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7 years ago
Dec 10, 2017, 9:23:48 AM

Beyond Earth has got civ syndrome pretty hard - it's massively better with its expansion to the degree vanilla feels incomplete. I think if it had been popular enough for a second expansion, it could have been really great... but lots of its problems just go unsolved. Affinity isn't a choice you make as the player, but a choice that largely gets made for you depending on which affinity's resources are abundant near your start - tying it to specific strategic resources basically means that one choice is the best for you and you don't have much say about it. The tech web is more restrictive than liberating, you pretty much have to follow the path which unlocks affinity points for the affinity your start has decreed you must take, with very little deviation. It's supposed to be a big choice that provides diversity for gameplay, but it feels like the game forces a linear path on you to succeed even though the UI suggests so many tantalizing branches. Aliens were much cooler than barbarians, and had some fun unique effects, but the harmony path of being friendly with aliens should have been more viable. Eventually they stop attacking you, but they never provide you any help or benefit, alien nexts on xenomass provide fewer yields than clearing them to build a xenomass well, and worst of all they are constantly blocking paths you want to move units through - it'd be a whole lot more convenient to just kill that bug like a purity or supremacy player would.

I read that in early development of BE, alien aggression was worldwide. Aliens couldn't tell different players apart - to them the human colonists were all just "humans", and if one person attacked aliens it would cause them to be more hostile to all players on the map. This would provide a very real source of tension between harmony players and "kill the bugs" civs, and I sort of wish they hadn't abandoned the concept. BE had a lot of potential but it really needed more work to be the game I wanted it to be.

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7 years ago
Dec 10, 2017, 8:20:31 AM

I really, really, really, wanted to like Civ Beyond Earth but the game was very dry. It never quite charmed me the way every Amplitude Studio game has. I really appreciate how much effort goes into making every faction very distinct. And while AI is always difficult to program, even if the actualy outcomes are a little wonky the unique flavor to the diplomcy and the diplomacy dialog in Amplitude games gives the AI a kind of breathing room which CBE didn't have. Thank you for the off hand review of Civ6. Civ 5 could never hold my interest. I'll likely pass on Civ 6 as well. All hail our new ENFER overlords.

Updated 7 years ago.
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7 years ago
Dec 10, 2017, 2:02:02 AM
SuperMarloWorld wrote:

I think endless legend is better than civ5 (and i love civ5 a lot), but civ6 was actually a disappointement for me.

I bought civ 6 and ES2 at the same time, thinking "oooh yeah 4x". I've always wanted a great outer space 4x, I thought Civ Beyond Earth was fun but flawed... and even aside from its flaws, the game is still about just one planet and not exploring the whole galaxy. I had played Endless Space 1 and had fun with it, but I thought it had lots of solid concepts that could have used more polish. I was fully expecting Civ 6 to pull me in for weeks and ES2 was an afterthought I'd get to later. I tried ES2 after a few games of civ 6.... and it's exactly the interstellar turn based strategy I always wanted. I play it more than any other game right now.

I haven't played Endless Legend, but ES2 is a real gem! The love and care that Amplitude puts into their work is really apparent, too. I get responses from devs to forum posts, they produce regular free updates that add real depth to the game, and just generally make us the players feel extremely valued. I remember all the way back to Civ 5 vanilla, players were saying "hey the AI can tell us not to settle near them, why can't we tell them the same thing?", and the complaints about the lack of diplomacy options persisted through two expansions and a sequel - 7 years later the diplomacy is as bare bones as ever. People have the same complaint in ES2, and Amplitude just fixes it. The diplomacy system gets overhauled a few months after release, in a free patch and not an expansion, and the game is that much better for it. I wish every game developer cared about their community this much.

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7 years ago
Dec 8, 2017, 3:08:07 PM

No no it's me. Even nominees didnt have been revealed if i am not wrong (this stuff is a bot obscure for me). I googled it, ended up on the 2016 page without seeing it... I had the fasle souvenir that civ 6 was released early 2017... So i rly tought we were taling about the nominees of this year.

In another end... It mean you still have a chance to get a nomination, or even an award ! I really hope so !

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7 years ago
Dec 8, 2017, 2:24:59 PM

Hm for some reasons i tought people were talking about steam awards, that have notalready ended if i am not wrong. It dont chnage what i said. Just think i am coming from another dimension. I am perfectly in the subject, but from another time and space. 

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7 years ago
Dec 8, 2017, 2:08:06 PM

Your kind words mean a lot. Thanks to you, players, for helping us make awesome games (or try, at least)!

The fact that the Mario Kingdom World game got the win kinda confirms to me the suspicion that it was going to be a hit tactical game when I saw the first gameplay footage. Alas, I have no Switch, so haven't been able to try it out!

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7 years ago
Dec 8, 2017, 1:19:24 PM
SuperMarloWorld wrote:

I think endless legend is better than civ5 (and i love civ5 a lot), but civ6 was actually a disappointement for me.

I liked Civ 5 quite a bit, esp with the Vox Populi mod. The Amplitude games just have such amazing aesthetics. I think that's what I mean when I get all silly and misty-eyed. Amplitude has mad style!

I never even tried Civ 6. I tend to wait for a little bit to get games on sale, and the art for Civ 6 really turned me off. It was too comical for my tastes.

With that said, I've totally changed my attitude on Amplitude games/expansions. I almost never buy things at release unless I have to. I was a little worried about what ES2 was going to look like, and I waited on it. But now, I am completely converted, and I plan to preorder all the expansion and future games that Amplitude puts out. It's basically moved way up in my list of priority luxuries!

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7 years ago
Dec 8, 2017, 11:45:52 AM

I am not super surprised. The x4 are not the most populars games, and Sid Meier's Civilizations have the biggest player base. It was a childhood game for many of us, and it's basicly the most known of any x4.

I think endless legend is better than civ5 (and i love civ5 a lot), but civ6 was actually a disappointement for me. The only really good thing that it was a complete game at its release. But for the rest, I really disliked the game mechanics, especially the disctrict systems. When it was a source of immersion and thinking in EL, it was counter-immersive in civ, related to a decisiin making for 5 year old childs. In EL you see your epix city growth, in Civ it's like playmobiles and lego with a ton of color not related to any lore. Dont mind me, i love legos and playmobiles, but i have what i need at home, i dont need to download it on my computer.

ES2 is not finished at all (i mean if there are as much expansion on the way than in x4 in general), suffer from a lot of issues, and already dominate in my heart all x4 and most of the strategy games i ever played on gameplay, immersion, and history (exept endless legend, EL lore is by far my favorite in all video games).

So i voted for amplitudes games, but i was sure of the result, to be fair :p

Updated 7 years ago.
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7 years ago
Dec 8, 2017, 11:12:33 AM

The Amplitude team deserves so much wonderful love and praise! The games all have this wonderful, living, evolving soul to them.

While I wish them so much success, this just means that we get to enjoy them on a more intimate level for a little bit longer.

I feel like ES2 is one of the biggest, unseen gems of the year (or past several years), and I know they are just going to keep growing and getting more and more attention as they continue to develop. I'm excited to see it happen!

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