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[ESPROD-2321] Crash on Game start

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8 years ago
Jan 2, 2017, 10:26:41 PM

I think we've got a workaround for the time the dev find a fix : remove those {} from your names, guys :)

I changed my name to --[ABC]--{LtClABC}-- and it crashed (those ABC instead of your actual names were the exact name I used. All the names I give here are the one I used.).

I changed it back to L'Ost and it did not crash.

I changed it to *ABC* Abc {AbC} @ABCö and it crashed.

I changed it back to L'Ost and it did not crash.

I changed it to --[ABC]--[LtClABC]-- and it did not crash. ("[]" instead of "{}")

I changed it to *ABC* Abc [AbC] @ABCö and it did not crash. ("[]" instead of "{}")

I changed it to {L'Ost} and it crashed.

I changed it to L'Ost} and it crashed.

I changed it to {L'Ost and it crashed.

I changed it back to L'Ost and it did not crash.

If you had this name before update 1, Mixerria, then there was a regression when Amplitude patched the game maybe ?

A moderator or someone with more direct connections to Amplitude should tell them and maybe put this in the generic help thread (I don't know if they came back from holidays or not).

@LtClSheppard : I was in the CdC for Shogun 2 :)

Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
Dec 29, 2016, 8:17:43 PM
LtClSheppard wrote:
satoru wrote:

Is your My Documents folder in the cloud? It looks like the game is trying to load from OneDrive for your saves. 

It's in "this PC" . But I also have it in a OneDrive folder (which is weird because I've never use it).  Anyway I'm not supposed to have saves since I never was able to play the game, no?

while I was reading over the diagnostic and the output_log I've notice that this error appears in both: 

FormatException: Input string was not in a correct format.

maybe that will help ;)

Can you try disabling OneDrive on your system and see if that helps? I know dropbox was causing issues before and it may be related to the game using the 'cloud' stuff causing issues

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8 years ago
Dec 29, 2016, 8:34:02 PM

That's the problem you see  because every time I start my laptop OneDrive starts and I shut it off every time to save some RAM so it's not running when I try to launch the game.

should I uninstall it? Because anyway I don't use it.

I checked and I also have dropbox but once again it's not running and I never used it.

Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
Dec 29, 2016, 8:46:36 PM
LtClSheppard wrote:

That's the problem you see  because every time I start my laptop OneDrive starts and I shut it off every time to save some RAM so it's not running when I try to launch the game.

should I uninstall it? Because anyway I don't use it.

I checked and I also have dropbox but once again it's not running and I never used it.

Id probably try uninstalling it if you don't use it

Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
Dec 29, 2016, 10:04:39 PM
satoru wrote:
LtClSheppard wrote:

That's the problem you see  because every time I start my laptop OneDrive starts and I shut it off every time to save some RAM so it's not running when I try to launch the game.

should I uninstall it? Because anyway I don't use it.

I checked and I also have dropbox but once again it's not running and I never used it.

Id probably try uninstalling it if you don't use it

Uninstalling it is probably harmful to win 10. Rather deactivate it via group policies.

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8 years ago
Dec 29, 2016, 10:09:22 PM
mixerria wrote:
satoru wrote:
LtClSheppard wrote:

That's the problem you see  because every time I start my laptop OneDrive starts and I shut it off every time to save some RAM so it's not running when I try to launch the game.

should I uninstall it? Because anyway I don't use it.

I checked and I also have dropbox but once again it's not running and I never used it.

Id probably try uninstalling it if you don't use it

Uninstalling it is probably harmful to win 10. Rather deactivate it via group policies.

Is OneDrive part of Windows 10? I forget?

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8 years ago
Dec 30, 2016, 12:09:57 AM
satoru wrote:
mixerria wrote:
satoru wrote:
LtClSheppard wrote:

That's the problem you see  because every time I start my laptop OneDrive starts and I shut it off every time to save some RAM so it's not running when I try to launch the game.

should I uninstall it? Because anyway I don't use it.

I checked and I also have dropbox but once again it's not running and I never used it.

Id probably try uninstalling it if you don't use it

Uninstalling it is probably harmful to win 10. Rather deactivate it via group policies.

Is OneDrive part of Windows 10? I forget?

Technically it is not, just as Cortana. :D But it is too deep in the system. 

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8 years ago
Dec 31, 2016, 3:54:51 PM

I've uninstall both dropbox and onedrive but I still have a onedrive folder (probably because of what mixerria said) and restarted my laptop but it didn't change anything unfortunately :( 

I've deleted the endless space folder inside the onedrive folder also.

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8 years ago
Jan 1, 2017, 11:30:23 AM
LtClSheppard wrote:

I've uninstall both dropbox and onedrive but I still have a onedrive folder (probably because of what mixerria said) and restarted my laptop but it didn't change anything unfortunately :( 

I've deleted the endless space folder inside the onedrive folder also.

Try this: http://www.howtogeek.com/225973/how-to-disable-onedrive-and-remove-it-from-file-explorer-on-windows-10/

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8 years ago
Jan 1, 2017, 8:36:09 PM
mixerria wrote:
LtClSheppard wrote:

I've uninstall both dropbox and onedrive but I still have a onedrive folder (probably because of what mixerria said) and restarted my laptop but it didn't change anything unfortunately :( 

I've deleted the endless space folder inside the onedrive folder also.

Try this: http://www.howtogeek.com/225973/how-to-disable-onedrive-and-remove-it-from-file-explorer-on-windows-10/

Done it, the OneDrive folder disappeared but it still crashes 

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8 years ago
Jan 2, 2017, 1:35:03 AM

Honelstly I'll have to defer to the devs on this one.

I'd make a separate bug post in the bugs forum. Ensure you link your output_log, diagnostiscs, dxdiag

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8 years ago
Jan 2, 2017, 1:43:16 PM
satoru wrote:

Honelstly I'll have to defer to the devs on this one.

I'd make a separate bug post in the bugs forum. Ensure you link your output_log, diagnostiscs, dxdiag

was that in reply to both of us?

Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
Jan 2, 2017, 3:40:20 PM

Just a dumb question, Mixerria...

Can you write your steam name with an english keyboard or there is some region-specific characters on it ? (not using alt+...)

Yeah, I said that question was dumb, did I ?

Some folders in your crash report sounds german to my french ears. I don't know if there is a problem here but your crash report says that you have trouble to load a character string related more or less to your steam id. That's why I ask the question : maybe the game can't write all german characters yet.

I had the id from one of the crash report but profile seems to be private, so I couldn't check.

Odds to be this : 0.1%... but still, I ask the question.

-edit- k, I managed to find your both names. Guys, you have loads of "{}**--[]" in your names, there's a possibility that the game can't handle this ?

Do not give high hopes on this one though: my name is L'Ost on Steam, the game have no trouble with one '.

Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
Jan 2, 2017, 4:52:12 PM
Kweel_Nakashyn wrote:

Just a dumb question, Mixerria...

Can you write your steam name with an english keyboard or there is some region-specific characters on it ? (not using alt+...)

Yeah, I said that question was dumb, did I ?

Some folders in your crash report sounds german to my french ears. I don't know if there is a problem here but your crash report says that you have trouble to load a character string related more or less to your steam id. That's why I ask the question : maybe the game can't write all german characters yet.

I had the id from one of the crash report but profile seems to be private, so I couldn't check.

Odds to be this : 0.1%... but still, I ask the question.

-edit- k, I managed to find your both names. Guys, you have loads of "{}**--[]" in your names, there's a possibility that the game can't handle this ?

Do not give high hopes on this one though: my name is L'Ost on Steam, the game have no trouble with one '.

This is a good idea indeed, I will check this out. I have a "ö" in my name, which is of course, not english.

Edit: Tried without special characters in it, but it still doesn't work. >_>

Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
Jan 2, 2017, 8:09:20 PM

French comrade hey ;)

Yeah I know my steam ID is really annoying it was back when I used to play Shogun 2 total war a lot and almost everyone in the clan had is name like this ^^

But honestly, I really doubt that my steam ID would in cause, and if it is why would ES2 be the only game which crash because of it?

I think, there's a problem with steam because I already had this kind of problem with Shogun 2, the game started but was stuck on the credits and the worst is that even though I shut down the game it was still running for steam ( it was written game launched next to the name of the game ). Turns out that it was my antivirus (Mcafee)  ,that I got with my laptop when I bought it, that was the problem and since I changed it, it works again. 

But I base myself on nothing, it's just a guts feeling ;)

So You think it's better if we start a new, fresh topic about our crash?

Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
Dec 29, 2016, 7:49:41 PM
satoru wrote:

Is your My Documents folder in the cloud? It looks like the game is trying to load from OneDrive for your saves. 

It's in "this PC" . But I also have it in a OneDrive folder (which is weird because I've never use it).  Anyway I'm not supposed to have saves since I never was able to play the game, no?

while I was reading over the diagnostic and the output_log I've notice that this error appears in both: 

FormatException: Input string was not in a correct format.

maybe that will help ;)

Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
Jan 2, 2017, 11:25:21 PM

WTF I can't believe this actually worked, I've changed my ID and now the game works! That's a miracle!

I cant' believe such a stupid thing caused all that!

I'm in first year of IT bachelor and now I understand why in the error there was " exception... string" since string means chain character that's why ^^

Huge thanks Kweel_Nakashyn! Can you add me on steam because I can't find you, now it's just LtClSheppard (from stargate atlantis btw) ;)

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8 years ago
Jan 2, 2017, 11:32:33 PM

Glad to know it worked :) Sometimes it's good to have a "big little finger" :) :) :)

This is not stupid, this should be just a regression, Mixerria would confirm this if he did not changed his name since EA day 1 (he was playing at that time).

The devs may have rolled back some sources where this bug still exists then work on top of this, or created it and the bug pass through QA without notice. It's very easy to pass QA for a bug like this.

It can also be a fusion of source pb, this is a common issue in software dev (IMHO, and I used both for 3 years each, esp if they use a stupidly overcomplicated TFS (with error messages like "error 500243 LOL Google it, I dont give a f*** Yes/No/Cancel ? LMAO Sure ? Yes/No/Abort ?") instead of a Tortoise SVN.

I'm the antechrist of my job swearing on TFS but since I use this, I had at least 4-5 times this pb where I may had this problem say 3 times my first 8 years using 3 or 4 different source management tools. TFS is the devil, that's just it.

And it can be many other things. They used LinQ in the trace, I'm not sure how because there's dozens of syntaxes to use this. With special char, sometimes. Like {}:

s= String.Format("Hello {0}", "world");

I'll add you tomorow LtClSheppard.
I couldn't find you too, maybe Steam's batch change names only once each day or hour or I don't know. It should not be real time if Steam know their job, and they know theirs waaaaaaaay better than I know mine ;)

Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
Jan 3, 2017, 11:39:39 AM

Holy shmoly, yes, it works indeed! I changed the {} brackets to () brackets.

Wow, I never imagined it would be such a trivial issue that would actually crash the game.

In any case, tons of kudos for the help, I hope a dev soon acknowledges this bug.

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