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Lífþrasir (Lifthrasir)

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7 years ago
May 3, 2018, 3:17:50 PM

This is not a stellaris custom race name, this is a name for a main faction fo endles space 2, and all faction have "clear"sounding name. For the sake of continuity, I would rather not see this one win.

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7 years ago
May 3, 2018, 11:31:30 AM

Hmm, does it even sound good? I don't know, may be it is not common for a made up name to sound good at first, but I can't imagine myself saying that word outloud without cringe. Sry.

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7 years ago
May 3, 2018, 12:12:23 AM
liliputt wrote:
WhiteCorsair wrote:
liliputt wrote:

Breaking out of the norm is interesting but for Endless Space 2 breaking out of the norm is calling your race Vodyani...

Under different circumctances, where racial names were riskier, I would say this is appropriate but to have one race stand out like this, with an unrponouncable name breaking the wholeness of the game.

It immidiately becomes like a mod injected by someone who isnt a part of ES2 authorship.

Despite the name being cool and original I dont think it should be in the roster under the conditins of the naming style of al lthe other races.

How is "Lithrasir" unpronouncable? LEEF-thrahss-eer or LEE-THRAS-EER, alternatively, aren't any harder to say than the stock races.

But the headline looks different...Why isnt it just Lithrasir then? If you make it Lithrasir proper then yeah its fine.

It's a Nordic word, hense the non-english character (someone called it a thorn, which I presume is referential to the similarly shaped runic character). Lithrasir is an English alternative, judging from previous posts.

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7 years ago
May 2, 2018, 10:11:56 PM
WhiteCorsair wrote:
liliputt wrote:

Breaking out of the norm is interesting but for Endless Space 2 breaking out of the norm is calling your race Vodyani...

Under different circumctances, where racial names were riskier, I would say this is appropriate but to have one race stand out like this, with an unrponouncable name breaking the wholeness of the game.

It immidiately becomes like a mod injected by someone who isnt a part of ES2 authorship.

Despite the name being cool and original I dont think it should be in the roster under the conditins of the naming style of al lthe other races.

How is "Lithrasir" unpronouncable? LEEF-thrahss-eer or LEE-THRAS-EER, alternatively, aren't any harder to say than the stock races.

But the headline looks different...Why isnt it just Lithrasir then? If you make it Lithrasir proper then yeah its fine.

Updated 7 years ago.
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7 years ago
May 2, 2018, 10:06:40 PM
liliputt wrote:

Breaking out of the norm is interesting but for Endless Space 2 breaking out of the norm is calling your race Vodyani...

Under different circumctances, where racial names were riskier, I would say this is appropriate but to have one race stand out like this, with an unrponouncable name breaking the wholeness of the game.

It immidiately becomes like a mod injected by someone who isnt a part of ES2 authorship.

Despite the name being cool and original I dont think it should be in the roster under the conditins of the naming style of al lthe other races.

How is "Lithrasir" unpronouncable? LEEF-thrahss-eer or LEE-THRAS-EER, alternatively, aren't any harder to say than the stock races.

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7 years ago
May 2, 2018, 8:42:25 PM

Breaking out of the norm is interesting but for Endless Space 2 breaking out of the norm is calling your race Vodyani...

Under different circumctances, where racial names were riskier, I would say this is appropriate but to have one race stand out like this, with an unrponouncable name breaking the wholeness of the game.

It immidiately becomes like a mod injected by someone who isnt a part of ES2 authorship.

Despite the name being cool and original I dont think it should be in the roster under the conditins of the naming style of al lthe other races.

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7 years ago
May 2, 2018, 4:07:51 PM

Very smart name! Creativity is much appretiated. You have my bow.

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7 years ago
Apr 26, 2018, 5:06:26 PM
Frogsquadron wrote:

I think the thorn might be a bit problematic, especially if players have to look them up to pronounce the faction name correctly (in this and other languages).

Can be re-written as Lifthrasir (as I have seen in English).

EDIT: Terribly sorry but I forgot the f :P

Updated 7 years ago.
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7 years ago
Apr 25, 2018, 8:34:36 PM

Break out of the norm!! (Why is it always "The <insert generic noun, pronoun, verb, adverb, etc.>"?)

Some background: 

Lífþrasir  (pronounced LEEF-thrahss-eer) means "The One Striving After Life" . Since their backstory has not been set and that their gameplay is based on infiltration, I think this name can be interpreted to give them a very specific and interesting story. Maybe they were the first sentient beings and desire to observe life by mimicking it and then exploiting it.

Let your immagaination run wild! 

Here's A very short origin of the name.

Sure, the newer races/in-game text can call them The Lífþrasir  becauase of the semantics of romantic languages, but I would highly prefer if they refered to themselves as Lífþrasir.

EDIT: For the sake of the English lanugauage, it can be re-written as Lifthrasir. 

(For those seeking continuity of naming in ES2, I believe Sophon, Vodyani, Lumeris, Allayi, Drakkens, Mezaris, Morgwar, and Hissho are all either original words or names from another lanuage translated to English)

Updated 7 years ago.
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7 years ago
May 11, 2018, 1:09:57 PM

I am from Russia, and I can offer russian translating of this name - "Лифрасир", and I think it sounds intresting!

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