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How much time do you spend tinkering with ship designs?

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11 years ago
Aug 2, 2013, 4:31:45 PM
I always hit the 'auto upgrade' button, but I've never really paid attention to anything but the MP of the ship. I've noticed (especially with the damn late game pirates) that my ships, while delivering a severe pounding, do not stand up to taking damage very well. That's when I started paying particular attention to what the 'auto' was doing when I fit a ship. I noticed that it always puts in offensive and defensive weapons (as many as the ship tonnage will allow), but never any armor or shielding. I have summarized that I'm going to have to slow down and really pay attention to building a ship for the job I need it for.

So... after that long diatribe... How much time have you invested in honing your ship designs?
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11 years ago
Aug 2, 2013, 6:15:33 PM
well i took about 10 mintues playing around to get the hang of disharmony, but after that.... 3 minutes perhaps. I always go into the designer knowing exactly what i want my ships to do, which drastically reduces the time spent in it
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11 years ago
Aug 2, 2013, 7:34:50 PM
Few seconds. Pretty much waht Gameslayer said, only time required is time needed to click the buttons.
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11 years ago
Aug 2, 2013, 10:36:07 PM
The components are so few and simplistic that it takes seconds to do what needs be done. Games like Space Empires 4 and 5 had hundreds of components where the advantages of one component required the need of having a second or third different item. It made tinkering with ships much more fun and involved and gave the game much needed variety. Something sadly lacking in Endless Space. I grow tired of the basic rock paper scissors 3x different weapon parts.
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11 years ago
Aug 3, 2013, 4:44:40 PM
I usually spend a few minutes when a new ship type comes out just to add the initial components (i.e. lasers or torpedoes). After that initial development I just do auto upgrade from then on.
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11 years ago
Aug 3, 2013, 5:03:23 PM
I tend to split each class that you unlock through research in two so I have one ship that is a siege version. I do give them some weapons and armour and the rest is siege weapons. The other version has armour and the rest is spent on weapons and defences. This give me an option to make a mixed fleet that can defend it self and take enemies systems over.

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11 years ago
Aug 3, 2013, 6:25:23 PM
I normally know what type ship I want to create and take very little time. I also hit the auto upgrade, but then I adjust accordingly to the type of ship I want.
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11 years ago
Aug 3, 2013, 9:01:09 PM
Against AIs maybe one minute in total per game. You need two custom designs at most. Against humans the turn timer is my worst enemy.

dizzy_xc wrote:
Games like Space Empires 4 and 5 had hundreds of components where the advantages of one component required the need of having a second or third different item. It made tinkering with ships much more fun and involved and gave the game much needed variety. Something sadly lacking in Endless Space. I grow tired of the basic rock paper scissors 3x different weapon parts.

Ever played multiplayer? Anti-Proton Beams and Wave Motion Guns are nearly the only weapons that are used - and for good reason. Heck, APBs are predominant for about 70% of the game.
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11 years ago
Aug 4, 2013, 11:31:27 AM
Xenolith wrote:
Against AIs maybe one minute in total per game. You need two custom designs at most...

Then I bet, boring game against AI isn't it? :-)
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11 years ago
Aug 4, 2013, 2:32:57 PM
Maybe ~5mins. I usually remove a bit here -> to add a few there, until my used tonnage is 'maximally' used as best as possible smiley: smile Hehe
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11 years ago
Aug 5, 2013, 5:40:48 AM
At first I spent quiet a few minutes at the ship design window thinking about combinations and trying to estimate performances. After a while when you get more experience and figure out stuff you ll have "saved data" you can rely on and will be able to tailor ships to their requirements.

All-round designs




Fast intercept

Those all have different designs in my matches and nowadays it takes me about 10 secs to click my ship together.
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11 years ago
Aug 5, 2013, 7:03:56 AM
Well, much much less time than in Star Ruler... The design is pretty straightforward in ES, the main "problem" being optimization of tonnage IMO. So it comes down to like 3 minutes per ship, but there aren't all that many ships to be designed compared to SotS, SR and other games where you need to design support ship, too.
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11 years ago
Aug 5, 2013, 9:37:52 AM
Xenolith wrote:
Against AIs maybe one minute in total per game. You need two custom designs at most. Against humans the turn timer is my worst enemy.

Ever played multiplayer? Anti-Proton Beams and Wave Motion Guns are nearly the only weapons that are used - and for good reason. Heck, APBs are predominant for about 70% of the game.

Agreed. But there are always that 30%... smiley: wink I'd be fine with Lvl 12 APB's and nothing else. Dont know if you checked my mount mod for SEIV. Called Dizzy's Mount Mod. I made spinal weapons mounts and then scaled the weapon mounts to make larger ships do a bit more damage with each class making smaller class ships a bit less competitive the further up the hull classes you got. And the mount mod made other weapon choices competitive with APB's. And there are other mods that rework the weapons a little evening out the APB's dominance...

My point is that in Single player there were a lot of other weapons to fiddle with. And the more components the more fun. This game is pretty basic in its implementation... You have to admit the variety is a bit dull in Endless Space.
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11 years ago
Aug 5, 2013, 10:21:04 PM
Quite a bit.

I usually have different types of ships, but the general idea is that I have one specified assault vessel. Lately I've been going with all lasers, all the time. So pretty much this thing is stacked up to the heels with lasers and armor.

If the need arises, for instance if I discover a weak spot in the enemy's missile defense, I'll create an alternative attack ship, usually faster with missiles and kinetic. It will usually function as a joint defense / offense ship. It can get from system to system fast, and it will prey on the enemy's weakness.

After awhile, I design an invasion-type ship. No weapons, just filled with invasion specs.

I never auto upgrade, ever. I take great care to manually upgrade my ships as efficently as possible. Not enough for that last piece of laser? Add one of lesser quality.
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