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[Update 2] Stutters/microfreezes every 3 seconds

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8 years ago
Jan 24, 2017, 1:43:05 PM
Frogsquadron wrote:

We're still working on optimization. Next updates should alleviate these issues.

Ok, I hope, merci !

@Kweel: I'm on Win7, I just wanted to kill that service to watch its influence on the game's performance. There is none ;)

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8 years ago
Jan 24, 2017, 9:35:54 AM
Belhoriann wrote:

I killed the only service using CPU (print spooler)...

In Windows XP & Vista's days, that was a bad idea, as it was killing more interrupts from the mobo than only a (hypothetical) printer.

I don't know if in Win7 / Win10 this is fixed as I don't know if it's a bug from an old hardware designs (like how bios is bad now for today's computers but was a good solution before the 2000's) or software (I doubt it).

Since it's here by default in this modern OS, I'd recomend to monitor this on your computer (this is a few bytes asking the printer bus, not a great optim imho).
You want to kill this only if sneak processes are trying to print stuff (this was a vulnerability for XP). It may be the case here, if this use RAM.

Frogsquadron wrote:

We're still working on optimization. Next updates should alleviate these issues.

Was it this "can't attach to parent" in logs ? Is it related to shared mem ?

(I shouldn't care but I wanted to know whether I'm helpful or not, and if not, shut my mouth :) )

Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
Jan 24, 2017, 9:00:49 AM

We're still working on optimization. Next updates should alleviate these issues.

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8 years ago
Jan 23, 2017, 1:56:14 PM

I have made further tests to try to identify the cause of this problem.

I replaced my AV (Avira -> AVG), I turned off the v-sync, I checked the CPU usage of the processes and services -> I killed the only service using CPU (print spooler)... The game is still freezing every 3 seconds, with the game CPU usage going from ~13% to ~20% (camera fixed on a solar system, doing nothing).

I've noticed something interesting though. The stuttering/freezing effect is there right after the loading of a save or after a new turn. After a couple of minutes (roughly), the problem seams to disapear and the game runs smoothly while using 13% of my CPU.

So, I guess the issue could be related to the AI trying to compute some stuff periodically and stopping to do so after a couple of minutes

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8 years ago
Jan 22, 2017, 8:22:27 PM

Thanks for your suggestion, but I won't change anything on my system for now. All my other games (and I have a metric ton) work like a charm, and ES2 being in early access/alpha stage, I suspect an optimization problem.

I tried to play with 3 AI or on a different map, still lots of stuttering.

Edit: So, I deleted my AV, and the stuttering is still there.

Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
Jan 22, 2017, 10:47:33 AM

AV means anti-virus.

-edit- it might be me (take this with a bag of salt) but I'm bothered by those 3Gb shared memory on the video card.
Maybe the game's data use the same place as your videocard ?

My hypothesis is :

- videocard used this to dump its texture stuff

- then the game ask some memory, best speed, since no indication to go to RAM only

- the OS ask the best R/W rates bus, with no flag, which may be the video one

- the game overwrite the video stuff because the video put no lock on it

- the game does their stuff, then dump the data (or not)

- then videocard driver is like "where's my stuff bro ?" and the OS is like "dude, I dumped it, go read HDD, LOL"

- ...

- 3s later the video stuff is read back to video shared mem


Is it possible or I'm telling tales ?

There should be a setting on the videocard driver panel to forbid the OS to use that mem but I strongly suggest you ask some expert tech advice before gambling on that idea.

Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
Jan 20, 2017, 4:14:40 PM

I'd also see if a config file or something is causing issues

Maybe try by deleting

My Documents\Endless Space 2 \Users\<number>\Registry.xml

and deleting the contents of

C:\Users\<username>\AppData\LocalLow\AMPLITUDE Studios\Endless space 2\

Attach to your post here

* dxdiag output

* output_log.txt

* Diagnostics

Another possibility is that your AV is doing something 'weird'

Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
Jan 20, 2017, 3:00:06 PM

Hi Belho,

Could you please join a DXDiag? Not for my benefit so much as for the programming team.


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8 years ago
Jan 20, 2017, 2:05:49 PM

I only have my Steam games on this SSD.

I didn't change the UI, and the problem is here from the very beginning of the game. I can see the freeze every 3 seconds by staring at the moving gas clouds in the galaxy.

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8 years ago
Jan 20, 2017, 9:08:56 AM

This looks like bus bottleneck and/or heavy swapping ?

OS / Game / Exchange file on the same SSD ?

(SSD have superb read rates but middle to poor write rates).

If you don't make any change to the UI, do you have those problems ?

I wonder how they store data there (if they commit atomic data changes, then by mutliplying I/Os, the system may need to import one different page for each data depending of how they stored data, instead of having one page with a medium object including everything).

Updated 8 years ago.
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