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Game repeatedly freezing

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6 years ago
Aug 14, 2018, 11:27:50 AM

I bought this at the weekend and I have been really enjoying it. I've come across an issue though where after a period of time the game will crash. The screen will freeze up but I can move the mouse pointer around. If I click around the screen I get the sounds I would get if I had clicked on menu options in game.

I googled this and people were reporting this issue over a year ago. Is there a known workaround?

I've tried running as administrator and also in Win 7 compatibility mode.

I'm running this on Windows 10 with an i5-6600 and 8GB of RAM

Updated 6 years ago.
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6 years ago
Aug 15, 2018, 10:53:57 PM

Yeah, I've had the same issue since release. I can usually play for quite a while before it happens. When it happens, I Ctrl+Alt+Del and have Windows force the game to shut down. Then I reboot and restart the game to continue. Since the game autosaves every turn, I don't lose progress. However, it would sure be nice if they would fix it. They probably have no idea what is causing it.

I can say that it happens more when I edit a lot of ships. I have a suspicion that weapon effects in the ship designer may be aggravating the situation, but it's impossible to really tell.

I have Win10 with an AMD Ryzen 5 2600 and 16GB of RAM, and a Radeon 480 with the latest drivers.

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6 years ago
Aug 16, 2018, 2:13:46 PM

I have been having the same issue for months now. It seems to be linked with having an AMD GPU (got a R9 Fury).

Spudbynight what's your video card ?

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6 years ago
Aug 18, 2018, 9:48:19 AM

Hello. Same bug here. I tested the game during the free weekend, and this bug never happened. Then i bought the game and it is when the games started to freeze, after doing one thing or the other. I can't find a cause, but if i run steam in offline mode, then this happens maybe 1 time, then the bug doesn't happen in hours.

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6 years ago
Aug 22, 2018, 8:39:32 PM

Hello again. Definitely something is wrong with the game, because the bug is happening more and more frequently,  to the point i am getting really pissed with the constant alt+F4 and reload. Can anybody point me to the closest tech support agent? thanks.

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6 years ago
Aug 23, 2018, 5:19:38 PM

Hello. I found a way to stop this from happening, but it gives more questions about if it is really a bug or something intended.

I did a check up in all game files integrity, and since them, the game stopped freezing. But i cannot be sure, because i've been playing online, and i had the issue both when steam was in offline and online mode. First thing i thought was the cause of game freezing was online, due to a conflict with the serial number, since i bought a cdkey in official store, but i had the feeling it could be shared with someone else, yet. But now the game is running smooth again.

So it went this way:

Installed during free weekend promo "endless space 2"-> game ran smooth.

Promo weekend ends, game is locked. Then unlocked with cdkey -> freeze bug

Checked game files integrity -> bug vanished, at least playing 24h without more freezes.

Hope this throws some light over the issue.

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6 years ago
Aug 25, 2018, 8:27:16 AM

That can't be it, because I verify file integrity regularly, and I have reinstalled the game a few times due to upgrading computer, etc. I also purchased the game at launch.

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6 years ago
Aug 26, 2018, 9:39:26 AM

Having the same issue, it is truly a pain. Would very much like any situation anyone has on the matter, short of a fix from the devs (but considering the bug is a bitch to reproduce, i am not holding my breath).

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6 years ago
Aug 26, 2018, 12:59:50 PM

Honestly, i've been experiencing this same freeze for quite a while. Im playing the game, and then suddenly it... freezes. i can still move the mouse around, but i cant even press Ctrl+Alt+Del because it don't freezes only the game, but also my machine. Then i feel forced to place my computer in sleep mode as i found it helps whit this bug but, after 30 seconds /2 minutes it may happen again. Its totally random, to be honest. 

I thought this freeze problem had something to do whit my very bad GPU which is about 10 years old worst-of-a-kind. Lie, only 20 out of 600 graphic cards created trough the history of humanity are worst than it. But you get it :( 

Is that really a bug, or a consequence of my bad machine specs? By doing what you said, do i really get rid of this bug or... its innevitable since IDK how the game even runs on my machine? :(

Updated 6 years ago.
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6 years ago
Aug 31, 2018, 3:34:28 AM
Velorace wrote:

Is that really a bug, or a consequence of my bad machine specs? By doing what you said, do i really get rid of this bug or... its innevitable since IDK how the game even runs on my machine? :(

I have an excellent computer, and this bug has plagued me since the game was released, so it's not your computer.

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6 years ago
Aug 31, 2018, 7:09:01 AM

As long as I remember there were issues with AMD Radeon drivers in  the past, too. Sometimes it was useful to roll back the driver version. Amplitude did reach out AMD for to fix the driver issue in connection with Endless Space 2 and it was fixed. What about to make a new thread and to deliver the requested files listed here Tech support guide ?

Latest driver trouble (not showing some graphic effects in combat) was fixed with driver version AMD 18.5.1, past Amplitude did reach out to AMD.

My guess is, it's worth a try to upload the requested files (link above) when game freeze occurs in a new thread and to roll back to driver version 18.5.1 then to check out.

Or the other way around, to (re-) check if latest drivers (in case of Trifler and ColonelPlastic - the only who offer information about graphic cards in use here) are installed:

Latest driver for AMD Ryzen 5 2600 -> Driver AMD Ryzen 5 2600

Latest driver for AMD R 9 Fury -> Driver AMD R9 Fury series

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6 years ago
Sep 8, 2018, 8:14:47 AM

Two things that helped me (R9 390, Win 10)

- disabling Steam Overlay


- running the game in borderless window mode

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6 years ago
Sep 9, 2018, 6:48:37 PM
ColonelPlastic wrote:

I have been having the same issue for months now. It seems to be linked with having an AMD GPU (got a R9 Fury).

Spudbynight what's your video card ?

Sorry for the delay in responding. I'm using a Radeon R9 380 with 2GB of VRAM

I've just rolled back to 18.5.1 will see if the driver change helps.

Updated 6 years ago.
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6 years ago
Sep 10, 2018, 9:54:19 AM

Switched back to 18.5.1 driver and this doesn't fix the issue.

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6 years ago
Sep 10, 2018, 10:07:28 AM

Also, disabling steam overlay and switching to borderless window mode doesn't fix this either. 

I've just managed to play 10 turns before this happened again. 

The whole thing is very hit and miss. I can play for a few hours without it occurring. Sometimes I can go 10 mins before it hits. 

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6 years ago
Sep 11, 2018, 11:36:18 PM
Spudbynight wrote:

Also, disabling steam overlay and switching to borderless window mode doesn't fix this either. 

No dice here either. Massive Alt+Tabbing does not seem to affect it either, so I don't think it's related to needing to redraw the screen.

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6 years ago
Sep 12, 2018, 4:26:58 PM

I have a couple of ideas:

1. Hardware: cooling and stability:

I recently noticed that the Endless Games, namely EL and ES2 use the GPU quite extensively. The GPU usage is at 100%, no matter what framerate, resolution or other ingame setting. Combined with this extremely hot summer, the temperatures in my rig were beyond good and bad.

Capping the framerate just a lit bit over the freesync range of my monitor didn't help much. It still ran at 100% even at 42fps. So, I also reduced the Power target and vcore, which helped to get it from over 85°C to 73°C. This wasn't good enough for me, though.

My GPU is a bit over 3 years old now, so I cleaned it completely and applied some new thermal paste. The temperatures got much better after the second application. The thermal paste I used before was bad, so I got new one.

While I was cleaning the rig, I noticed that one of my two 140mm CPU-fans spinned slowly. After 6.5 years the bearing was defective. I don't check fan speeds religously and it was still spinning with around 950rpm. But that was a bit away from the 1200rpm it was running normally.
So, I replaced the two of them. When I went to apply new thermal paste to the CPU, I was shocked. The old one was practically gone. So, I used the new thermal paste and reduced my OC slightly for the time being.

I tested stability in Prime95 again and it was fine. Now, that the CPU was cooler again, the GPU got a bit cooler, too.

With FRTC and a little bit of undervolting in Afterburner, the Endless Games run around 50°C now. Before this, the temps on the GPU could go up to over 80°C - I even got it to 96°C in the Unigine Superposition benchmark. This isn't even a CPU-intensive benchmark...

For laptops good airflow and cooling is even more crucial. A lot of these devices are prone to heat death. A cheap cooling pad, a dust-cleaning and some new thermal paste can go long ways with a laptop.

2. interference of Anti-Virus-Software:

I had massive problems with Anti-Virus Software in the past. I'm just using the Windows Defender with Win10 for half a year now and am quite happy. Some articles state, Windows Defender is pretty much on par with the best paid AV-Software nowadays. False positives were amongst the lowest tested if I remember correctly.

I've used Comodo in the past and sometimes I had serious trouble with games. Of course, I always switched it off while installing a new driver, too. However, it often interfered in bad ways with pretty much anything. Besides the ads, it got so annyoing that I parted ways with it. Good riddance!

Updated 6 years ago.
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6 years ago
Sep 12, 2018, 10:58:47 PM

I don't have issues with cooling. I'm running some pretty frosty temps as things stand.

My AV is Avast if that is a potential common factor for anyone else.

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