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[ES2] GDD 14 - Ground Battle

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8 years ago
Aug 18, 2016, 1:09:08 PM
GrendelHime wrote:
Hmmm - the ships in the first artwork kind of remind me of the blurry image of the next unrevealed race on the wiki - with their angular metallic look and blue highlights. The hooded individual in the second picture does a bit too, although he seems to have four eyes rather than six (I'm not entirely certain the picture is of a face though). Perhaps we're looking at the next faction here - maybe one with some kind of bonus to invasions (wither defensive or offensive)?

I might be overthinking it though. I am kind of desperate to find out more about the remaining factions so maybe I'm just seeing things...

I thought the ships in the artwork belonged to the Cravers... unless I'm somehow wrong.

Can anyone confirm it?

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9 years ago
Jun 17, 2016, 3:16:01 PM
Looks really great. Invasions were kinda lacking in Endless Space 1, and Disharmonies Ground Troops made Invasions even more awkward. A manpower resource mechanic with different troop types to have battles really does sound great. That being said, it sounds like raising troops will only be based on manpower, but it should, especially for the mechanized troop types, require some degree of industry too. Also, how will troop type countering work?

We’re going to have some small counter mechanics, with types of troops having enhanced damages against other types. Populations within the empire will provide bonuses to specific troop types, making the battles asymmetrical.

Any chance we'll hear more about what Tanks and Planes do differently than Troops? Is there an advantage in circumstances? Or is it just a stats thing?

They have different stats indeed, and they will have odds to destroy improvements during the battle, making them a double-edged choice.

Why would I need to make costly empire-wide generation, when i could manually press every system's local generation button?

We want to reduce micromanagement by having a default flux of growth converted into manpower. If it feels too constraining, the default flux might become free, and the active action more costly.

So, blockading is essentially a besieging, but without a manpower in orbit?

Indeed, the goal is to weaken the system before launching the ground battle.

Is this some kind of new resource? I don't recall it in previous GDDs.

Yes it’s a new resource that wasn’t announced yet.

P.S. It's good to have another fresh GDD after more then month without new information, but... is this the last one? When will there be smth new on the wiki?

We've slowed reveals down a little on the wiki due to E3 but we're hoping to update it soon.

now that we finally got a troop system what about space marines and in connection to that a new weapon for pirates to make them even more of a nuisance Harpoons and boarding parties so that a lost battle against pirates doesn’t only mean less ships for you but actually more pirates to go against? I would definitely like this more than pirates randomly spawning in everywhere around the galaxy

Boarding is an interesting idea but we don’t want to do it partially. Meaning: we need to see how we could feedback it visually, as well as the progress of the confrontation within a ship. That’s an idea we keep aside for now.

Hmmm - the ships in the first artwork kind of remind me of the blurry image of the next unrevealed race on the wiki - with their angular metallic look and blue highlights. The hooded individual in the second picture does a bit too, although he seems to have four eyes rather than six (I'm not entirely certain the picture is of a face though). Perhaps we're looking at the next faction here - maybe one with some kind of bonus to invasions (wither defensive or offensive)?

Who knows? :)

I may not want to reduce my population. I would like to be able to consume only the difference between my current population level X and the next level (X+1). It would reset my population growth to point 0 progress until the next point, but wouldn't upset my economy.

We want to impact the economy on purpose. We want wars and conflicts to have concrete consequences on your economy.

I don't like the troops/mechanized/airborne division in terms of tech levels. I'd rather have a rock/paper/scissors mechanics where one system overshadows the other in efficiency.

We do have an RPS mechanics as troops have efficiency against other types. But we want to keep the ground battle management a macro system that operates at an empire level more than a micro system related to each invasion. We want the player to focus on both supplying fleets with troops and tweaking the troop types ratios.

I do think control of the system should vary depending on your invasion choices though. If you slaughter almost all the population and burn down the buildings, why wouldn't you have 100% ownership?

Indeed, that’s something we’ll look at!

So will races with bonuses to food have a distinct advantage? I imagine a science based race will have upgrades to help ground battles. Industry based races will be like the sowers and increase manpower based off of production. How will it work for dust based races? Can you buy manpower through the black market? I think a way to level the playing field would be to base manpower on happiness as well instead of purely on population. It works quite well thematically. In fact, warlike race traits could alleviate the happiness fallout, while peaceful traits could make it stronger.

There might be faction traits that will indeed affect manpower generation but for now, it’s strictly related to the food production: the higher food output, the higher the manpower regeneration.

Being able to buyout manpower on the marketplace can be interesting indeed!

For the link with happiness, there might be something interesting, we’ll look at it!

This Manpower system looks good.

It is easily understand for the system, but can you explain something more about the attacker manpower?

- Is it loss when attacking?

- Can ships with modules regenerate its manpower each turn? Or need to go back to a friendly system?

Surviving manpower is distributed between the ships and the invaded systems at the end of the invasion.

Regeneration depends on where the fleet is: there is regeneration in neutral territory, but it’s higher in friendly /owned territories. The regeneration can indeed be improved through modules.

Personally I think the biggest question we should be asking is this: Will we be getting cinematic visuals for the battles? Or something weaker. After reading the post I can say it looks like ground battles with cinematic visuals but it is not clearly stated that this is the case, and therefore cannot be totally confirmed. Also you reference troop types, does this mean we will get to design our own ground units ala Endless Legend? Or will they be based off of presets equipped with the latest tech that you choose off of a list. Other than those two things I love this idea, especially the manpower mechanic since it will limit ship production and hopefully help mitigate the large ship spam we see in the original Endless Space.

Forward, unto the breach.

There will be a visual representation of the battle. I honestly found them really cool but you’ll tell us what you think of it later. :)

There is no unit design however, we really want to focus on the high level for ground battles.

I don't really understand how manpower is different from ?

A war should wear a country's industry capacities ?

Manpower is the idea of Military reservists that are trained and ready to fight for your cause. It’s more about people than industry.

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9 years ago
Jun 18, 2016, 10:43:42 PM
I only have one question about this GDD : can we envisage a way to decrease the manpower of an other empire?

Like, diplomatic actions, spying maybe?

Also, if I win a war against another empire, can I force him to lower the amount of his maximum stock of manpower, or of manpower generation ? Such conditions would be included in peace deals, and would cost you lots of influence to maintain each turn (for, like, a maximum of 10 turns duration), and the possibility for the other empire to pay influence to get rid of your control on this point (if he wants to built up his army before the end of the 10 turns)

I really hope these ideas about peace deals (creating post war short/medium terms effects, costing influence to maintain) and the possibility for the losing empire to get rid of them (paying influence) will be implemented :)
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9 years ago
Jun 19, 2016, 3:00:52 AM
How will heroes tie into ground battles? Will they just add bonuses or will some have special abilities that activate when the battle takes place?
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9 years ago
Jul 7, 2016, 12:02:05 AM

Something I liked about HoI 4 was the manpower mechanic as it relates to the resources you held in reserve. Manpower fueled your war engine, but it was offset by the need to equip your troops with Equipment - tanks, guns, whatever.  So, for example, China and Russia have very heavy manpower reserves but a low industry or technology level to produce enough equipment.  It was an interesting balancing act between burning through your manpower to quickly defeat your enemy (a la blitzkreig Poland) or save your industry for heavier/better equipment and win the war via attrition.

I'd love to see something similar in Endless Space 2 when it comes to wars.  Making the resources you use to fuel your war machine as important as the size of your fleets during wartime would go a long way towards spicing up the military game.  The manpower mechanic looks like a great step in this direction.

Question, though:  Is manpower growth based on how many pops are present on a planet and your tech level? Or is there more to it?

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9 years ago
Jul 7, 2016, 5:46:54 AM

I like the concept of manpower, I think its an interesting way to add more economic components to warfare. That is something that is often lacking in 4x games, warring is a very very expensive business.

That said, I am always loathe to have ground battles in a space 4x game. Ultimately, its always about the ships....always. So having to have manpower for invasions is fine, but I say stop it there. No unit types, no tactics. Forcing to invest a resource to invading a planet is fine, but then let me move on and get back to space.

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9 years ago
Jul 7, 2016, 9:08:11 PM

@Stalker0:. Why not have the ground component help the space component?  In the Pacific theater of ww2, islands with airstrips were often compared to carriers without the downside of being sinkable by US admirals.  Why not draw parallels to space?  Yes, manpower fuels the ground garrison and crews fleets.  Why not spend manpower to crew space-fighter hybrids? Or a dark matter gun (an actual one I can see this time, Amplitude :D)?  

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9 years ago
Jul 10, 2016, 6:12:49 PM
Mered4 wrote:

@Stalker0:. Why not have the ground component help the space component?  In the Pacific theater of ww2, islands with airstrips were often compared to carriers without the downside of being sinkable by US admirals.  Why not draw parallels to space?  Yes, manpower fuels the ground garrison and crews fleets.  Why not spend manpower to crew space-fighter hybrids? Or a dark matter gun (an actual one I can see this time, Amplitude :D)?  

Fixed defenses on the grund that could fire at fleets in space would be perfect.

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8 years ago
Jul 11, 2016, 11:11:27 PM
Adventurer_Blitz wrote:
Mered4 wrote:

@Stalker0:. Why not have the ground component help the space component?  In the Pacific theater of ww2, islands with airstrips were often compared to carriers without the downside of being sinkable by US admirals.  Why not draw parallels to space?  Yes, manpower fuels the ground garrison and crews fleets.  Why not spend manpower to crew space-fighter hybrids? Or a dark matter gun (an actual one I can see this time, Amplitude :D)?  

Fixed defenses on the grund that could fire at fleets in space would be perfect.

Space station defense platforms would be fine too.

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8 years ago
Jul 12, 2016, 3:14:41 AM
Adventurer_Blitz wrote:
Mered4 wrote:

@Stalker0:. Why not have the ground component help the space component?  In the Pacific theater of ww2, islands with airstrips were often compared to carriers without the downside of being sinkable by US admirals.  Why not draw parallels to space?  Yes, manpower fuels the ground garrison and crews fleets.  Why not spend manpower to crew space-fighter hybrids? Or a dark matter gun (an actual one I can see this time, Amplitude :D)?  

Fixed defenses on the grund that could fire at fleets in space would be perfect.

In this case though, we are not talking ground combat, but rather a defensive building of some kind that assists you in space combat. Could it cost manpower? Sure, perfectly fine, but you don't need a ground combat system to do that. Like I said, the manpower concept is a great one, but you don't need to extend it to a full ground combat system as well.

Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
Aug 14, 2016, 1:28:56 AM

Will the battles be "cinematic" or shown with in games models? Or just be a pop up like in ES? If they are in game will all the factions have unique models and will they change/update as technology advances?

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9 years ago
Jun 16, 2016, 3:34:19 PM
Kweel_Nakashyn wrote:
If non military ships requires no Manpower, then the best name is indeed soldiers :)

It is indeed.

Not the end of the world though (Unless we don't have enough manpower during an alien invasion). =)
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8 years ago
Aug 21, 2016, 9:47:03 AM
Bluecreeper101 wrote:

Will the battles be "cinematic" or shown with in games models? Or just be a pop up like in ES? If they are in game will all the factions have unique models and will they change/update as technology advances?

You can check out https://youtu.be/WdUBlmrLtvg?t=441 starting at 7:21. Just ignore those two obnoxious interviewers who were entirely unsuitable to talking about a 4X game.

I really hope a video with better interviewers will pop up soon.

Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
Aug 21, 2016, 1:50:49 PM
UndeadPuppy wrote:

Is that the only Gamescom 2016 footage of the game so far?

Unfortunately, yes. These two guys have entirely the wrong style of hosting to present a 4x game.

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8 years ago
Aug 21, 2016, 3:05:47 PM
The-Cat-o-Nine-Tales wrote:
UndeadPuppy wrote:

Is that the only Gamescom 2016 footage of the game so far?

Unfortunately, yes. These two guys have entirely the wrong style of hosting to present a 4x game.

They asked nothing of any relevance and used up interview time chatting rubbish. Cutting off the fleet battle at the end just summed it all up. The Gamescom's organisers are an absolute joke.

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8 years ago
Aug 21, 2016, 7:05:15 PM

Is it Gamescom's org? I thought it's just Twitch being Twitch. Like, during whole presentation chat was discussing similarities to No Man's Sky and how it's all a hoax. Totally clueless.

Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
Aug 21, 2016, 7:49:41 PM

Coverage this bad makes me wish I could say more. Hopefully, next week will bring better coverage as actual journalists get back to their work.

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8 years ago
Aug 22, 2016, 11:03:55 AM

I was analyzing whatever images I have been able to get my hands on when I discovered something curious. I used MS Paint to make comparisons:

Does this mean that manpower will pull from all types of population in your empire, including population of a different species? If so does this mean that different races will have different combat capabilities on the ground? If so that would be amazing! Imagine Sophon and Mavros armor marching alongside pilgrim (if they are going to be a thing) infantry and aircraft! I will be immensly pleased if this is actually a thing.

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