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Need help managing population as Horatio.

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6 years ago
Mar 1, 2019, 5:17:52 PM

If you place pop in spaceport without destination, that pop will remain there until you move again to a planet or select a destination.

If the destination cannot be reached once they're on the ship traveling (i.e. you lost the system), then they'll be killed.

Think this is what you're asking.

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6 years ago
Mar 1, 2019, 6:28:26 PM

No i get that part. what i want to know is this for example. say i have a system with 3 craver pop. if i move them to soace port with no destination, do they still have a chance of being born in my system?  if not then soace ports can kind if act as holding cells for pop you dont want growing on your system. 

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6 years ago
Mar 6, 2019, 4:37:23 PM

Tested it out innonenof my livestreams. Placing a population pip on a transport shuttle with no destination does indeed prevent it from being choosen for birth on a system. This is definitely a potential waynto help groom systems for the pops you want and prevent the ones you dont from growing, as long as you can completely remove their numbers into shuttles. 

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