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Let us assign a flagship to Heroes

Space BattlesShip DesignMilitaryHeroes

8 years ago
Sep 6, 2017, 12:31:25 PM

I'm sure this has been mentioned before, but as a fairly new player I'd like to present it again: scrap the hero ship system. In short, the designs are weird, they don't match the aesthetic of the game, and they of course do not match their home visual affinity whatsoever.

Two other friends started the game with me and the number one thing we all both dislike and are profoundly confused by is the hero ship system.

It also doesn't make much sense that your fleet commander would opt to be aboard a tiny squishy corvette rather than your new cutting edge carrier.

Action to take: replace Hero ships with a drop down menu of which ship class of those you've unlocked you'd like to assign them to. Charge more Dust for the larger hulls, since it's a 'free' medium/large later on, and perhaps make them take up CP.

*It'd sure be cool if we could name that ship too. :) 

Updated 13 days ago.
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Out of Vision

The OUT OF VISION status is given by the dev team to ideas that are not compatible with their vision of the game or technically not feasible.


DEV The-Cat-o-Nine-Tales

status updated 6 years ago

As the heroes are emissaries of the Academy rather than the empires who employ them, they are bound to use their own aesthetic. And as outlined in another idea, it's not possible to swap the ship modules during an ongoing game, so reassigning heroes to other ships is not possible.


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7 years ago
Mar 21, 2018, 7:22:43 PM


I would be more than happy to send my heroes out more often rather govern all day if they could be captains of massive carrier gunboats

Or their corevettes could reflect their factions more (I know theyre Academy based, but one could grab some new keys?)

I understand the devs perspective on gameplay though, this idea may be apart of a new game entirely and I would be for it.

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7 years ago
Aug 16, 2018, 6:39:56 PM

I agree with you and would like to add that the ships in question shouldn't be the ships from the race you're playing but the ones from the race that the hero as affinity with.

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7 years ago
Aug 15, 2018, 9:38:56 PM

Hate to be that guy, but I doubt this idea is really still on the table and being worked on if after two major DLC and 6 months of updates it hasn't even been mentioned anywhere. However, I desperatly want this to happen because I'm tired of how downright useless hero ships are in battles, and would love to see my hero commanding some badass flagship, something unique.

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7 years ago
Aug 9, 2018, 7:16:38 AM

Yes. Wonder if this is still something on the table of the developers, but being able to put a hero in a ship design would be awesome.

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7 years ago
Aug 7, 2018, 7:47:15 PM

Just imagine a Hissho warlord commanding his fleet from a Juggernaut...

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7 years ago
Aug 5, 2018, 6:05:11 AM

How about instead the academy gets a full complement of ships that are more than just 2 corvettes and 2 possible medium craft. Instead they get a full complement, from corvette to carrier, all designed to look unique just for the academy.

Updated 7 years ago.
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7 years ago
May 15, 2018, 9:37:50 AM

I also have to second this idea, and hope significant alterations are made. Someone above made a great comparison. The hero ships look like Star Wars Republic vessels, totally divorced from the visual style of the endless universe. The idea of the hero upgrading to different Hulls as they level, and have each heroes ship more closely resemble the style of the Faction they belong to is what I would prefer, despite knowing the amount of work that would go into that. As long as it was incorporated into a big DLC package so they get compensated for the effort, I don't see it as unreasonable. 

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7 years ago
May 12, 2018, 10:59:25 PM

I can't fully appreciate the need for hero ships to look unique and that's for one reason:  There is absolutely no active participation in battles.  You don't need to spot the hero to target it, chase it down, or give your fleet special orders to avoid it; you see an enemy hero, you choose to engage and your fleet does the rest.

It was far more important in Endless Legend, where you actively selected and commanded heroes in turn-based battles and making a wrong move meant losing your hero or even a war.  Visual distinction there was completely critical.  Here, battles are completely passive and you're not likely to find a hero just cruising the starlanes alone--hell, even with a fleet you don't see the wireframe of your hero's ship on the map!  The only time heroes DO absolutely need that visual distinction is when you're moving them between flotillas--ironically, that's where they LEAST stand out, thanks to the fairly monochrome icons in ES2.

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7 years ago
Apr 29, 2018, 6:55:17 PM

Aweome idea but if it were to happen I would love to see ships of different class and not the exact racial counterparts but various models lets get some variety!

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7 years ago
Sep 11, 2018, 9:06:15 PM

I am going to generally agree with a lot of the opinions in this thread.

My own personal vision of what I'd like to see hero ships become, as I still think the current idea of having them potentially be a force multiplier (both in skill tree and in ship modules) is useful, and having them command a visually distinct ship is nice, though I agree that the current designs stick out like a sore thumb in the general universe asthetic. I also agree that giving them a Large Carrier class ship free of CP would introduce serious imbalance to fleet combat, even if they got the non-upgraded versions of the Carrier/Dread hull.

So, my personal ideal universe for ES2 Heros:

Levels 1-5(or 9)* : Keep the existing special hero ships, they are fresh out of the academy, and it would make sense that they are gonna keep using their own personal ship.

       *: Once the academy is upgraded beyond level 5(or 9), they keep their personal ship until they level up once under your banner.

Level 6 (note above) - 15(or 19) : They are granted a Small hull either Attack or Support, based on which of the 4 classes. 

       Seeker & Guardian = Attack Hull // Overseer & Counselor = Support Hull.

       Realistic want: This hull would be a slightly different looking player faction specific hull regardless of hero race. Maybe a large amount of red coloring, and these hulls would be the equivalent of the enhanced version hulls and the slots that go with them. (and access to the hero modules like XP and probes)

       Dream want: This hull would be a unique looking hero faction specific hull. [Race] heroes get [Race] ships, regardless of what faction/race the player is. Again, still the enhanced version of the hull type. 

Level 16(or 19) and up: Heroes are upgraded into a Medium hull Attack or Support same division as above.

        Ideally this is where you would get more specific hero ships, but I could understand the difficulty in implementing unique ships for every possible hero faction. At the very least, like above, a uniquely skinned version of the players faction ships (add some red white and gold to their flagship)

I would agree with others who have stated that this should not be free to the player, the upgrade should cost something (probably somewhat expensive), be it dust, strat, luxury, or some combo of 2 or 3.

Alternatively to the above unlock method, maybe a military tech you have to research? eg: Tier 3 military tech: Upgrade Level 10+ Hero ships to small hulls for X dust / strat resource. Tier 4 military tech: Upgrade hero ships to medium hulls for X dust / strat cost. Maybe it could be a split thing similar to the weapons upgrades, where you can choose which tier 2 strategic to use and which tier 3 strategic to use.

Updated 7 years ago.
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7 years ago
Mar 17, 2018, 10:30:37 PM

I am so happy that this idea is now listed on "nice to have", because the mod I created is an unbalanced, buggy piece of shit and I definitly lack the skill to make it more than that. If we really get an option to put our heroes into something better than currently, my life is complete.

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7 years ago
Mar 3, 2018, 8:17:20 PM
ValhallasAshes wrote:

Oops.  Looks like I misunderstood your concept.  We have approached the dev's about this issue back during early access and they unilaterally shot it down, because they wanted the Hero ships to be unique in appearance compared to faction specific ships.  Plus heros are "technically" members of the Academy and not your faction.  The Academy is technically a faction in its' own right.  So on that basis, you would probably be more influential if you pushed for Academy/Hero ships to become hull upgradable rather than what you're proposing.  Where you could pay to upgrade the hero's ship hull class.  This would also allow the Dev's to keep the unique look/aesthetic of the hero ships that they want, but give us the hero ship scalability that we want.

I also agree on that. Plus the Devs' idea is really nice when you understand it.

In regard of the Heroes' abilities and boosts, a fleet with a Hero would annihilate a fleet without one (if all other stats are equal) in 100% of the battles therefore forcing the players to prioritize getting Guardian Heroes as often as possible rather thany anything else. IMO

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7 years ago
Mar 2, 2018, 9:50:14 AM

Yeah, I've often found myself taking an RP approach when selecting a Hero (sometimes out of boredom, sometimes because of beer, whatever) and while the hero's skillset works the ship is inadequate for the role assigned (too many weapon slots, not enough defense or support items, etc).  The option to select a ship upon hire would be nice, and to upgrade the class would even be better.  

It wouldn't have to be from the listing of that particular species either -a whole subdet of Hero/Academy based ships provided by or stolen from Issyander and his follwers.  Or something like that.  Just a thought.

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7 years ago
Feb 27, 2018, 10:05:53 PM

I would just like to see Hero Ship Upgrades. Mid-size at level 10 and Large-size at level 20.

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Nice to have

The NICE TO HAVE status is given by the dev team to ideas they would like to have in the game.


DEV Dagart

status updated 7 years ago

It's an interesting idea, we will think about how we can improve this feature.
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7 years ago
Feb 16, 2018, 7:22:57 AM
nSanity wrote:

So the academy faction just keeps fighting one another? Is that not a little weird? If you fight for a certain faction it would be Ok to get a faction flagship, no? One can always put the heroes in a state of the art 'small' ship (like the one they have now) if he goes off on his own for exploration (under diplomatic protection maybe?)

The Academy is nothing more than a mercenary corporation. They will fight themselves if they are paid to do it. Their heroes are just treated as "special" individuals because of their exposure to Dust.

That said, I think this problem was brought up earlier: in the late game, everyone is going to put heroes exclusively on Dreadnaughts and Battleships. It is going to break balance because hero ships don't count towards a fleet's CP limit. What's more dangerous than a fleet full of Obliterators? A fleet full of Obliterators plus One More.

This goes for the AI too. The only logical way to use this is to assign the most powerful ship design to any hero. That's one more Battleship - with all of its armor, upgrades and weapon boosts - to kill per fleet for as many heroes an AI has. Versus one other AI you can maybe manage it if you trump their upgrades, but against an alliance of two or three? You'll start seeing posts on the forum about how the AI always puts heroes on only carriers and nothing else.

Also, it's going to dissuade people from putting heroes into fleets until at least Battleships are unlocked. Why put a hero on a weak ship now and risk them getting injured when you can just idle them on a colony until you rush the Battleship techs? By then they'll have more points invested in colony skills rather than admiral ones (unless you're a real sadist and insist they remain useless until they get a ship much, much, much later into the game), so putting them on a fleet is kind of pointless unless it's to just add one more ship over the CP cap.

Don't get me wrong: I'm all for visual aesthetics. I do agree that hero ships look completely out of place as they are right now, but I can understand why they're stuck in their own tiny ships instead of commanding on a massive carrier. Lorewise, it makes more sense for a fleet commander to be on a nimble ship that can evade enemy fire and boarding parties, rather than a cumbersome capital ship. That way, they can also zip in and out quickly to assess battlespace situations faster, and don't have to rely on standard (slow) communicators.

tl;dr: ValhallasAshes is right. Hull-upgradeable hero ships yes, assigning ships to heroes no.

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7 years ago
Feb 6, 2018, 2:06:30 PM
ValhallasAshes wrote:

Oops.  Looks like I misunderstood your concept.  We have approached the dev's about this issue back during early access and they unilaterally shot it down, because they wanted the Hero ships to be unique in appearance compared to faction specific ships.  Plus heros are "technically" members of the Academy and not your faction.  The Academy is technically a faction in its' own right.  So on that basis, you would probably be more influential if you pushed for Academy/Hero ships to become hull upgradable rather than what you're proposing.  Where you could pay to upgrade the hero's ship hull class.  This would also allow the Dev's to keep the unique look/aesthetic of the hero ships that they want, but give us the hero ship scalability that we want.

So the academy faction just keeps fighting one another? Is that not a little weird? If you fight for a certain faction it would be Ok to get a faction flagship, no? One can always put the heroes in a state of the art 'small' ship (like the one they have now) if he goes off on his own for exploration (under diplomatic protection maybe?)

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7 years ago
Feb 3, 2018, 7:36:47 PM

Sounds like a good idea! But the Hero, possessing the skills of "transcendence", "Destroyer of the Core," does not pay. What sounds even better!

Updated 7 years ago.
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6 years ago
Feb 25, 2019, 8:08:04 PM

Personally, I think this is a very good idea, I found myself wanting this as well. Although in addition I think heroes should gain access to unique academy themed ships as the academy levels up. Or maybe you could unlock hero ships through quests, like giving the top player in the academy quest Isyander Shumèd's ship, and each faction could unlock their own hero cruiser through their faction quest.

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