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Endless loading.... stuck on the load screen in startup plz help?

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7 years ago
Jun 29, 2017, 9:34:18 AM

I'm having the same issue, and from the screenshot in the first post it looks like my loading bar gets stuck in the same place as Sebro's. I've tried completely removing the game (Steam uninstall followed by manually deleting the Endless Space 2 folders in both my Steam directory and My Documents) and fresh installing, and nothing has changed.

Diagnostics - 2017'06'29 @0521'56''.html

The diagnostics file includes lines indicating that it failed to detect a Steam connection, but I can't imagine why that would be. I am definitely connected to Steam and experiencing no connectivity issues.

Also, this might not be relevant, but my graphics card is a Radeon HD 6870, which is one of the chipsets that has been causing a lot of issues since launch. This doesn't seem like a graphics issue, but since it's something that has been the source of a failure to reach the main menu in the recent past I thought I'd mention it.

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7 years ago
Jun 28, 2017, 12:03:40 PM
Sebro wrote:

i can't rename the map for some reason

Could you specifiy what you mean by "rename the map", I'm not sure what you mean my "the map"

I wanted you to try renaming the "Endless space 2" Folder in "C:\Users\Sebastian\Documents\" to "Endless space 2-Old" 

(As there is an small chance the error might be caused by something in the folder)

Have you done that ?

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7 years ago
Jun 28, 2017, 12:18:35 PM
Sebro wrote:

i can't rename C:\Users\Sebastian\Documents\" to "Endless space 2-Old  beacuse one file in the folder is open in another program

You are renaming the "Endless Space 2" Folder Right?

You can use Resource Monitor to find what program has a file open. Just go to the CPU tab then Associated Handles and type C:\Users\Sebastian\Documents\Endless Space 2 in the search box


Sebro wrote:

still won't work :( renaming didn't work

Hopefuly a dev such as AmpliMath can shead some more light on this error as I've run out of ideas

Updated 7 years ago.
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7 years ago
Jun 28, 2017, 7:16:16 PM
Painter448 wrote:
Sebro wrote:

ok thanks for the help anyway

No Problem, Sorry I couldn't solve this issue

I did all this from Painter448s' previous post on this thread.

I renamed the "Endless space 2" Folder in Documents to "Endless space 2-Old"

So they best way to solve this would be to do a clean install (as this is out of the verify game cache's depth) 

To  Do a clean install first open up the games install folder, then in  steam uninstall the game, then go back to the folder and delete any  remaining files.

Next go to the user directory (%My  Documents%/Endless Space 2) and delete the "Users" folder. Then  Reinstall the game from steam. This Should fix it.

I was having the same symptoms. Stuck on loading screen part way through the progress.

It now works fine for me



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7 years ago
Jun 29, 2017, 5:51:21 PM

Well, I just came back to it a few hours later and now it loads up just fine, without any changes since my last post. No idea why. Maybe there really was some kind of temporary connection issue, but in such a way that neither the Steam client nor any of my other games were affected?

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7 years ago
Jun 29, 2017, 5:55:25 PM
Sebro wrote:

still the same :( won't load

SB wrote:

I'm having the same issue, and from the screenshot in the first post it looks like my loading bar gets stuck in the same place as Sebro's. I've tried completely removing the game (Steam uninstall followed by manually deleting the Endless Space 2 folders in both my Steam directory and My Documents) and fresh installing, and nothing has changed.

Diagnostics - 2017'06'29 @0521'56''.html

The diagnostics file includes lines indicating that it failed to detect a Steam connection, but I can't imagine why that would be. I am definitely connected to Steam and experiencing no connectivity issues.

Also, this might not be relevant, but my graphics card is a Radeon HD 6870, which is one of the chipsets that has been causing a lot of issues since launch. This doesn't seem like a graphics issue, but since it's something that has been the source of a failure to reach the main menu in the recent past I thought I'd mention it.

Could Both of you Post a DxDiag File (Press Win+R, Type DxDiag, Click OK, Then Click Save All Infomation)

SB wrote:

Well, I just came back to it a few hours later and now it loads up just fine, without any changes since my last post. No idea why. Maybe there really was some kind of temporary connection issue, but in such a way that neither the Steam client nor any of my other games were affected?

Hmm, What Ships where on the main menu ? I know the Vodyani Ark did cause some amd cards to crash on the menu

Updated 7 years ago.
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7 years ago
Jun 29, 2017, 6:29:00 PM
Sebro wrote:


Try Placing these Registry Files in the respective locations and see if it helps. They are set at the most basic visual settings, Incase thats causing anything odd.

Registry.xml - "C:\Users\Sebastian\Documents\Endless Space 2\Users\169358978\"

Registry.xml - "E:/Andra disk steam /steamapps/common/Endless Space 2\"

I Can't Think of much else to solve this issue.

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