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Can't load the savegame as UE

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8 years ago
Dec 4, 2016, 9:19:07 AM

Guys I think I have a work around. I managed to play 2 games as UE and loading/saving without any problems. The workaround is to save the game, then quit to the main menu, and reload. Do not quit to desktop, or try to load a game while ingame.

I don't know how but quitting to the main menu seems to uncorrupt the save files, making it able to load for next session.

I only tested this on my end so I don't know if it'll work for you, but worth a try right?

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8 years ago
Dec 4, 2016, 9:13:43 PM

what turn did you save?

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8 years ago
Dec 5, 2016, 1:27:02 AM
zingo7 wrote:
Frogsquadron wrote:

Our QA team expects to have an answer on fix viability early next week. Apologies for the disappointment if you planned on playing over the next couple of days. 

If you had stuff to do around the house, no excuses this week-end, guys!

Hmm, I know you are doing your job but "HOTFIX" is a fix you release early on to fix a thing that is broken. You don't wait a week or weeks to put it into a nice polished package with roses and candy- thats not how business work.

note a 'hotfix' that simutaneoulsy breaks 10 other things is not a great hotfix either

Hotfixes are fixes deployed beyond the normal schedule. That doesn't mean they should be rushed out without proper testing lest they cause more problems than they solve.

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8 years ago
Dec 5, 2016, 11:08:12 AM
satoru wrote:
zingo7 wrote:
Frogsquadron wrote:

Our QA team expects to have an answer on fix viability early next week. Apologies for the disappointment if you planned on playing over the next couple of days. 

If you had stuff to do around the house, no excuses this week-end, guys!

Hmm, I know you are doing your job but "HOTFIX" is a fix you release early on to fix a thing that is broken. You don't wait a week or weeks to put it into a nice polished package with roses and candy- thats not how business work.

note a 'hotfix' that simutaneoulsy breaks 10 other things is not a great hotfix either

Hotfixes are fixes deployed beyond the normal schedule. That doesn't mean they should be rushed out without proper testing lest they cause more problems than they solve.

Pardon? Why should it brake?

Stop with the excuses.

If you wrote a game code you know how it works. Code brakes only to lack of experience or human error. In a big office its easy to find out who was in charge of what- especially coding.

If that person is lacking experience you find a more appropriate job to his/her qualification and you get a qualified engineer instead. You can replace any person- thats the hard cold truth. Sure good engineers demand good salaries but I'd rather take 1 qualified person then 10 who dont know XML or C++ anytime.

Too many game companies get away in the grey area, they think they can do anything and a customer is a brainless soul who will buy they product anyhow they dress it. Some even have paid content in Early access now- well there are lots of poeple who do not tolerate this attitude. If you create a product just for the money there are many other similar products. 

Some people support companies who make products for their customers. So far Amplitude has stood for the latter.

But that that they have underqualified engineers in their department that is a tough decision to make for the CEO. Taking responsibility has always been hard- tough decisions is not the most grateful thing you do in a company - EA and experimenting is no excuse.

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