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G2G vote: Endless Space 2 Event Creation Contest

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9 years ago
Apr 19, 2016, 5:31:30 PM
Red-light Planet

"(Planet name) has gained a reputation for turning a blind eye to narcotic use. Citizens from across the empire are flocking to the planet, pouring money into drug tourism."

Spice: +30% smiley: dust, +5% smiley: science, -15% smiley: industry on planet for 10 turns
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9 years ago
Apr 20, 2016, 3:53:56 PM
Small Bang

"the center of the galaxy explose and nobody near is safe"

Mortal collide: 4 planet near the center are wiping out because of the Small Bang

Smart baby boom

"Your empire had seen a baby boom 20 year ago, now 90% of these child are graduate from engineering school and seek for a job , they are the most intelligente generation but they are too much, so many of them can't find a job, your empire increase her science level but the

unemployment is at the highest level"

scientist civilization:

+ 30% smiley: science on empire because of best engineering from the gala

-20% smiley: approval on empire because of unemployment
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9 years ago
Apr 20, 2016, 3:45:02 PM
Legalization of Cannaboyd Highlexis

"A planetary colony inexplicably decides to flout galactic law and legalize Cannaboyd highlexis. The planetary colony immediately becomes less productive and eats more food. On a positive note they become generally more agreeable and happy therefore approve rates go up."

-10% Industry, -10% Food, +20 Approval for 10 turns on system

Raving Ruminate

"Usually docile native ruminates species of the planetary system suddenly go raving mad and trample the existing production on the planet. A new source of spice was surprising discovered in the ruins.

-Existing production wiped out, +25 spice
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9 years ago
Apr 20, 2016, 2:35:23 PM
Proving Grounds

"A competitive madness has swept over and pilots are traveling from all over to prove their skill in tournaments."

Televised Tournaments

+ small happiness bonus on system for every ship orbiting for 10 turns

+ XP bonus to ships and heroes orbiting for 10 turns

-the idea of this one is that the player would have to move their fleet to a system and keep them there for a while in order to reap the benefits.
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9 years ago
Apr 20, 2016, 2:08:12 PM

Despite numerous problems that is experiencing, they seem to be broadcasting that "everything is fine" as they scramble to work on the problem. While this is cause for concern on your part, the people on adjacent planets take an odd comfort and amusement in watching their neighbor go down for a bit.


+x%smiley: fids and -ysmiley: approval on for 5 turns

-x%smiley: fids and +ysmiley: approval on and for 5 turns

(I couldn't decide if i wanted it to be a planet or a system, so I'll leave that to the devs. Title is a reference to this)

I'm fine where I am, thanks.

is surprisingly resistant about leaving his current position, promising to work harder so long as they get to stay for at least a little while longer.

A Comfortable Position

(if hero is assigned as Fleet Commander) +n movement, +x attack, +y defense for z turns. cannot be unassigned, or assigned to a new task for z turns.

(if hero is assigned as Govenor) +s smiley: fids +y smiley: approval for z turns. cannot be unassigned, or assigned to a new task for z turns.
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9 years ago
Apr 20, 2016, 9:14:09 AM
Government Shutdown

There is no agreement in the Congress to funding Government Activities.

So all the government employees won't be paid for 20 turns. Military activity, Scientistic report , and Economy will be affected

by this shutdown.

-20 Science, -20 military, -20 Empire activity for 20 turns.
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9 years ago
Apr 20, 2016, 5:44:04 AM
Galactic Dust-Nova

"A formerly-unknown Endless artifact at the centre of the galaxy 'hiccuped', sending waves of charged Dust in all directions. The biospheres of all the planets in the galaxy experience a momentary, but significant, shift. Despite the ensuing chaos, many find solace in the accompanying auroras."


-10%smiley: food, -10%smiley: industry, -10%smiley: science, -10%smiley: empirepoint on all Empires for 10 turns.

+30%smiley: dust, +5smiley: approval on all Empires for 15 turns.

Ancient Medicine Goes Viral

"After a Sophon scientist published her research on a long-thought extinct herb, many in the Empire decided to, um, conduct experiments of their own."

It's All Groovy

-15%smiley: industry, -15%smiley: science on your Empire for 10 turns.

+30%smiley: food, +10smiley: approval on your Empire for 10 turns. + 10% boost to Pacifist ideology.
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9 years ago
Apr 19, 2016, 9:56:04 PM
A Light in the Darkness

''An H II Region was found in the 'Name' system that could greatly benefit your scientific research teams and provide a fine entertainment for civilians. However, the large amount of radiation disrupt nearby planets while you adapt your infrastructure.''

Ionized Spectrum:

-10% smiley: food -10% smiley: industry -20% smiley: detection on system for 10 turns

+10% smiley: science +20 smiley: approval on system for 15 turns
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9 years ago
Apr 19, 2016, 8:45:23 PM
System EMP

"Sensors around Star System 'X' have all gone offline, leaving a dark spot in space. No communications have been received from the system and all ships that have been sent have not returned."

Dead Zone: Lasts 2-5 turns

All Ships cannot leave the selected system.

All Dust, Industry, and Science productions are halted.

-10 Happiness.

Cloning Accident

"An accident with a cloning experiment has caused you population to 'double' in size. While this allows for more production, logistics have become a nightmare. The clones should hopefully dissipate in the next few days."

Overpopulation: Lasts 2-4 turns

Population increases by 'X'

Happiness decreases by 'A lot'

Engine Malfunction

"One of your ships engines have malfunctioned, creating a mini wormhole that sent it somewhere else in the galaxy."

Perils of the Warp

Selected ship re-appears after 'x' amount of turns, somewhere in the galaxy.
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9 years ago
Apr 19, 2016, 8:22:29 PM
cataclysmic social collapse

it stacks -2 approval for 10 turns after 3 turns with it active on all systems in a empire with max population or 1 from max when it starts .

for the first 5 turns you get random +5 to approval on empire (1 time) or +2% to science with odd prompts telling you of a new book genre created or music genre

after turn 3 the turn prompts tell you of civil unrest and militias and talk of coups or assassinations during the -2 approval applications

after turn 13 the population on all systems with it active have the population drop to 1

it can only happen after turn 50


its based off the mouse utopia experiment and similar experiments where over population and over crowding even when there are enough resources seems to adversely affect social animals

some even theorize it can happen in humans . the "beautiful ones" phenomenon may not be detrimental at least at first
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9 years ago
Apr 19, 2016, 7:31:52 PM
Inspiring Imbecile

"A controversial figure has risen in your empire's political climate. While some of their lifestyle improvement ideas are useful, others like warp drives causing disease are not."

Luddite Lifehacks: +10% smiley: food, +10 smiley: approval and -20% smiley: science on empire for 10 turns

Sentient Saplings

"A native of (planet) has made wild claims that the plant life there is self-aware, and he is their speaker as they are unable to communicate. He is beloved by many, but a scientific investigation of his assertions is pending."

I Speak for the Trees: -25% smiley: industry and +30 smiley: approval on system for 5 turns

Endless Riches

"A vast storage of Dust has been discovered in a vault built by the Endless on (planet). However, ancient inscriptions claim the stash to be cursed, and the locals are already drawing connections between the treasure and their daily misfortunes."

Cursed Treasure: +750 smiley: dust, -20 smiley: approval on planet for 5 turns
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9 years ago
Apr 19, 2016, 6:18:05 PM
The Endless' Nemesis

"The greatest race to ever explore the Universe also has its greatest nemesis, its own mind, its own pride, blinding them to the others' discoveries"

Rodney's Greatness: -20% Science on Empire until the end of the game.

By the goggles i ache again

"As we explore this planet, We observe The wilderness being so cruel that it numbs us to the chin"

No more sorrow: + 30 Approval on Empire for 10 turns

+5% FIDS for 10 turns

The farmer's sister

"As we travel this ocean of void, we meet up with a farmer who's sister name is Florence, she has enormous abilities but also a certain awkwardness, we struggle to decide if she would be an asset or a liability for us" Y/N

Trust : -15% Industry -15Approval for 5 turns then

+20% industry + 20% Science for 15 turns.
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9 years ago
Apr 19, 2016, 5:48:35 PM
Relics from the past

"On a distant planet ancient relics from the Endless civilisation were discovered. After extensive research by your scientists they reveal holographic entertainment discs."

+10% smiley: science on system and +10% smiley: approval on empire for 10 turns.


"[Planet] has been infiltrated by an enemy spy who has been bribing your inspectors."

-10% smiley: industry and -10% smiley: science and + 750 smiley: dust.
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9 years ago
Apr 20, 2016, 5:09:29 PM
Prisoner of the Endless

You have found a strange anomaly orbiting a nearby star. The device is ancient, yet it is still active. The energy of the star has been powering what has clearly been a prison cell for an unknown being. Why it was imprisoned and whoever did it are long forgotten, but the being is held in stasis by a machine that also continually feeds it a steady supply of dust. The being held in the prison cell is a complete unknown, but the prison cell itself is one of the most complex machines your race has ever encountered. Your society has so many questions!

Hairdryers and Towels! Stat! Slowly thaw the creature from his stasis prison, the things this ancient being must know and we have questions that need to be answered! +200 Approval on Empire + Unknown Outcome (Random positive or negative for 10 turns)


When looking into experimental medical laser technology, one of your scientists created a stable beam of energy that could be held by hand for an indefinite period of time when it was turned on. She then modified the primer and grip to resemble that of a sword hilt. One of her colleagues saw her invention and immediately wanted one for himself. When both were finished the two scientists had to have a "laser sword fight." Unfortunately the new swords were as deadly and dangerous as they were aesthetically pleasing and one of the scientists lost their lives in the ensuing duel. Despite the dangers of the invention, everyone who sees one must have one. And thus, the laser sword* took the planet by storm (*Telekenetic Powers not included)

The Dark Side of Fun "This... is totally and completely unsafe and irresponsible... But I need one of those...." +1000 Approval -50% Population on Discovery Planet.

Election Cycle

A refugee and its entourage have stumbled into your territory. Boarding the ship, the refugee asks for asylum in your society. When you ask why the being seeks asylum, the refugee tells a fantastical story. It claims that it comes from a society ruled by a pure democracy of enlightened values. The creature ran for the highest elected office in their society, and won the popular vote by millions and millions of voters. However despite winning the majority vote, their system uses an archaic "point system" from long ago to actually determine the winner. The opponent received more points despite losing more votes. After the election, the winning candidate sought to have the loser assassinated because, well, the loser was more popular. Thus, the refugee seeks asylum in your Empire.

College Acceptance "Either that's the worst story ever or the dumbest system ever. Their loss is your gain." Receive a Free Hero.
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9 years ago
Apr 19, 2016, 5:21:19 PM
Great idea for a contest! It's lovely to have a chance to write something for the game.

Here is my entry:

Whispers from the Void

The shadows of the universe sing ballads of unborn stars and their death. They tell of dead galaxies and their resurgence. You know not whence they came, but the whispers, even though they are just that, whispers, recite endless possibilities.

History of the Universe: +5%smiley: science on empire for 30 turns.
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9 years ago
Apr 19, 2016, 4:55:21 PM
I must post this random event because HISSHO exists in ES2.

Of course, I don't mean this event happens for only HISSHO.

I wish my English has no problem...


"A legendary wind destroys everything, and there is no way to escape from the legendary wind... We must know that the wind does not always help us because it is just dangerous wind."

Kamikaze (Effects 1 System) : Destroy one building, kill one population and destroy all ships on the system for 3 turns. All negative anomaly are removed after this event has been finished.
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9 years ago
Apr 19, 2016, 1:27:56 PM
Primary Succession

"The accidental introduction of a unique alien autograph of unknown origins has helped to increase primary productivity on . The bottom up benefits of this mishap have increased the agricultural potential of the planet; assuming the species can successfully naturalize to the climate".

Gives +1 smiley: food on the first turn, then permanent +15% on smiley: food production on [noteepperminteffectsdonothingonplanetsthatdon'tproduceas0*15%still=0]

Fungal Recession

"Planets in are experiencing industry retardation after a system wide outbreak of an unknown fungal-like microorganism. Infected components were oxidized and covered in a thick biofilm as the fungus consumes the substrate. A solution to remove the infection was quickly found, but not before the corrosion and clogging of infrastructure caused massive disruptions to industry. "

-50% smiley: industry in for 2 turns

Voyage of the beagle

"Careful observations of life on other worlds has resulted in a unique discovery. Collaboration between voyages has given insight into the fundamental nature of life; and how it may be exploited."

+5 smiley: science for each hero. +5* 500% smiley: science for heroes belonging to the ecology minor faction.
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9 years ago
Apr 19, 2016, 10:25:56 AM
Name: Gates

Description: A teleportation gate randomly appears in a system. Connecting it to another teleportation gate that also randomly appears in another system. Maybe some excavation of some ancient relic/technology.

Name of Effect: The Event

Effect 2 Systems: Instant diplomatic connection. Population can spread trough the gate. Only small ships can teleport trough the gate.
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9 years ago
Apr 19, 2016, 9:54:45 AM
Name: Hero Emerges

Description: A Hero emerges from the local population on random planet.

Name of Effect: A heroes Welcome

Effect Empire/planet: A Hero Emerges for free. Planet gets a Heroes monument. Some building/anomaly that gives bonus relative to the type of hero type that have emerged.
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9 years ago
Apr 19, 2016, 9:38:01 AM
Name: Galactic Storms

Description: Powerful winds blow gas outwards from the center of the galaxy. They are powered up by newly formed stars or shocks from stellar explosions.

Name of Effect: Stellar Winds

Effect Galaxy: Fleet movement difficult/not possible. Marketplace Closed. Blockade effect on system/planet. Random length turns.
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