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Endless Difficulty Let's Play - In this thread

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11 years ago
Aug 6, 2013, 11:30:19 PM
Hi my names Macsen,

Please check out my Endless Difficulty Disharmony Let's Play on Youtube.

Game Settings are Endless Difficulty, Sowers, Ovoid Huge Map, 8 Empires all the other settings are default.

The intro video (#1) is overly long tbh so I edited the main video link to be the 2nd video (#2) you won't really miss any gameplay by skipping Vid (#1).

You can find the introduction video here: http://youtu.be/79oybIzS4R4

This Let's Play is now completed so I can't take requests for it, but if you'd like me to do more Endless Difficulty Disharmony Let's Plays please let me know.

I've been meaning to post this here for a while, up until now I've been a lurker here though I've linked quite a few threads in this forum in my Let's Plays video notes.

This LP starts with patch 1.1.4 and is updated to 1.1.9 later on. Any future LP's I do will use the latest patch inc. betas. The intro is a bit long, I'm new to doing LP's so in future LP's the intros will be a lot shorter.

You can check out my youtube channel Celtic Gamer and my other playlists here: http://www.youtube.com/user/MacsenGaming


PS If a Mod is reading this could you change the thread title to "Endless Difficulty Disharmony Let's Play - In this thread" I'd do it myself but there doesn't seem to be an option. I forgot to put in the fact that it's Disharmony which I guess is pretty important.
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11 years ago
Aug 7, 2013, 5:55:11 AM
Can not understand this modern tendency. Why i am must see several hour of video instead reading just one page of text ?

You make perfect example - 32 minutes for first step in game only. What a point ?
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11 years ago
Aug 7, 2013, 6:09:46 AM
@Nikolay_PI: Must? I'm not forcing you to do anything you have a choice. You can do one or the other or both or none. Some people like Let's Play videos this thread is for them.
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11 years ago
Aug 7, 2013, 6:11:33 AM
I m sorry but I gotta agree.....21 minutes and you are still on turn 1.

Endless Difficulty "should" be played by people who have a grasp of game mechanics and an idea what they are doing......in short.....I m "done" with Impossible and want to move on to endless.

Endless doesnt reinvent the game, it might change the approach somewhat but its not that big a step. Going through your explanations even when well-intentioned pus the sleepy eye on my face sorry mate.

Anyway, kudos for the video and /thumbs-up for trying to help
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11 years ago
Aug 7, 2013, 6:30:08 AM
@MTB-Fritz: I did mention the intros a bit long people can always skip it. Endless Difficulty can be played by whomever wants to play it but yeah you need a grasp of the game mechanics if your going to be likely to beat it. Endless Difficulty may not be a big step to you or me or many others but plenty of people struggle on it. If the videos not for you that's fine, some people will like it others won't hopefully they will make up their own minds rather than listen to one or two or however many opinions.
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11 years ago
Aug 7, 2013, 7:53:58 AM
Macsen wrote:
@Nikolay_PI: Must? I'm not forcing you to do anything you have a choice.

You DO. For learn from you game experience and understand you opinion i am MUST see this video. This is no matter of content\quality this is matter of time\usability. As example of usability - how i can ask for detail explanation or start discussion ? In text (this forum) form i am simply make quote and type. On youtube ? Cut piece of video ? And time - i am return to home from my work around 20:00-21:00 and barely have time for game - what you think i am prefer - several hour video guide or several text page instead ? This approach similar to write essay and place it on web file server with "wait 1 hour for you queue". Good thing in bad cover.
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11 years ago
Aug 7, 2013, 11:11:21 AM
Macsen wrote:
As far as I'm aware I'm the only person to have put an Endless Difficulty Disharmony Let's Play on Youtube. This Let's Play is now completed so I can't take requests for it, but if you'd like me to do more Endless Difficulty Let's Plays please let me know.

You're not the only one: I have recorded several ES playthroughs on Endless difficulty smiley: smile

Anyway, glad to see I'm not the only one! I will check your video when I have the time.
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11 years ago
Aug 7, 2013, 1:06:28 PM
Honestly, I must say that it was kinda boring in the beginning.

I understand that you wanted to explain the basic things a little bit, but I seriously don't think that new players will watch LP videos, especially on endless difficulty.

I would have liked your video if it was a tiny bit more fast paced.
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11 years ago
Aug 7, 2013, 4:19:06 PM
@PANCZASU: I said and meant Endless Difficulty "Disharmony" videos not Vanilla ES to be exact. I did look on youtube before I made that statement if it's wrong I'll edit my post. I recognize your name I think I've seen it on youtube. EDIT oops I just found your Let's Play I've edited my first post.

@rockmassif: Thanks for your feedback, I'll edit the first post to include a skipped intro version. I'm not happy with the intro myself this was one of the 1st videos I'd made.

@Nikolay_PI: Ok I'm starting to see where your coming from. Time seems to be the biggest issue for you. Having examples through video gameplay is useful to further explain something imo, I answer all comments on my channel if someone wants a detailed explanation or start discussion it can be done in the comments or even here. In regards to waiting for file servers the Let's Play is completed. People can watch it from start to finish now. If you've got bad internet I guess it would still be a problem I can't help you there.
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11 years ago
Aug 7, 2013, 4:35:59 PM
Yeah, Macsen: PANCZASU makes Play-Throughs of ES too.

OT: not bad, but not everybody might like it.

Ps: Your Name is dangerously similar to "Mansen" (maybe he will show up here in this thread too) smiley: biggrin
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11 years ago
Aug 7, 2013, 4:42:09 PM
@Tredecim: I did say Endless Difficulty Disharmony to be exact - I'll edit the 1st post since it's creating confusion. OT: thanks. less similar if you spell "manson" correctly smiley: smile .
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11 years ago
Aug 7, 2013, 4:52:17 PM
Macsen wrote:
@Tredecim: I did say Endless Difficulty Disharmony to be exact - I'll edit the 1st post since it's creating confusion. OT: thanks. less similar if you spell "manson" correctly smiley: smile .

Nah, it's fine for me, but yeah, some others might be confused.

OT: kinda true smiley: biggrin
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