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Endless Encyclopedia


8 years ago
Apr 1, 2017, 6:34:31 PM


The Endless Universe is full of story and background knowledge. To me, that's one of the two most important reasons, why I'm playing Endless games - it's universe!

The Devs are doing a great job by creating all this amazing artwork and music. It simply feels so rewarding to me, to still discover knew things by playing different quest lines or recruit new heroes with their own story.

Sadly, my brain isn't capable to store all this information in detail. So why not creating an in game encyclopaedia of the endless universe?! Supported by all the amazing artwork.

My Vision in detail

At the beginning, the encyclopaedia contains only some basic information. "What is Dust? Who where (are) the endless?..." Maybe some basic game mechanics? (Tutorial) Further information has to be unlocked by playing and discover the game. For example, if someone discovers a unique planet, then an entry is added (unlocked) in the encyclopaedia.

Informations I would like to see:

The Endless Universe

  • The Endless
  • What is dust (supposed to be)?

Major Factions

  • United Empire
  • Story Background (Origin)
  • Characters (from completed quests, faction leaders)
  • Faction related places (from completed quests, home system)
  • Faction related heroes (if recruited once, skill tree preview, academy ship)
  • Faction related ships (if researched once, pls with preview of the module layoutsStick Out Tongue)
  • Horatio
  • ...

Minor Factions

  • "Similar to major factions - if information does exist"

Faction unrelated stuff

  • Unique planets
  • Pirate ship classes
  • Anomalies
  • Special Resources (luxury/strategic)
  • Rare Tech (modules discovered only by probes)

What else comes to your mind?

I think players will stay motivated, as they try to unlock more entries and it encourages players to try different questchoices/research different ship types/ recruit different heroes - what will lead to a more diverse player experience.

Also, it could be combined with steam achievments!

Updated 21 hours ago.
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Out of Vision

The OUT OF VISION status is given by the dev team to ideas that are not compatible with their vision of the game or technically not feasible.


DEV The-Cat-o-Nine-Tales

status updated 6 years ago

As much as we agree that there should be an Encyclopedia accessible in the game, for technical reasons I have to mark this as Out of Vision.


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6 years ago
Jan 14, 2019, 4:51:21 PM

Kind of like Total War's in-game encyclopedia!  I like this idea.  It's not super-necessary, but it would be a very nice quality of life improvement.

I could definitely spend some time reading about ES lore in-game with the OST playing.

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7 years ago
May 13, 2018, 8:02:13 AM

Oh Yeah ! An Endless Encyclopedia like the Civilopedia of Civilization !
I desperatly need one in the game.

As mentionned before, I can't remmeber all mechanics of all races, and as I play for short time, I only knew on race by playing it, but the mechanics for some oher races are very hard to get... I really would like to understand some characteristics of my enemies :)

And some basics mechanics are sometimes hard to fully understand...

What I would like to have in an Endless Encyclopedia, is for each race, all techbnologies, all units, all buildings, all things described, explained in more lengh that we got in the game.

It should be a dedicate screen, not just a popup like what we already have when we mouse over a tech, because currently I would like to have more informations about some things in the description provided.

So yes, an encyclopedia is desesperatly needed for me.

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7 years ago
May 17, 2018, 11:49:38 AM

Now this idea is down to 3 million g2g points (from previously 9 million). what's wrong?

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7 years ago
May 22, 2018, 3:42:52 PM

I was about to make a forum post about the case... But i believe things have been fixed by now.

Maybe the devs where recently messing whit the algorythims of points inflation?

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7 years ago
May 26, 2018, 8:30:57 PM

Yeah this is a really good idea. Reminds me alot of the scrapbook in Dungeon of the Endless.

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7 years ago
Jun 2, 2018, 5:12:24 PM

If this were in the game I'm sure a lot of players would keep playing the game since it adds info about the game universe and its friendly to new players. One of my friends tried the game and said that it needed something like this to keep new players interested since he was new to the genre, he keeps playing but in a lower basis.

Plus this would make for a great achievement, like get 10% of the encyclopedia unlocked and so on untill its fully completed, it could be tiresome for some players but achievement hunters would have something to grind.

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7 years ago
Jul 29, 2018, 8:11:21 AM

Great idea.

Maybe it opens as you find/explore stuff, slowly filling, making you want to play all races.

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7 years ago
Jul 31, 2018, 8:07:53 PM

With such a rich lore I am very suprised this is not in.I mean it cant be that much work.AOW3 with its wafer thin lore has one,heh.

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7 years ago
Aug 20, 2018, 8:06:41 PM

I would love to see this in place as it would be beneficial to both new and existing players and the unlock of greater knowledge would match wonderfully with a players learning of the game. Surely this is a goal for AMP studio to keep players and gain new ones.

The one part that is missing in most peoples positive response is the suggestion that this also explains how the game works. That on its own is worth more to me than additional new graphics and lore. The reason for that is, sadly, AMP did not learn from ES1 and still has awful, misleading and unambiguous descriptions in the tips and descriptions. 

As examples;

Who knows what is being applied to a planet when a % is being used where no description of what the % is being applied to exists? You have to know what the % is part of to understand the resulting total and whether its beneficial to build. 

Another example is when a bonus is added to a population on a planet or system. 1 bonus fid to a planet, 2 bonus fid to a small planet, 3 bonus fid to a tiny planet. So does that mean the tiny planet gets 3 or 4 bonus fids? Of course better grammar and not being so scared to use additional text rather than the minimalist approach would help.

So I'm all for any explanation, to new players and old, helping all to understand better in an encyclopdia, lovingly littered with the gorgeous art which is a big part of the game.

Also why are we still waiting devs? C'mon, you promise engagement then seemingly spend the majority of your time adding new stuff rather than acting on the wonderful fixes that the faithful money spenders have suggested.

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7 years ago
Sep 4, 2018, 4:01:03 PM

It's not in the game because it's a lot easier to say "hey we'd love it" than to conceive and implement the thing. At the moment, even our own lore repositories are incomplete. We have an in-house collaborator working on that. I know we want to get that lore out there (although not necessarily all of it), but I'm not sure what format this is feasible in. What I'm almost sure of, though, is that an unlockable encyclopedia is probably far outside the range of what we can actually *do* at this stage of the game's development (hence why it wasn't greenlighted, but put down as "nice to have").

Nonetheless, it's a subject that remains on our minds, as we know there is a treasure trove of lore and we'd be remiss not to share at least some of it with you.

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6 years ago
Oct 7, 2018, 8:54:52 PM

Endless Encyclopedia should be allways updated specialy when there is more ore new contend of the game.

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6 years ago
Jan 7, 2019, 8:19:03 AM

I forget if I added a comment here, but I'd love an encyclopedia especially since the current wiki is deadsville outdated info. Could even have other tidbits and fun info that we don't get in game, like more of the Mavros Mystery.

Updated 6 years ago.
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7 years ago
May 10, 2018, 3:34:28 PM

even my idea got one millioln points under a day... i found it crazy.

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