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Can't load the savegame as UE

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8 years ago
Dec 8, 2016, 1:33:26 PM

Ngama, allow me to quote a post I made on the Steam forums:

No ETA means we don't have a build candidate in the pipes, it doesn't mean "foreseeable future". 

As it stands, here's what we know, schedule-wise:
Right now we still have some of the new issues to address, so getting them fixed brings us to at least tomorrow evening or Friday in the best of worlds. In both cases, this means the builds goes into QA over the week-end (nobody in their right mind releases something on a Friday and then goes home). This might mean that, again, in the best of worlds, we could have a build that is stable and QA-tested and ready for release on Monday.

So if you absolutely want some sort of estimate, "at the very least Monday" is the best I can give, but keep in mind that it's unlikely.

I hope this sheds some light on the process.

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8 years ago
Dec 6, 2016, 5:15:09 PM
Frogsquadron wrote:

Our QA team expects to have an answer on fix viability early next week. Apologies for the disappointment if you planned on playing over the next couple of days. 

If you had stuff to do around the house, no excuses this week-end, guys!

I hate to sound like a broken record, but: can we expect a hotfix today? (probably not seeing as it's 6 p.m for you guys)


The day after tomorrow?

Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
Dec 6, 2016, 5:41:17 PM

Alas the game is unplayable (at least enjoyably) with this bug and the infinite end turn bug at the moment preventing any real advancement into the later parts of the game. Any updates on a hotfix for the save load bug? 

Farris wrote:
Frogsquadron wrote:

Our QA team expects to have an answer on fix viability early next week. Apologies for the disappointment if you planned on playing over the next couple of days. 

If you had stuff to do around the house, no excuses this week-end, guys!

I hate to sound like a broken record, but: can we expect a hotfix today? (probably not seeing as it's 6 p.m for you guys)


The day after tomorrow?

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8 years ago
Dec 7, 2016, 3:39:13 PM

Agreed. A Hotfix on this issue would be greatly appreciated, I have been craving playing ES2 for the past week and the "Load Game" bug has rendered playing the game futile. I've been checking here and elsewhere everyday for news! Update on the status of a fix please!

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8 years ago
Dec 7, 2016, 3:46:47 PM

Yup. Same here - not being able to have closure on game discourages me from starting new instances - in my last game i was finally able to get nice economy going and started to invade systems then i was unable to continue to play.

I can live with other bugs but this one keeps me from playing. Only checking this forum once day to see if hotfix is deployed or not.

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8 years ago
Dec 7, 2016, 4:09:59 PM

Hi guys,

Unfortunately, the build sent out for testing over the week-end didn't work out as planned and ended up being less stable than the one that's currently out when tested over a significant number of turns—much to our dismay. Some other blockers reared their ugly head, so both AI team and programmers are back at it.

Again, apologies for the delay. 

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8 years ago
Dec 7, 2016, 5:52:28 PM

Postulating on a theory due to some information given to me in a previous thread - going to start a UE playthrough and _never_ progress the quest at all from the start, we'll see how that plays out.

and please zingo you need to relax, we're all wanting a fix just as soon as possible but this is the nature of EA and alpha builds on a tight schedule, give it time. 

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8 years ago
Dec 7, 2016, 5:53:32 PM
Frogsquadron wrote:

Hi guys,

Unfortunately, the build sent out for testing over the week-end didn't work out as planned and ended up being less stable than the one that's currently out when tested over a significant number of turns—much to our dismay. Some other blockers reared their ugly head, so both AI team and programmers are back at it.

Again, apologies for the delay. 

i appreciate you giving us a heads up on the delay, if you could do a checkin every 4-7 days about it if it's delayed further i'd appreciate it very much, i find myself launching the game every other day to see if it works haha

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8 years ago
Dec 7, 2016, 7:01:02 PM
kaydiechii wrote:

Postulating on a theory due to some information given to me in a previous thread - going to start a UE playthrough and _never_ progress the quest at all from the start, we'll see how that plays out.

and please zingo you need to relax, we're all wanting a fix just as soon as possible but this is the nature of EA and alpha builds on a tight schedule, give it time. 

tbh my saves can't be loaded starting turn 5 so good luck xD

actually i even tried to remove the UE questline to see what would happen but the saves still got corrupted -_-

Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
Dec 7, 2016, 7:39:12 PM
Frogsquadron wrote:

A couple of things while we're all here: first off, confrontation will lead you nowhere, as you can see I answered both the thread you're linking and you in particular. I would like to kindly ask you to refrain from making misleading comments so as to avoid heating things up. Second, far from being Lead Dev, I am one of the Community guys. Saying "the Lead Dev has no idea what's going on" is then either misinformed or malicious on your part, and in both cases, damaging to the community at large. Again, please don't do that. 

Well... Im not always the bad cop in the room- actually i hate it- but recent year has seen some of misfortunate events in the game industry where the trust is being shattered- we all know how things turned for Ark, No mans sky and more. Unfortunatelly these events affect us all and more scrutiny therefore rises to see things cleary. (not to mention politics, cars and mobile phones- disaster...) 

Yes Im sorry for pointing the blame finger at you but as you being one of the voice for Amplitude well... I would say there is more room for improvement in communication on both parts.

Im ok with the "Early access" process as of whole just tell us what things really are- dont say perhaps or might- say- we have this problem and this- and therefore our resources are focused here and here and thus we are skipping this and this to solve that and that -simple. When you get older and you have family and job you plan for khm... "game nights" and if you know- ok they are sorting this problem now- I can focus on other things- you know- its just one plate off your shoulders.

So thank you for trying Frogsquadron and keep us posted on whats going on and if you guys come to another deadstop- say it so- its better to know then to anticipate for things that are not done yet. Problems and deadstops are expected in the business.

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8 years ago
Dec 7, 2016, 10:48:13 PM

I'm very sorry about this situation. Not only I cannot really play a game I love very much already but also I feel I'm loosing fate in a compagny i trust and liked very much.

Of the 2 situation I think the second is worst.

Please do not lie to us and give us an ETA about this 'hotfix'

Please do not turn as any other sofware compagny now that you are with SEGA :(

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8 years ago
Dec 5, 2016, 11:57:47 AM

While you are entitled to your own opinion on the matter, please remember to remain civil and courteous towards one another. 

As for the average player running our games on hardware that's 10 years old—while not dismissing the importance of supporting older hardware—let me stop you right there: Endless Space 2's DX11 requirements means that cards that are pre-2010 cannot run the game in the immense majority of cases, and are thus out of scope for support. 

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8 years ago
Dec 9, 2016, 7:05:54 PM

peeps need to chill.  If you don't want to abide the early access process, then wait until full release to start a new game, it's going to be awesome.

If you do want to support development, but can't even play it right now, that's unfortunate and I'm sure the devs feel for you as much as humanly possible, but it's not a doomsday scenario.  hey-zeus!  It's not like they want their product to fail. 

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8 years ago
Dec 12, 2016, 5:52:00 PM

Patch should be coming tomorrow, along with a blog recap going over the situation in more detail.

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8 years ago
Dec 13, 2016, 1:54:43 AM
Frogsquadron wrote:

Patch should be coming tomorrow, along with a blog recap going over the situation in more detail.

!!!!!!!YES!  Will be an interesting read I'm sure.

Will you link here when the blog is posted?

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8 years ago
Dec 13, 2016, 3:40:18 PM

having same issue.  will try variety of choices in penultimate turn to coax a successful turn passage.

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8 years ago
Dec 13, 2016, 3:49:25 PM
AquaticSonarKey wrote:

having same issue.  will try variety of choices in penultimate turn to coax a successful turn passage.

You'll need to start a new game. The UE save issue is from what I understand a bug in a quest that corruptst the svae game entirely.

Please start a new UE game and see if the issue persists.

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8 years ago
Dec 13, 2016, 4:25:00 PM
satoru wrote:
AquaticSonarKey wrote:

having same issue.  will try variety of choices in penultimate turn to coax a successful turn passage.

You'll need to start a new game. The UE save issue is from what I understand a bug in a quest that corruptst the svae game entirely.

Please start a new UE game and see if the issue persists.

Well,  I temporarily succeeded in passing about 8 more turns, but got stuck again,

so, while I thought it had succeeded simply after restarting the computer post-patch download, the issue eventually culminates in a failed game.  I'm fine with that.  

Thanks for the info, thanks to all the dev team for putting in the work to create this patch.  

Will eventually get around to starting a new game.  Probably today.  Thanks again for the ready response.

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