the ES1 combat into ES2 would be an improvement over the current system.

Edit: Never mind - I've reread it and its clicked.

Just to clarify - you mention 40 days? I got a bit confused about the bit below regarding timeframes. I thought this was going to be anywhere from four to six months before release.  Apologies in advance as I realise this is me probably being a bit slow. 

Following this method, we have paved the way to release with 3 updates (+ the final release) of 5 weeks (make it a big month) duration

Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
Oct 28, 2016, 7:45:48 PM

Just few comments:

Release imo should be update 4 to search for bugs/tweaking before release. As I like the idea of bombers and fighters, I think you take a big risk by delaying and launching it just before release. Give at least 2 weeks to test and tweak them

Haven't seen anything about tech system. Frogsquadron said you were looking to improve it, and as you know is one of the main community concerns. Not expect you to go back to ES1, and I like trying new ideas, but nevertheless you can at least tell us something about that.

I like to see all that planned improvements in battle. I like your idea, but as you can see is the other major community concern.

Wait three weeks! Not bad for me, I'll be very busy this weeks, so better to wait now.

Thanks for your efforts!

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