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7 years ago
Dec 10, 2017, 10:07:28 PM
lilyophelia wrote:
Lemonwizard wrote:

I haven't played Endless Legend...

*begins to hyperventilate* Oh, no, you must play Endless Legend sometime soon! It is my one, great love! ES2 is just cute, young and pretty!

Well, ES2 is actually pretty amazing, and I worry that EL might not hold up after a lot of time with ES2, but EL is an amazing game that has gone through lots of maturation (with all the DLC). It has aspects to it that are different (being a world instead of a galaxy), and there are so many amazing things that I love about it.

When I take a break from ES2, I plan to go back to EL.

Try it when you get the chance. Please!

P.S. I'm hoping beyond hope that we see EL2 a few years from now, after many great ES2 expansions.

There's a very solid chance that Endless Legend will be my christmas present to myself this year!

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7 years ago
Dec 13, 2017, 10:08:04 AM

I haven't! Is it a boardgame?

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7 years ago
Dec 12, 2017, 11:33:54 PM

It's a bit of a drift from the OP but as you two both seem avid or fans of boardgames...

have either of you tried Star Trek Ascendancy? I had to talk myself out of impulsively buying it. But it looks so good.

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7 years ago
Dec 12, 2017, 11:29:14 PM

Friends! I have news! Endless Space 2 is one of the listings in Strategy for http://www.gameinformer.com/b/features/archive/2017/12/01/vote-for-your-2017-games-of-the-year.aspx Game Informer's pool/voting. :)

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7 years ago
Dec 11, 2017, 8:49:49 PM
Lemonwizard wrote:

I read that in early development of BE, alien aggression was worldwide. Aliens couldn't tell different players apart - to them the human colonists were all just "humans", and if one person attacked aliens it would cause them to be more hostile to all players on the map. This would provide a very real source of tension between harmony players and "kill the bugs" civs, and I sort of wish they hadn't abandoned the concept. BE had a lot of potential but it really needed more work to be the game I wanted it to be.

I think it always was this way and still is @worldwide alien agression. Other player's actions influence alien's opinion to all players.

The most toughest games ever, I had with Ryika's Aggressive Wildlife mod - or as I like to call it: the Starship Troopers Mod. Ryika was still modding the game to a great extent the last time I played. 

This game has its flaws but I have a soft spot for it. I would've liked a second extension, too. Perhaps in direction of air units. 

Overall, I still like the game but I paid almost twice as much for it compared to ES2. (bought the game on release, also the extension). So twice the price and less than half the playtime. And that's for a game I really enjoyed. This should tell how much I'am in love with Endless Space 2 :D


At the moment, I had to stop playing ES2 because of my studies (my personal academy quest^^). But that's fine because I'm secretly waiting for an ES2 christmas special ;)

- Unfallen as Christmas trees

-  Emperor Zelevas as Santa Claus and Sophons as Santa's little helpers

- Horatio as Ebenezer Scrooge

- and Lumeris as Grinch who stole Christmas

- Cravers as Reindeers

- Riftborn as Snow Cannons because we rarely have a White Christmas here

- and we as players have to visit the Church of Vodyani - because if we don't they get utterly mad and we'll end up in hell eventually

Updated 7 years ago.
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7 years ago
Dec 11, 2017, 8:12:12 PM

4X is indeed like digital boardgames, but since they can handle a lot of background calculations they manage to have a lot of complex mechanics.

Imagine playing a tabletop boardgame of Endless Space 2 and having to calculate, at the start of your turn, all the FIDSI you´ve got from ALL your systems. And calculate the pressure of all other empires. And calculating the approval of each system, etc etc. It could be done, but it would be 5 times longer than RISK. With digital you have all the maths on the background, and you manage to see it easily to make the strategic decisions...

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7 years ago
Dec 11, 2017, 3:12:14 PM

Wow, we've really drifted into an interesting conversation, haven't we?

For my part, I find that most strategy games fall apart right now if you push too hard into the game's design. The biggest problem is that there is usually one best path (depending on your desired victory), and the game's AI will always be inferior to a human opponent; the more complicated the game's rules, the more this will show.

For a long time now, I've come to enjoy the strategy and decision-making mixed with a sort of sandboxed story that I tell myself to make these games really fun.

I no longer see the other empires as something to play against (because I've never played a 4x game that could make that really work). Instead, the other empires just exist purely for my benefit. I need someone to bully, or to invade, or to trade with.

I still think the best thing you can do is to see 4x games as very pretty, digital boardgames. It's like playing Risk, except we can make it extra pretty or introduce some really neat rules and mechanics, because we have supercomputers to track everything for us these days.


I think Amplitude wins based purely on interest of design and aesthetics. A lot like what you wrote @BadBecauseMad.

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7 years ago
Dec 11, 2017, 2:07:42 PM

For me actually Civ6 felt pretty mediocre. And i'll try to explain why. Civ6 is really what u'll call "well-balanced", but because of that it's not as seasoned as Endless games for me. In Civ6 i often didn't feel like i'm playing different nations, while in Endless Legend u often have to completely change your playstyle and sometimes learn a few new things u're unfamiliar with when u pick up a new faction. Asymmetrical gameplay(and not only just that) of different factions in Endless games is what makes them a lot deeper than Civ6. Civ6 IS a good game, but for me it's like template and EL shows how much more could be done with 4X genre(and it is indeed just different). And ES2 is just... well... it exceeds any other 4X game by lightyears.

Updated 7 years ago.
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7 years ago
Dec 10, 2017, 11:56:27 PM
minurominerwin wrote:

I think that Endless legend is somewhat mediocre. It seems to me a copy of civilization, but with boring heroes and unintuitive mechanics. Is quite overrated.

I'm sorry for all the "love" that Amplitude dedicated to him.

This opinion shows, you never really tried to play Endless Legend. Civilization sucks, in case you played both games. Not that Civ 5 was a bad game - for sure not.

Updated 7 years ago.
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7 years ago
Dec 10, 2017, 10:52:21 PM

I just know that I like 4x and I've had a really positive experience with Amplitude so far, so the game was on my radar. I may not have time to really dig into it much this week, but I think I'm going to get it while it's on sale.

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7 years ago
Dec 10, 2017, 10:46:23 PM

That's what I'm saying. I almost bought a second copy just in case I had a friend I wanted to give the key to someday. That's how much I think of the game.

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7 years ago
Dec 10, 2017, 6:09:27 PM

I think that Endless legend is somewhat mediocre. It seems to me a copy of civilization, but with boring heroes and unintuitive mechanics. Is quite overrated.

I'm sorry for all the "love" that Amplitude dedicated to him.

Updated 7 years ago.
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7 years ago
Dec 10, 2017, 2:22:36 PM

SuperMarloWorld wrote:

So yeh, for me too, my dream is to see Endless legend 2 : the combination of this incredible world, and the wonderful talent that amplitudes unbdirdled on ES2.

Oh, my gosh, yes! 

If you look at the games, ES2 was built on top of EL which was built on top of ES1; they keep iterating and designing.

The main challenge for Amplitude is to never lose that passion that big games (and studios often lose). Never forget how lucky you are to be able to work at such an amazing studio, among such great people, on such a great IP and to be able to create, create, create.

With a big project like a video game, it can get exhausting, and at some point you can reach a place where you're just "done." And then it's a slog and a drudge and all uphill from there.

If they can keep that same energy and passion and gratitude going forward for the next several years, they are set to do (even more) amazing things!

EL2, built on whatever ES2 ends up looking like at the end of it's life, is going to be miraculous.


P.S. I've loved hearing them say again and again how grateful they are that people keep buying their games and expansions. That humbleness and that gratitude for being able to do something they so obviously love is amazing to me.

Updated 7 years ago.
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7 years ago
Dec 10, 2017, 1:28:11 PM

P.S. I'm hoping beyond hope that we see EL2 a few years from now, after many great ES2 expansions.

Yes same. Endless legend world, this strange and epic medieval fantastic place, ruled by a solid and beautiful Scfi universe, is by far my favorite in all video games. Everything is cool, beautiful, epic, and almost always entierely consistant. More of that, the fact that Auriga is sort of alive, and dying, make everything more intense, and emotional. i will enver say anything bad about Endless Legend Lore. It's impossible for me ;p

I loved Endless legend gameplay, but I actually love and admire ES2 gameplay way more. Endless legend was kinda more basic, and war oriented. Endless space 2 is incredibly deep and the influence and diplomacy gameplay create a lot of new dimensions. It was the game i was waiting for years. While reading this discussion, i remember there is only one game that created those gameplay vibes : Sid Meirs Alpha Centaury. This game has also some common points with endless games and universe : faction with their own story and game styles, ecologic related ideas, huge sand box possibilties on a very solid gameplay.  

About ecologic stuff on Alpha Centaury, i remember as a teen, i wanted to replace the intiial lifeform of the planet, sort of worms and pink fungus, with terrans forests (you could do that) because i wanted to make Alpha centaury an eden for humans. But then i digged into the history, and learned that the worms and the fungus was a thinking creature, and i was basicly killing it with my beautiful green trees. It's related to everything in ecology in general. What a paradygme burst for a kid like me xD. Then i tryed to share space between the plante lifeform and the forest. I always played the beautiful ecologist woman and fought the crazy industrials or despotic guys. There was also a ton of thougts on humanity nature, supra-human possibilities, and society. Haha what a game !

So yeh, for me too, my dream is to see Endless legend 2 : the combination of this incredible world, and the wonderful talent that amplitudes unbdirdled on ES2.

Updated 7 years ago.
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7 years ago
Dec 10, 2017, 12:20:06 PM
Lemonwizard wrote:

I haven't played Endless Legend...

*begins to hyperventilate* Oh, no, you must play Endless Legend sometime soon! It is my one, great love! ES2 is just cute, young and pretty!

Well, ES2 is actually pretty amazing, and I worry that EL might not hold up after a lot of time with ES2, but EL is an amazing game that has gone through lots of maturation (with all the DLC). It has aspects to it that are different (being a world instead of a galaxy), and there are so many amazing things that I love about it.

When I take a break from ES2, I plan to go back to EL.

Try it when you get the chance. Please!

P.S. I'm hoping beyond hope that we see EL2 a few years from now, after many great ES2 expansions.

Updated 7 years ago.
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