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Need help managing population as Horatio.

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6 years ago
Feb 18, 2019, 11:18:40 AM

Hi. I am currently playing as Horatio an I came to this situation - I have spliced genes of 6 races so far, but the next one becomes problematic. My horatio population grows so fast, they simply leave no space for others and so far I can`t find a viable solution to this. My plan right now is to colonise some large low food planet and send Horatios from core world in waves each turn, hopefully some of them get lost in transit. Game really lack a tool to stop certain species from growing if needs be. So, does anyone have a working solution to this problem?

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6 years ago
Feb 18, 2019, 12:19:16 PM

I mean your idea is a solid solution for vanilla version of the game. Colonize low food system send all unwanted pops there to process either with Chaingang or Virtual Dustylizer, when even that becomes problematic you may just evacuate that system what will kill all pops in it and also all pops sent(travelling) to it, if you don't want to bother with evacuation from time to time research privateers and kill new pops arriving at that system with them(ez dust). That's pretty much it.

And then there is mods.

Updated 6 years ago.
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6 years ago
Feb 18, 2019, 12:25:06 PM
BadBecauseMad wrote:

I mean your idea is a solid solution for vanilla version of the game. Colonize low food system send all unwanted pops there to process either with Chaingang or Virtual Dustylizer, when even that becomes problematic you may just evacuate that system what will kill all pops in it and also all pops sent(travelling) to it, if you don't want to bother with evacuation from time to time research privateers and kill new pops arriving at that system with them(ez dust). That's pretty much how i do it, and i kinda know a thing or two about splicing.

And then there is mods.

I just hoped there was some hidden botton or something). I mean it is such a core mechanic and yet we have to use mods or some shenanigans to circumvent it, that`s in the game having 3 addons and passing through early-access. Kinda hoped they fixed that since those times and I just didn`t find a button or tech. Thanks again.

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6 years ago
Feb 18, 2019, 6:23:17 PM

Well, pops grow in rotations.  That means if you have a minor pop on a system, half the growth will be beautiful Horatios and half will be the minor.  Just make sure that you spread your minor pops around.  Every system should have a minor pop unless its close to full (and I mean terraformed/upgraded full).

The bigger issue I've had is getting rid of minor pops that I don't need any more, but there are plenty of tricks to do that too so long as you don't have too many.  Of course, you have the cloning vats for those cases too.

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6 years ago
Feb 18, 2019, 8:24:27 PM

Isolate the population want to have grow in a system by themselves and use a population booster for that group. 

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6 years ago
Feb 19, 2019, 11:36:48 AM

What can also help you slow down pop growth(for instance on a system that awaits other pops arrival for breeding or for easier managment with Chaingang/Dustylizer) are food to manpower system improvements(the ones from improved small hulls techs in empire development quadrant). It will require you to constantly use or keep low your Empire's manpower stock. You can keep your Manpower stock low by switching several times between different troop types in Manpower managment section in the Military status screen. Also there is a neutral law that serves that purpose(food to manpower) as well - combined with improvements it'll provide 50% food conversion from growth to manpower(and thus 50% growth reduction). This tricks can be particularly useful for Cravers aside from obvious Horatio.

Updated 6 years ago.
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6 years ago
Feb 20, 2019, 9:35:39 AM

Yeah, thanks everyone. I kinda got a used playing as Horatio by now, still all this excessive micro eats part of fun from the game.

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6 years ago
Feb 20, 2019, 4:31:11 PM

If you don't enjoy population micro you may want to look into the Vodyani, Umbral Choir or (to a lesser extent) the Riftborn. The Vodyani and the Umbral Choir will never have any poplulation other than their own. The Riftborn can control population growth a little easier than other factions and are less bound by the Food system. 

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6 years ago
Feb 22, 2019, 7:31:33 AM
Valadeus wrote:

If you don't enjoy population micro you may want to look into the Vodyani, Umbral Choir or (to a lesser extent) the Riftborn. The Vodyani and the Umbral Choir will never have any poplulation other than their own. The Riftborn can control population growth a little easier than other factions and are less bound by the Food system. 

It`s not micro itself that`s bothering me but rather lack of tools to do that micro. UC a somewhat boring to play imo, finished a game playing them already. Vodyani are fun, true, but right now it`s Horatio turn, next would be Riftborn I think.

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6 years ago
Feb 27, 2019, 2:32:46 AM
Greystal wrote:
Valadeus wrote:

If you don't enjoy population micro you may want to look into the Vodyani, Umbral Choir or (to a lesser extent) the Riftborn. The Vodyani and the Umbral Choir will never have any poplulation other than their own. The Riftborn can control population growth a little easier than other factions and are less bound by the Food system. 

It`s not micro itself that`s bothering me but rather lack of tools to do that micro. UC a somewhat boring to play imo, finished a game playing them already. Vodyani are fun, true, but right now it`s Horatio turn, next would be Riftborn I think.

There is actually a tool that a lot of people don't know about. It exists in the empire management screen (F1). As long as you have 2 systems that have spaceports you can simply click on the system "population" row which will bring up your pops on that system. Now simply drag those populations over the population field of the system you want them to go to. Now they will automatically be put into the spaceport and sent to the designated system on the next turn without having to select the system manually like you would normally. You can also use this screen to move pops around to different planets within a system.

This makes it a lot easier to fix population related issues or optimize your systems bonuses. If the way I described it is too obscure I can screenshot guide to explain.

This screen is highly useful in the late game when you are trying to manage a lot of systems. You can add constructions to each systems qeue here instead of flipping around to every system. You can even research anomalies and add specialization improvements from this screen.

Updated 6 years ago.
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6 years ago
Feb 27, 2019, 4:09:14 AM

Use luxuries to boost the growth of specific population in tandem with moving your Horatios around / turning them into manpower.

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6 years ago
Feb 27, 2019, 9:07:55 AM
Sedghammer wrote:


There is actually a tool that a lot of people don't know about. It exists in the empire management screen (F1). As long as you have 2 systems that have spaceports you can simply click on the system "population" row which will bring up your pops on that system. Now simply drag those populations over the population field of the system you want them to go to. Now they will automatically be put into the spaceport and sent to the designated system on the next turn without having to select the system manually like you would normally. You can also use this screen to move pops around to different planets within a system.

This makes it a lot easier to fix population related issues or optimize your systems bonuses. If the way I described it is too obscure I can screenshot guide to explain.

This screen is highly useful in the late game when you are trying to manage a lot of systems. You can add constructions to each systems qeue here instead of flipping around to every system. You can even research anomalies and add specialization improvements from this screen.

Didn't know this way to do it. Indeed a very useful thing to know and time-saving!


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6 years ago
Mar 1, 2019, 12:09:04 AM
lo_fabre wrote:

Didn't know this way to do it. Indeed a very useful thing to know and time-saving!


Glad to help! I discovered this on my own and I've never seen it mentioned anywhere or in any guide. I feel like it needs to be in the tutorial or something.

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6 years ago
Mar 1, 2019, 7:19:19 AM
Sedghammer wrote:
lo_fabre wrote:

Didn't know this way to do it. Indeed a very useful thing to know and time-saving!


Glad to help! I discovered this on my own and I've never seen it mentioned anywhere or in any guide. I feel like it needs to be in the tutorial or something.

I'll make one about that when I have time. Didn't test yet, but seems making live easier.

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6 years ago
Mar 1, 2019, 10:19:22 AM

Since each system can only grow one pop at a time, spreading your minor pops out among multiple systems lets them grow concurrently; if you can maintain this discipline and keep your minors distributed, you'll see MUCH faster growth returns--as long as there's room.

You know what would make population control a LOT less aggravating?  If we could select a population type for features like Chain Gang.  It sometimes seems to randomly stick on a pop type--usually the one you DON'T want to sacrifice.  If we could just chain gang horatio pops on each system where we want minors, it would really smooth things out.

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6 years ago
Mar 1, 2019, 3:19:59 PM

IIRC chain gang takes the pop that will grow next (you can see it next to growing pop icon on sidebar).

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6 years ago
Mar 1, 2019, 4:32:01 PM

That is my understanding as well. Whatever your next population growth will be is the type that gets removed...if the loss of -300 food in one turn wstrents it. There does appear to be a threshold where you can produce enough food to chain gang and not lose a pop at all. 

On a side note, does anyone know if moving population to a Space port that has no assigned destination effectively removes it? I have done this before in accident and nit investigated it fully, but innsome scenarios it may be beneficial to just leave them there if you are trying to effectively get rid of certian minor left overs after splicing. 

what i would like to know specifically is if they arr essentially removed from the chance to be born while in the space port. This would hurt your economy some, but at the same time probide more space for spliced Horatio to be born into and could be a useful tool for grooming systems. 

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