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Can't load the savegame as UE

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8 years ago
Dec 20, 2016, 2:41:24 AM

Thre's a new patch that addresses the turns not progressing

Existing saves should be fine so re-test any saves you have and please report back with your gameplay experience.

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8 years ago
Dec 20, 2016, 11:10:19 AM
satoru wrote:

Thre's a new patch that addresses the turns not progressing

Existing saves should be fine so re-test any saves you have and please report back with your gameplay experience.

Mine are working just fine, though I do still get that error screen pop-up on load of a save, something about empty contract proposal. 

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8 years ago
Dec 1, 2016, 2:40:53 PM

A change in quests resulted in an exception being thrown out, and that exception in turn corrupted the save.

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8 years ago
Nov 25, 2016, 9:36:58 AM

Can you share your save folder here for both games? Click Reply then the little file icon next to the camera and picture icon, it'll let you upload your zipped save folder. Please also attach your output log (a txt file located by default at: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Endless Space 2\EndlessSpace2_Data ) and last diagnostic file: C:\Users\USERNAME\Documents\Endless Space 2\Temporary Files

Thank you!

Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
Nov 25, 2016, 10:03:34 AM

Very interesting.

As UE it allowed me to load a game 1x (somewhere around 50 turns) but after i finished them all other races now are stuck at loding screens even the UE. Steam users reporting same deal- cant load save games.

Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
Nov 25, 2016, 10:49:20 AM
Frogsquadron wrote:

Can you share your save folder here for both games? Click Reply then the little file icon next to the camera and picture icon, it'll let you upload your zipped save folder.

Thank you!

Just going to chime in here, I and many others are having these exact issues, so the game is "LITERALLY UNPLAYABLE" right now. 

(add to this, the "rare" infinite End Turn bug that happens each game and forces you to quit, and yeah the game is "LITERALLY UNPLAYABLE")

Here, have all of my saves, I can't load any of them, be it UE or another faction, thought it was a UE problem at first but, after starting 4 UE games (forced to quit due to infinite end turn bug), I started a Vodyani, same deal with that...

Deleted all of of my pre-patch saves, because they would not load either (after the patch).

Anyways, I really hope this gets hotfixed as fast as humanly possibly. :/

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8 years ago
Nov 28, 2016, 7:18:13 AM
SirBagel wrote:

The loading bar gets stuck 2/3 of the way at "Launching Game".

I've been experiencing the same thing with my game as Vodyani.

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8 years ago
Nov 30, 2016, 10:09:02 AM

Hey guys,

We've found and fixed the cause of this issue. It'll be fixed in the next update. However, you will need to start new games to stop experiencing the issue, as the fix will not be retroactive.

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8 years ago
Nov 30, 2016, 2:10:35 PM
Frogsquadron wrote:

Hey guys,

We've found and fixed the cause of this issue. It'll be fixed in the next update. However, you will need to start new games to stop experiencing the issue, as the fix will not be retroactive.

Will this be coming in a hotfix or later?

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8 years ago
Nov 30, 2016, 4:04:01 PM

Hotfix, tentative end of week if the build presents no issues. Keep in mind this will not fix the performance issue, for which we're probably settling in for quite a ride (we've chained the team to their desk just so we're sure they're on it).

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8 years ago
Dec 1, 2016, 2:32:13 PM
Frogsquadron wrote:

Hotfix, tentative end of week if the build presents no issues. Keep in mind this will not fix the performance issue, for which we're probably settling in for quite a ride (we've chained the team to their desk just so we're sure they're on it).

i really hope it does! i've tried reinstalling the game to various directories, tried every permutation of game options, tried making sure there was absolutely no I/O or permission errors, etc.

if you don't mind me asking - what was the issue?

Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
Nov 24, 2016, 5:10:20 PM

Tried two games with United Empire - got to quit 2 times. Now - in both cases - i'm stuck with this screen. Can't load the savegames - even the auto ones from former turns. I've checked pre-update1 saves - they load just fine. The problem seems to be connected to UE only.

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8 years ago
Dec 2, 2016, 12:23:52 PM
Frogsquadron wrote:

Hotfix, tentative end of week if the build presents no issues. Keep in mind this will not fix the performance issue, for which we're probably settling in for quite a ride (we've chained the team to their desk just so we're sure they're on it).

Can we a expect the hotfix today, or should we expect to still not be able to play enjoy playing the game without being at the mercy of the not so rare infinite end turn bug, and then be forced to start a new game, because we can't load any saves, for another week?

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8 years ago
Dec 2, 2016, 3:01:34 PM
Farris wrote:
Frogsquadron wrote:

Hotfix, tentative end of week if the build presents no issues. Keep in mind this will not fix the performance issue, for which we're probably settling in for quite a ride (we've chained the team to their desk just so we're sure they're on it).

Can we a expect the hotfix today, or should we expect to still not be able to play enjoy playing the game without being at the mercy of the not so rare infinite end turn bug, and then be forced to start a new game, because we can't load any saves, for another week?

i feel the same way, it IS early access and a pre-build, so we can't really be entitled - but then again, i really really do want to play, this patch has added so much to the game that i'd love to explore. i also find that my infinite pending turn bug seems to happen like clockwork around turn 50, at least once the save corruption is fixed i can start uploading my saves to help debug THAT issue, lol

Also frog i've noticed that my saves seem to corrupt VERY early, as early as turn 3-5. is it possible there is another issue causing it ontop of the quest issue (here's to hoping that's not the case :P)? and again - thank you for that peice of information, understanding that helps me wrap my head around what exactly is going on with the game.

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8 years ago
Dec 2, 2016, 4:14:59 PM

Our QA team expects to have an answer on fix viability early next week. Apologies for the disappointment if you planned on playing over the next couple of days. 

If you had stuff to do around the house, no excuses this week-end, guys!

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8 years ago
Dec 3, 2016, 2:42:12 AM
Frogsquadron wrote:

Our QA team expects to have an answer on fix viability early next week. Apologies for the disappointment if you planned on playing over the next couple of days. 

If you had stuff to do around the house, no excuses this week-end, guys!

But I HATE doing laundry..... 

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8 years ago
Dec 3, 2016, 3:26:19 PM
Frogsquadron wrote:

Our QA team expects to have an answer on fix viability early next week. Apologies for the disappointment if you planned on playing over the next couple of days. 

If you had stuff to do around the house, no excuses this week-end, guys!

Hmm, I know you are doing your job but "HOTFIX" is a fix you release early on to fix a thing that is broken. You don't wait a week or weeks to put it into a nice polished package with roses and candy- thats not how business work.

With all due respect- In my company i would fire people like these. Wasted potential money, wasted reputation. Its very hard to keep a customers loyalty and trust- its very easy to screw it in matters of seconds. That's how world works.

And after you release the hotfix then yes-you can take your time to polish it neatly in the next big update. Do you have any idea how many people this has affected? I'm sure you do. Its not fanboys that floats the company- its the little people in grey area what pays the bills at the end of the month- always have been always will be.

Also- and this does not exclude your company- If you have latest i7s max 128Gbs rams and dual Titan pascals its not what 90% of the world has. Sure with that serious hardware any game runs without conflict as it can "brute" force most of the things- but most of the people still run your games on hardware that's on average 10 years old, you have to have -if you havent already- have such hardware in your QA department. If you didnt know world is poor, some poeple save months of their salaries to go for a decison to buy a genuine(not pirated) game. But these poeple have the potentional to improve their lifestyle and when they do- these popele will buy your product in the future if they had good experience with it. 

They will surely think twice if they had a bad experience seeing how a big company struggles with a hotfix due to release asap instead delaying it for days. Loosing potential demand is a poor business strategy.

My 2 cents- take it as you will.

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8 years ago
Dec 3, 2016, 4:19:24 PM

it can sometimes take time to find a fix that wont break something else though

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