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7 years ago
Sep 5, 2017, 2:18:53 AM


Exploration Quest


The Good life


When bringing the heratio ship to an outpost that will be completed next turn, the horatio will not populate the planet and the quest will complete. Played with riftborn, haven't done further testing.

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7 years ago
Sep 5, 2017, 8:06:15 PM
  • Summary / Title: "The ugly plague" quest is bugged
  • Description:   "The ugly plague" quest fires even if you have no horatio population  at all, thus impossible to complete. I was playing a custom race based on gene splicing and horatio visual affinity. I've found the Lost  Horatio ship quest and later (before the quest started) gene spliced all  the Horatios.
  • Steps to Reproduce:  1.  Play as a custom faction with horatio visual affinity (not sure if it's a  must) 2. Get some Horatio pop (via quest, conquer, migration etc) 3.  Lose all Horatio pop via Gene Spliceing 4. Observe "the ugly plague"  quest to fire and if you chose to let the Horatios have 3 systems, the  quest will stuck forever (unless you can obtain more Horatios from  somewhere)
  • Reproducibility: 5/5
  • Expected Behavior:  If no Horatio pop present in the empire "the ugly plague" quest should  not fire at all. If the quest already started and the empire lose all Horatio pop  it might be considered to fail the quest (not necessary a good idea as they might be only traveling between systems)
  • Version: 1.0.37 S5Gold-Public
  • Attachments: I attach a save where the quest can neither be completed nor did it fail due to no horatio pop.


Updated 7 years ago.
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7 years ago
Sep 5, 2017, 8:10:37 PM

"dust to dust part 3" also can not be completed just like the ugly plague descirbed in the previous post.

In this mission you have to kill some pirates. My scout fled when i initially found the pirates. Some AI killed the pirates off (or they just wandered elsewhere?) so the quest is stuck forever. Or at least the pin quest does not help me locate the pirate fleet which should be destoryed.

The quest did neiter fail. 

The "ujh8.zip" attached to previous post contains this quest bug too

Updated 7 years ago.
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7 years ago
Sep 6, 2017, 2:42:47 PM
ScopeVisionary wrote:


Exploration Quest


The Good life


When bringing the heratio ship to an outpost that will be completed next turn, the horatio will not populate the planet and the quest will complete. Played with riftborn, haven't done further testing.

Hello Scope !

It’s fixed ! It should be in the next update. 

mcganyol wrote:
  • Summary / Title: "The ugly plague" quest is bugged
  • Description:   "The ugly plague" quest fires even if you have no horatio population  at all, thus impossible to complete. I was playing a custom race based on gene splicing and horatio visual affinity. I've found the Lost  Horatio ship quest and later (before the quest started) gene spliced all  the Horatios.
  • Steps to Reproduce:  1.  Play as a custom faction with horatio visual affinity (not sure if it's a  must) 2. Get some Horatio pop (via quest, conquer, migration etc) 3.  Lose all Horatio pop via Gene Spliceing 4. Observe "the ugly plague"  quest to fire and if you chose to let the Horatios have 3 systems, the  quest will stuck forever (unless you can obtain more Horatios from  somewhere)
  • Reproducibility: 5/5
  • Expected Behavior:  If no Horatio pop present in the empire "the ugly plague" quest should  not fire at all. If the quest already started and the empire lose all Horatio pop  it might be considered to fail the quest (not necessary a good idea as they might be only traveling between systems)
  • Version: 1.0.37 S5Gold-Public
  • Attachments: I attach a save where the quest can neither be completed nor did it fail due to no horatio pop.


Hello Mcganyol!

It’s fixed. I have to say you found a huge issue  :/ Thanks a lot for reporting it. 

Concerning the second issue, I’m still testing. I can't reproduce it for the moment, but I'm trying. :) 


In fact, the pirate is still at Kuma System in your save :) I'll add a quest marker to not lost this system. 

Updated 7 years ago.
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7 years ago
Sep 7, 2017, 5:33:42 AM

the game is definitely on the right track with 1.0.37

variable considered as string in "the division: part 2"

Updated 7 years ago.
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7 years ago
Sep 7, 2017, 9:29:28 AM

Hey Mcganyol.

Thanks for reporting this issue. 

It's strange we've never seen it before. I'm sorry about that.

We'll start to work on this issue :) It will be fixed as soon as possible :)

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7 years ago
Sep 13, 2017, 11:21:58 AM

hi all.

Category Minor Civilization Quest

Name interstellar kidnap

Description i  intercept the fleet. Hold 1 turn and nothing happened. what am I doing wrong?

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7 years ago
Sep 20, 2017, 1:20:47 AM
  • Summary / Title: Lord of War Quest
  • Description: After assigning the final hero of 3 to the Pleione, Rigel, and Kais systems (assigned a level 13 hero to Kais last), the game hangs on turn refresh. Quest available around Turn 197 through 200s after wiping out UnitedEmpire.
  • Steps to Reproduce: 1. Activate Lord of War quest by conquering UE 2. Assign > level 5 hero on Pleione and Rigel. 3. Assign last hero level 13 to Kais. All former UE planets.
  • Reproducibility: 5/5
  • Expected Behavior: Random Tech grant
  • Version: V1.0.47 S5 Gold Public
  • Notes I'm able to reproduce the issue by loading a saved game 1 turn prior to the assignment and reproduce the issue repeatedly. However, if I allow the error to happen and hard exit the game, loading the save game turn after the assignment hangs the game load screen. This is the second load, the first was a similar conquest of UE which triggered the quest, with different planets but same problem.
  • Attachments: systems.PNG Lordofwar.PNG 
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7 years ago
Sep 20, 2017, 8:47:25 PM

Not sure if bug or I'm doing something wrong


“Minor Civilization Quest”, “Population Quest”


Dust to Dust part 3 and Hissho assimilation quest


Both quests ask me to destroy the spawned pirates but the quest fails when I destroy the pirates. Started happening after one of the new updates. 



Solo Quest 


Those Darn kids


I rearranged all the improvements queue to build science improvements only and moved Intensive cultivation(which was almost done) to the bottom of the queue. But the next turn it completed intensive cultivation anyway even tho it was at the bottom and my quest failed so I had to reload save and remove it from the queue completely and lose my progress to bypass this.

Screen Attachment

This is before I choose science up and move intensive cultivation to the bottom:

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7 years ago
Sep 21, 2017, 7:49:02 AM

Summary: can't find pirates to complete quest in Church and Cloth

Description: I believe this was the very first part of the Vodyani quest; pirates spawned in 2 systems close to me. However this region of space had 4 home systems almost directly neighbouring each other (not sure why, there was lots of space elsewhere in the galaxy) and the two spawn locations for the pirates were the home systems of AI opponents. It took ~100 turns to defeat those AIs and capture their systems and by then the pirates were long gone. I killed some yellow pirate fleets elsewhere but maybe they were the wrong ones, or maybe AIs killed the pirates, in any case I completed the entire game and conquered the whole galaxy but was never able to advance past the 1st part of the Vodyani faction quest. :(
The 'show location' button only showed the 2 systems, not the pirate fleet location.

Steps to reproduce: Get an unlucky crowded spawn location with Vodyani

Reproducibility: 1/5

Expected behaviour: It should be possible to locate the pirate fleets or otherwise advance the main faction quest even if the pirates are gone or destroyed by another player.

Version 1.0.53 S5 gold public


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7 years ago
Sep 21, 2017, 1:04:54 PM

Cepreu :

Did you really intercept this fleet or did you guard its system, even if it was there, first ?

A recent modification on AI creates issues on Quest Empire’s fleet. In consequences, you can’t “intercept” the ship :/ This issue is already fixed, so it is supposed to be in the next patch.


Unfortunately, I can’t reproduce this issue. Do you have a save ?


First Issue: Thanks for reporting. This issue is fixed now, you’ll see it soon (next patch I hope)

Second Issue: You’re right, that’s so annoying :/ I can’t fix that quickly but we will lock a buyout or finished improvement in the top of the construction queue to avoid that kind of bad surprise.


Thanks for reporting, its fix is supposed to be in the next patch. 

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7 years ago
Sep 22, 2017, 7:05:30 PM
quaedam wrote:
ScopeVisionary wrote:


Exploration Quest


The Good life


When bringing the heratio ship to an outpost that will be completed next turn, the horatio will not populate the planet and the quest will complete. Played with riftborn, haven't done further testing.

Hello Scope !

It’s fixed ! It should be in the next update. 

Hello quaedam,

Unfortunatly it's not fixed. (as since your answer at least two updates including "Target Locked" were released).

Tried to simply orbit the Horatio civil ship around system (with, of course, at least 3 free population slots) or put it in hanger ; none of this option work.

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7 years ago
Sep 23, 2017, 6:07:58 AM

Exploration Quest

The Ripple Effect

Destroying the spawned ships results in failure.
One of my probes picked up this quest when scanning a planet resulting in a pair of ships spawning in with the quest goal of "Destroy the Hissho in battle at Ykima IV." I was unable to initate the battle, but after I move another ship the system initated it. I've reloaded the save several times without change. Every time I've destroyed the fleet, every time I've failed the quest.

Screen Attachment

Save Files.zip

Here's the save before and after getting the quest if that helps.

A similar event happend with one of the early quest chains as well.

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7 years ago
Sep 23, 2017, 7:10:45 PM

Craver players faction quest: "Chapter 1 - of our own brood - part I" - 2nd choice capture ship is broken. Ship is not moving. Reload save game 1st game we started, didn't fix it. 2nd multiplayer game we started, same. Ship doesn't move. So I guess bug should be reproducable 100%.

Latest game version (1.0.53).

Save game:

Craver quest bug.sav

P.S. Same bug was reported here: Cravers quest bug

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7 years ago
Sep 25, 2017, 12:21:30 AM

I posted a quest bug here before I noticed that this thread exists. In brief:


Exploration Quest - I think


Dust to Dust


The objective of the third stage of the quest is to destroy the pirates spawned by completing the second stage, but destroying them causes the quest to fail instead. The bug can be reproduced by loading the attached save and completing the second and third stages of the quest in the Isso system. All of the ships necessary to do so are either already in the system or due to arrive during the current turn.

AutoSave 27.sav

As a side note, this save also showcases the Craver faction quest bug mentioned in the previous post.

Updated 7 years ago.
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7 years ago
Sep 26, 2017, 12:42:31 AM

I've noted that these quests fail if I destroy the spawned ships with the scouting vessel (or perhaps just scouts) that triggered the event. If I remove my warships and attack with only those the mission succeeds.

Krob wrote:

Exploration Quest

The Ripple Effect

Destroying the spawned ships results in failure.
One of my probes picked up this quest when scanning a planet resulting in a pair of ships spawning in with the quest goal of "Destroy the Hissho in battle at Ykima IV." I was unable to initate the battle, but after I move another ship the system initated it. I've reloaded the save several times without change. Every time I've destroyed the fleet, every time I've failed the quest.

Screen Attachment

Save Files.zip

Here's the save before and after getting the quest if that helps.

A similar event happend with one of the early quest chains as well.

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7 years ago
Sep 26, 2017, 9:54:39 AM
HundredBears wrote:

I posted a quest bug here before I noticed that this thread exists. In brief:


Exploration Quest - I think


Dust to Dust


The objective of the third stage of the quest is to destroy the pirates spawned by completing the second stage, but destroying them causes the quest to fail instead. The bug can be reproduced by loading the attached save and completing the second and third stages of the quest in the Isso system. All of the ships necessary to do so are either already in the system or due to arrive during the current turn.

AutoSave 27.sav

As a side note, this save also showcases the Craver faction quest bug mentioned in the previous post.

Just got the game, big fan of the Endless series and loving most of it so far. But I have to second this one - quest just fails as soon as the objective is met. Quite a high-profile bug to hit so soon after starting a new game! I have a save I can provide as well.

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7 years ago
Oct 2, 2017, 8:32:28 AM

Merged. Original post by Groo.

  • Summary: Pirates attacked player and were killed - quest is missed
  • Description: If enemy fleet is killed quest is failed (even it was requested to get the reward)
  • Steps to Reproduce: Move cravers fleet to system "FARVER" and attack or get attacked by pirates and kill them
  • Reproducibility: 5/5
  • Expected Behavior: Quest should be succesfull in case of killing pirate fleet
  • Version: 1.0.57 preview
  • Attachments: Save file

Happened regularly (to me and tow friends) since last two patches, that (similar) quests did fail in case you did kill the enemy fleet. A friend of mine did send me save game file and screenshot from failed quest (I guess in english: "From Dust to Dust") now. Here it is:

AutoSave 8754.sav

Edit: We are not alone -> Steam bug report

One more save file, Lumeris faction. Same quest.

AutoSave 8817.sav

Updated 7 years ago.
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7 years ago
Oct 2, 2017, 8:48:59 AM
WeaponizedCaffeine wrote:

Merged. Original post by Groo.

  • Summary: Pirates attacked player and were killed - quest is missed
  • Description: If enemy fleet is killed quest is failed (even it was requested to get the reward)
  • Steps to Reproduce: Move cravers fleet to system "FARVER" and attack or get attacked by pirates and kill them
  • Reproducibility: 5/5
  • Expected Behavior: Quest should be succesfull in case of killing pirate fleet
  • Version: 1.0.57 preview
  • Attachments: Save file

Happened regularly (to me and tow friends) since last two patches, that (similar) quests did fail in case you did kill the enemy fleet. A friend of mine did send me save game file and screenshot from failed quest (I guess in english: "From Dust to Dust") now. Here it is:

AutoSave 8754.sav

Edit: We are not alone -> Steam bug report

One more save file, Lumeris faction. Same quest.

AutoSave 8817.sav

We found the issue and the fix will be deployed with an upcoming patch.

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7 years ago
Oct 7, 2017, 10:39:30 PM

Another quest: "The Ripple Effect" I received as "Unfallen". Same like above. In case you destroy Pirate fleet, quest is missed.

Game version 1.0.60 preview

Mods: latest balance mod activated

Attached: save file


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