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G2G vote: Endless Space 2 Event Creation Contest

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9 years ago
Apr 17, 2016, 1:17:58 AM
Double Double Agents

RSA4X, the galactic standard for secure encryption, has been cracked, revealing that many of the best and brightest members of the Academy have been selling information about the factions that they work for. These "Heroes" now seek new jobs.

Musical Chairs: Affects all factions instantly. Lose your highest level hero. Gain another empire's highest-level hero.

Rogue Planet

A rogue planet has been detected on a collision course with of the system. A small nudge in the right direction will put it into a stable orbit.

Avoiding Armageddon: -X% smiley: industry in for 5 turns. After 5 turns, a new planet is added to .

Going Nowhere Fast

CORONACH, a corporation bent on harnessing the destructive potential of gravity, recently tested the new Singularity Bomb. Its potential was underestimated, leading to the destruction of the research team and an unpleasant hamper on galactic travel.

Gravity Well: A singularity is created in the center of the galaxy that lasts for 15 turns. Moving towards the singularity costs half of the regular number of movement points, while moving away from it costs double the regular number of movement points.
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9 years ago
Apr 17, 2016, 12:55:03 AM
When the Dust Settles...

A nefarious group of bankers has somehow seized all the wealth in the galaxy. After being threatened by every major faction, they decided it was best to give the dust back to the "rightful" owners.

Redistribution: All of the Dust smiley: dust in all treasuries is collected and redistributed evenly to all factions.

A Galactic Effort[/B]

A team of scientists from across the galaxy have been convening in secret in an effort to create solutions that would help all sentient beings. Now, those scientists have shared their discovery with everyone else.

The Greater Good: The best technology available to any faction is discovered for all factions.

The Hunters become the Hunted[/B]

An intergalactic threat has appeared on the sensors of every faction in the galaxy. They must be extremely advanced to have traveled from another galaxy.

Field Work: Strong enemy fleets appear all over the galaxy and are hostile to every faction. Their ships give X smiley: science per smiley: ship destroyed on empire.
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9 years ago
Apr 16, 2016, 12:25:28 PM
Flower Explosion

Wonderful flowers exploded on all planets of the galaxy. They covered planets like a carpet, floated in the oceans and in the sky, even in the magma pools. They seem to exist in every type of environment. But the beauty is vain and the flowers gone.

Beauty is vain: Increases Pacifist political ideology on galaxy. -5% smiley: industry, +10 smiley: approval on galaxy for 5 turn.

Harvest Home

A strange seeds appears on black market from nowhere. They rapidly grow and its fruits are extremely delicious. All citizens try to get this marvelous seeds. And the planetary administration can do nothing about it. But seeds quickly disappear.

Harvest Home: -5% smiley: industry, +5 smiley: food, +5 smiley: approval on planet for 5 turn.

Magic beans

One of the Empire scientists bought a couple of beans from the strange fellow. Scientist planted and completely forgot about them. But beans grew up in the strange biotech device. Scientist concluded this to be a memory module of unknown origin.

Standing on the shoulders of Giants: Empire grants random technology.
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9 years ago
Apr 15, 2016, 5:43:08 PM
"Am I too soon?"

This has a chance to spawn whenever the player fulfills one step in the faction quest, or if the player lulls for too long without fulfilling a step.

A bright ball of light shows up in front of the leader, and a bright figure in red spandex armor can be seen among yellow flashes, and starts speaking:

"You were right, you were right about everything! I have to tell you! Am I too soon? I am too soon! Save , !"

is a faction hero. This hero gains a 50% bonus on its abilities towards accomplishing faction quest goals.


When fighting: Attack and defense get a 50% buff. (EL example: yellow-marked units to be killed)

When accomplishing city developments: 50% multiplicative bonus to the hero's FIDSI buff (e.g. A 50% industry buff becomes 75% if the building or unit being constructed is related to fulfilling the next goal for the faction quest).

Blue vs. Red

E-sports fanboyism reached ludicrous proportions, to the point that partisan opinions between rooters of the blue and red e-teams started protesting demanding that the politicians which root for the opposing team to be deposed of their duties for lack of commitment to "their side" in a dangerous show of intolerance and fascism throughout the galaxy.


Each political belief will be flagged blue or red, 3 for each side.

-% smiley: approval thoughout the empire until 2 laws of the same 'color' are approved. Once the laws are approved, a contingent of the population converts and the empire gets a propaganda buff to take in immigrants of the neighbor systems sharing those beliefs.

Dust Sun

The sun in this system was always regarded as an anomaly, an "impossible star" given its energy output incompatibility with its mass and gravity. Studying an endless space station it is found out that the sun is actually a neutron star much smalle inside, with a shell that converts its radioactive output into more useful frequencies for the purposes of mundane life and planetary habitation. Unfortunately your meddling with the station detuned it, affecting its energy output and the range of habitable planets.

As a side effect though, the star began emanating dust particles which can be harvested in each planet's gravity well.


Terraforming planets, one every 10 turns in this order:

1st planet: -> transforms into lava

2nd planet: -> transforms into desert

3rd planet: -> transforms into ocean, jungle or forest

4th planet -> transforms into cold or gas giant

5th planet onwards: Frozen or barren

the whole system gets a 20% smiley: dust output bonus.
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9 years ago
Apr 15, 2016, 1:34:54 PM
Across the Stars... again ?

"During an archaeological expedition on an isolated planet, we discovered wonderful traces of an ancient advanced and disappeared civilisation. Genetic study of the mummified extraterrestrial creatures in the ruins show us ... a perfect match with our specie. In fact we were studying the past of our owns ! What the hell ? How to reconsider all what we know about ... us ?"

Fathers of the stars : Colonial grow bonus (if possible ? if not : +20% on colonised worlds), +5% , +10% , on Empire, for 20 turns.

Home, sweet home

"Our homeworld if facing sociological, economical and environmental crises. Each one of us is looking to the stars with hope. Why do we have to support old fashioned, limited structures when we just have to leave in order to find new worlds ready to try something new ?"

Hope is elsewhere :

Homeworld : -30% for 5 turns, reduce ruling political ideology.

Others planets : Colonial grow bonus (if possible ? if not : +20% ), for 5 turns.
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9 years ago
Apr 13, 2016, 3:55:04 PM
Hey guys and gals!

Today, we're starting a brand new series of votes, this time giving you the opportunity of writing Endless Space 2 history.

How is that, you may ask? Well, pretty simply, we want to offer you a chance of using your unbridled creativity and leave your mark on the game. This means that we're starting a creation contest, kind of like the ones we've already had in Dungeon of the Endless (Rosetta hero, the bio-organic spaceship), Endless Legend (the Cultists faction), Endless Space (the Automatons faction). This time, it's a random event.

What are these events? Random events are events that happen without prerequisites (prerequisites are things like "having explored X", or "having a hero on your fleet", or "being at war with another empire"). If you have played Endless Space, you'll remember the "Space plague" event of sinister fame. That's kind of what we're looking for, although, hopefully for everyone, something a little less painful this time. smiley: stickouttongue

Your event proposal must have:

Events can affect: a fleet, a planet, a star system, an Empire (either all its star systems or its other data like its treasury or its fleets), or the galaxy.

Below are two examples to give you an idea: you'll find the event title, followed by its description, and its effect(s).

Military Militants

"A thread of discontent has been growing in the population, as some voters believe the galaxy is even more dangerous than it appears. You are under pressure to turn your policies and investments to more military uses."

Militarist Ideology: Increases Militarist political ideology on a system


"A strange new music form, “neutranceo”, has taken the entire galaxy by storm. Hijacking the quantum effects of neutrinos to subliminally drop the quantum bass, impromptu neutranceo raves are causing spontaneous outbreaks of joy in the streets – while nothing much happens in the offices and factories."

Raving Mad: -10% smiley: industry and smiley: science on Empire, +30 Approval smiley: approval on Empire, for 10 turns


  • A name (50 characters max)
  • A description (250 characters max).
  • A title for the effect (50 characters max)
  • A description for the effect, with a duration for the effect if applicable (instant, or X turns) (only add negative effects if they come with a positive effect, or if they aren't too harsh!)


  • You are limited to three submissions. Please also note that we will only accept submissions posted in English.
  • Keep your submissions in one post only (you can edit it until the deadline).
  • Do not give several choices. This event will have only one outcome (the effect).
  • Keep the event Empire-agnostic, that is to say, it should make sense and be possible for all factions.
  • Keep it simple. If what you have in mind is a convoluted quest with great narration, perhaps it is best you keep your idea for some other time. smiley: wink


Submit your ideas before April 22nd. We’ll be closing the thread at midday (CEST). We will then put all submissions that meet the required criteria to a multi-entry vote (where you can support several ideas), from which the three most popular will be selected for the G2G vote.


The lucky winner will receive the following:

  • Your name in the game credits.
  • An Endless Space 2 t-shirt that will be the envy of your friends.
  • Two copies of the game when it comes to Early Access, for you and a friend!

It's our first Endless Space 2 creation contest so we're starting simple for now; we do plan on holding more contests of all kinds in the future (game design, lore, and maybe art as well!), so you all get a chance to participate! smiley: smile

smiley: warning Please note that Amplitude reserves the right to modify the 3 proposals and will work with the winners to finalize the design and adapt it to development constraints. Jeff, our Narrative director, will work on the descriptions in particular to make sure they fit within the game.

Good luck to everyone!

smiley: amplitude
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9 years ago
Apr 15, 2016, 12:27:26 AM
The Grey Goo (almost) Apocalypse

One of your scientists was experimenting with nano technology. Unfortunately the experiment got out of hand and almost destroyed the planet he was inhabiting. As a result, public back lash has demanded that all research be severely restricted.

Gnosiophobia : -25% smiley: science for the next 10 turns empire wide. decrease scientist political ideology empire wide.

Averting disaster : On the affected planet any number between 1-10 improvements are destroyed.

Don't Cut the Red Wire!

A large explosion has occurred at a weapons test facility, on one of your planets. The resulting explosion was powerful enough to wipe out most of the life on it and leaves the public with many unanswered questions.

Weapons Ban: Decreases Militarist political ideology on empire

We Will Endure: Between 25% - 75% of population and planetary improvements are lost to the explosion. -25smiley: approval and -10%smiley: fids on the affected planet for 10 turns

Our Life or Death Struggle

"Tides of war are upon us. We must commit everything now if we want to emerge victorious." A bold young admiral delivers a speech to the public calling for unity against the enemy. The admiral promises to lead the fleets to victory and asks everyone to committee to the fight for the greater good.

Total War: 100%smiley: industry when producing military improvements or ships and 100%smiley: science when researching on the military tech tree for 20 turns.

We are the Hope: Increases Militarist political ideology on empire

A New Leader: A new upkeep free hero appears on the home planet. faction: militaristic. class: admiral. The hero's level will depend on the how far the game has progressed.

Note: The event will not happen if the faction is at peace will all the opponents.

Note: The event will end if the new hero is defeated in battle.

To Boldly Go...

A sense of wonder and enchantment has grasped the public, as they hear about the wonders of new worlds and the mysterious endless artifacts. Ship captains push their ships to the limit, to fulfill the public's curiosity.

Push the engines harder: smiley: ship ships can move one extra unit by sacrificing 5% of its health.

What's around the corner?: probes are constructed 100% faster

oooo ahhhh Pretty: For every endless wonder discovered 100smiley: dust is added to the treasury
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9 years ago
Apr 14, 2016, 9:22:51 PM
"Something Happened..."

"...Somehow, someone somewhere did something and now everything has descended into chaos and will be that way for some time. Hopefully, we can figure out some way to take advantage of this situation... or something like that anyway. On the bright side, everyone seems to be embracing the chaos for the time being, so that's nice."

Unforeseen Circumstances: For the next X turns, all smiley: fids production across the galaxy will be "swapped".

All smiley: food production will generate smiley: industry, smiley: industry production will generate smiley: dust, smiley: dust production will generate smiley: science and smiley: science production will generate smiley: food.

Factions who do not utilize a particular smiley: fids will have their "swap" adjusted accordingly (smiley: industry>smiley: dust>smiley: science> if a faction does not generate :foodsmiley: smile

Embrace the Chaos: +25smiley: approval for the next X turns.

The Gilded Chest

"What seemed like a reasonable trade deal has backfired. At the last minute, the deal was sweetened with the addition of a gilded chest with unknown contents. Already thinking you had a good deal, you didn't think to deny this added boon. A precautionary scan, however, has revealed that the chest contains a swarm of tiny, dust based machines designed to devour dust. What's worse is that they are set on a timer to activate at any moment and all attempts to destroy the chest have failed. We should get rid of this thing as soon as possible. Perhaps we should let someone else deal with it..."

Motivated Merchants 10% smiley: empirepoint cost reduction to make trade agreements with other empires. In X turns, the dust consuming machines within the gilded chest will activate, resulting in disaster for whoever has it in their possession. If you can get another empire to accept a trade agreement, a gift, or the terms of a treaty from your empire, the gilded chest will be given to them as well and will become their problem to deal with.

Dust to Dust Dust seems to decay at your touch. -60% smiley: dust production for X turns (Activated once the timer on motivated merchants runs out, affects entire empire)
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9 years ago
Apr 14, 2016, 8:32:26 PM
The Defenders of the people

"after a military conflict that looked like a hopeless case turned into a perfect victory a minority of military ideologists decides to volunteer into military service"

volunteers:-10% upkeep on miltary ships in system X for Y amount of turns

Is it magic?

"Magic, they called it went suddenly a large part of the population on planet X somehow got really the ability to control dust to an amazing degree, scientist are running tests previously thought impossible every hour leading to a explosion of new knowledge, Dust however is getting rare to find"

Dust to Knowledge:+75% smiley: science and -50% smiley: dust on planet X
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9 years ago
Apr 14, 2016, 8:07:38 PM
Lack of Labor Unions

A strange phenomenon has occurred in your home system. Some of their factory droids have had a system malfunction and the AI has started to rapidly evolve to the point of being sentient. Unfortunately, the implications of this are far too risky to leave it as it is in this chaotic state of the galaxy. While the opportunity for scientific experimentation is far too great to miss.

Faction that never was: +10% smiley: science on Empire, -30% smiley: industry on home system, for 10 turns
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9 years ago
Apr 14, 2016, 7:32:19 PM
Whenever a number of turns is given, it only applies to Normal speed:

Cosmic Mishap

Freak changes take place all around the galaxy at the level of elemental particles. As a result, cosmic strings grow unstable. Scientists are baffled and fascinated at the same time, while the galaxy gives in to panic.

The Great Disentanglement: For the next 10 smiley: queue, lanes are unusable. Trade between systems is interrupted and all empires receive a -10 smiley: approval penalty, along with a +50% smiley: science bonus. Wormholes and free travel still work as usual.

Coup d'État

Disagreeing with the way the empire is being run, the military forcefully take over the government and place one of their own as head of state. Malcontent grows among the general populace.

Military Dictatorship: This event can only trigger at the end of an election where the militarist party is running. Regardless of public support, the militarist party wins the election and becomes the empire's Major Political Ideology. Units cost -20% smiley: industry and -50% smiley: dust maintenance and the price of war declarations is reduced by -30% smiley: empirepoint, but the empire suffers a -30 smiley: approval penalty. The effect lasts until the next election.

Luxury Craze

Demand for [luxuryresource] skyrockets out of nowhere. Competition for it is fierce as everyone tries to get a piece of the fabled substance and prices escalate.

Extravagant Delights: For the next 20 smiley: queue, all empires that are not using [luxuryresource] receive a -20 smiley: approval penalty. Furthermore, using the resource provides an extra +20 smiley: approval as well as +100% of its usual bonus. [Luxuryresource] also costs +100% smiley: dust in the marketplace for the duration of the effect.

So many great ideas had to be left out! lol
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9 years ago
Apr 14, 2016, 7:02:13 PM
Wormholes' madness

After your travel through the Wormhole, you discover... that you're not normally supposed to be here. What happened?

Left to the Chance :All the wormholes brings you to a random location on the map for 5 turns.

A Heavy Problem

The attractive force became crazy! An anomaly of the space-time increased it in the majority of your empire, making the life harder for the inhabitants, but, strangely, this anomaly is a wealth of knowledge for the scientists.

That weights! : -25% speed on empire, -20smiley: approval on empire, -20%smiley: foodsmiley: industry on empire, +50%smiley: science on empire for 10 turns.

A problem of agreement

Rumors have spread out on all your empire : you would like to hurt the minor factions! These refuse now to obey you!

Closing the doors : The bonuses of your minor factions are removed for 10 turns.
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9 years ago
Apr 14, 2016, 5:25:43 PM
Dust Phantoms

Excess Dust in the higher layers of the planet's atmosphere are causing images of battles from above the planet to act out like a play. Some people are scared that these images are prophetic of a future invasion while others consider it historical or simply a coincidence to be taken as entertainment

1. Encourage fear of invasion +production towards military 10 turns

2. Have scientists examine the battle for possible strategies from other civilizations +science or +planet defense 10 turns

3. Build a viewing platform for the public to enjoy the light show +approval 10 turns

System Hollywood

A film company has employed the entire system to make a movie on the grandest scale seen in the galaxy yet. Sadly this means most of the laborers are now extras or backup stuntmen but at least the movie looks good!

Blockbuster Event -production -food -science in system 10 turns +big approval in empire 15 turns after the negative effects end Maybe some money as well depending on balance
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9 years ago
Apr 14, 2016, 3:33:59 PM
National Superiority

Description: A scientist of your empire published a study which seems to prove that your faction is the fittest to rule the galaxy in a distant future. Whether it's the results a true or just a propaganda maneuver, it seems that your population believes it (for now).

Nationalism: +x smiley: approval for systems/nodes completly under your control and without minor factions and -smiley: empirepoint cost for war declarations for n turns.

Space-Time Fluctuations

Description: Wormhole travel seems to have reached a traffic threshold, causing fluctuations in the space-time continuum. While travel seems now more easy, ship sensors are now malfuctioning. Scientists declare that this is only temporary, and that the space-time tissue is already repairing itself...

Rent Space-Time: Wormhole travel no longer consumes all movements points, -x sensor radius for n turns.

Trade Spree

Description: Trading enthusiasm is spreading across the galaxy: everyone thinks that the increasing space-travel and cultural exchanges will bring wealth and luxury to all, whithout the need to actually produce something. Economists predict that soon this belief will crumble, but since then, why not to exploit it?

Free Trade: -x% smiley: industry on systems, Marketplace Taxes set to 0% and all players transactions are visible to all for n turns.
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9 years ago
Apr 14, 2016, 2:32:49 PM
King in Yellow

Description: You fleet discovers an mysterious entity wrap in yellow silk on a newly discovery world. It offer its tome, which contain ancient and forbidden knowledge, in exchange for something of your empire. The fleet who discover the entity, being intimidate by it, agree. The entity said it need more servant. Your empire lost contact with the fleet afterward. Once the scout reach the place they only discover the tome on the planet...and a pirate fleet identical to your lost fleet.

Equal exchange?: You gain 3 free researches of your choice, but your fleet smiley: ship that discover the event is turned into pirate fleet.

Dust Pollution

Description:One of your planet has triggered a strange effect on the refine Dust. The Dust is now thick and wide spread enough to cover the whole planet and blocking it of any sun light. The eco system is now destroyed due to the Dust blocking the light from entering. This world may still stand, but it can't stand on its own any more. Though on the bright side, the refine Dust production on the world has never been so high and the soldier has much easier training with Dust enchanted air.

Dust bowl: The planet that this event take place receive permanent negative effect on smiley: food product despite its planet type, however the smiley: dust product increase dramatically and the fleet smiley: ship that was create in the system receive extra starting experience.

Unending Expanse 2

Description: A group of multi-species game developers has release the grand 4x space strategy game call 'Unending Expanse 2'. The game prove popular across the galaxy and every person on every world have a copy in their terminal, portal device, or any thing that can store the game. The mood throughout the galaxy improve and the military students are now better at planning.

Game of the Galaxy: The smiley: approval, galaxy wide, and the experience gain of fleet smiley: ship, also galaxy wide, are boosted for 10 turns

Note: I will leave the number and percentage of effect to you, dev. I know whatever specific number I suggest will only be balanced. Also the first event is a homage to Cthulhu mythos, don't worry it doesn't have copyright. As for the last one...you guess it.
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9 years ago
Apr 14, 2016, 12:34:01 PM
New Guests

One of your systems has some new visitors. A bunch of spores of the infamous Ravager Worm landed on one of the planets, these spores swiftly hatched and now your planet is being eaten whole. However, one of your scientists noticed you could easily keep these beasts occupied by providing them with enough food. This has caused food production to drop, but the new cave systems created by the worms could become usefull to build easily defendable cities


- 5% smiley: food on "SYSTEM X" and + 2 max smiley: stickouttongueopulation: on one of your planets in "SYSTEM X"


Apparently, one of your planets is home to purds, small animals looking like balls of fur, prized for their softness, they greatly increase happiness in your empire, but production has dropped due to many people taking days of to take care of their new pets.


-10 % smiley: industry Empire wide and +50 smiley: approval Empire wide

Rob Boss

One of the greatest scientists known had a happy little accident and created a space anomaly, the anomaly permits the creation of objects, mainly organic and ore-like, without needing gigantic amounts of energy, he named his invention "P41NT". He quickly set up business on an unknown location and gave his creation to the entire galaxy for free.


Every empire gets +5% smiley: food and +5% smiley: industry

I might do some more because i love the fact u people let us do this.
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9 years ago
Apr 14, 2016, 11:49:15 AM
Incompetent diplomat

"Well, the thing started like this: someone send a very incompetent diplomat to an intersepcies meeting, who accidentally insulted someone else but the insult looked like coming from a third party, then everyone started shouting at everyone, all that mess grew like snowball and then was chaos. Everyone will be happy when all that is fixed"

Diplomatic chaos: all empires declares war on all other empires at no diplomatic costs. After 10 turns you'll receive an smiley: approval bonus proportional to wars ended (either by wining, eliminating another faction or truce) after 20 turns.

As suggested bonus (yet to be balanced): +5 smiley: approval per finished war during (10 + number of finished wars) turns. This bonus is applied at the end of 20 turns after the effect.

Just as a personal thought: depending on your play stile and faction it may be good to be at war with everyone without paying smiley: empirepoint, and not be interested in finish any of the. Contrary everyone will be happy with the smiley: approval bonus if can truce with all other factions.

Sewer malfunction

"Something is wrong with this planet sewers and all refuse is going upwards! We need someone to fix it before it kills all our crops!

Surprisingly our scientist seems happy to take notes about the effects of refusal exposition on people..."

Experiments with refuse: +100% smiley: science and -50% smiley: food on planet until and administrator hero is assigned to this system.

As a personal thought: may be you're not interested at all in repairing these sewers...

Drunken captain

"Yesterday a merchant spaceship crashed with three consecutive planets, and ended melded with the spaceport tower. Local authorities has put the captain in jail and take under custody all the cargo as compensation. Star Traffic Authority remembers all captains that going FTL travel drunk is not recommended"

Ship multiple crash: On the affected system a random number of improvements are destroyed. Also you receive a random amount of dust and resources.
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