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Thanks for the best modern 4x space game

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11 years ago
Aug 4, 2013, 12:21:27 PM
universecreep wrote:
I like supporting small developers and normally would have purchased Disharmony immediately even if I wouldn't be playing it for awhile. However, the poor reviews made me pause. Much of the things that frustrated me about the vanilla game seem to have remained or been made worse.

I'm will definitely buy the expansion, but I'll wait until a few patches are out before dropping the $10.

If you are picky about little problem and annoyances sure wait, fully playable but many polishing is missing and I only compare to vanilla. For me Disharmony is much better fun but I can go over nuisances without much troubles.

About space modern Space 4X well those real time don't appeal me and for now the others didn't captured me, for example GalCiv2. For modern 4X I know, I'd say:

1 - Dominion 3

2 - Civilization 4

3 - Endless Space

4 - Heroes of Might and Magic V Complete

5 - Total War: Shogun 2 (yeah yeah real time components)

So yep in space ES is first for me. :-)
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11 years ago
Aug 8, 2013, 8:25:18 PM
Initially, I agreed with the OP but I just played 3 games (although only 2 to completion) over the past week and really have come to the conclusion that this game is not for the newbie.

I played my first two games on newbie and was nowhere near competing. Out of five players I was number five about 20% behind the 4th place AI and 5 time less than the top player.

Subsequently, I played a few hours of Civ V on the beginning level (it's indicated this level if for the learner) and had no problems being near the top of 8 players and I tried to play stupidly.

As much as I like ES, it is a very poorly balanced game. I will be "shelving" the game for now and definitely not buying the expansion. I'll check back from time to time to see if it becomes more accessible to the new player. I purchased Distant Worlds and will give this a shot.

I hope the Devs work on this issue because this game has tremendous potential.

I'm sure a lot of the veteran players here will suggest that the Devs aren't going to jump just because one player finds it tough but this issue is not only a problem for me. I've read numerous threads on this site and others about how hard this game is.

That being said, the Devs should want to encourage new players rather than scaring them away. This is how a robust game community is built.
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11 years ago
Aug 5, 2013, 10:29:48 PM
I've put 47 hours in so far. Recently started playing it multiplayer with a couple of my friends. A real addictive game to play multiplayer. It's all cozy over Skype and all that.

This game was just what I was looking for. Pleasant surprise. Good job.

Haven't bought Disharmony yet. Quite enjoying Vanilla. Might not get Disharmony at all, seems like it changes the gameplay around quite a bit.
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11 years ago
Aug 5, 2013, 1:38:28 AM
I don't always have a lot of time to devote to a game. The turn based genre is the best for me and I love the fresh take ES has brought to the space empire game. It will be one of my favorites for some time to come.
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11 years ago
Aug 4, 2013, 8:04:01 PM
Although I'm already around for quite a while I must agree - (still) a great game smiley: biggrin
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11 years ago
Aug 4, 2013, 3:36:18 PM
wallenstein wrote:
Ha, the turn for the "silent Bob" 's now to deliver their cheers. smiley: biggrin

he's simply the best.
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11 years ago
Aug 4, 2013, 3:06:07 PM
Nook wrote:
I suspect mixed reviews came from people expecting civilization or people expecting MOO2 and if it is influenced by both, no way it's exactly the same categories. Also the comparisons with civ series can be very nasty because Civ is pure AAA stuff and a series so there players that prefer the 1, the 2 or SMAC, some the 4 and some the 5 and they compare ES to the civ they preferred.

I think the mixed reviews came from people who had played, and gotten used to, Vanilla ES.

Endless Space itself got pretty good reviews on release. The expansion was launched in a fairly unfinished state once people started digging in. There were a number of very fair reviews and I even linked one on these forums myself. They all asked the same questions the people on the forum were asking about why certain things were the way they were.

ES is still a great game, but I don't think the mixed reviews for Disharmony were unfair. They released too early.

I've never compared ES to Civ. I don't think they are trying to do exactly the same things. I never liked Gal Civ, so I won't compare it to that either. I love SoTS 2, but the 2 are very different games. I could compare it to Armada 2526, Space Empires 5 and some other recent 4Xs. In that I say it is definitely a better game than most. And I think it will simply get better over time.
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11 years ago
Aug 4, 2013, 1:08:13 PM
Rwn wrote:
...or the first XCOM.

I only tried it a little through an open source engine allowing me play it with OSX. I really didn't like how aliens was vile campers and gave up and have to try it again. Sure XEU hasn't the same amplitude but its thrill level is rather incredible and overall I felt it was a great game, certainly better overall than Endless Space, but it's very different games and compare them is doubtful.

Rwn wrote:

I'm a little surprised to read that there were many mixed reviews, though I haven't played vanilla (that could be the reason?).

I don't know for the reviews but I think that despite the gameplay is improved Disharmony would be bashed quite more.

I suspect mixed reviews came from people expecting civilization or people expecting MOO2 and if it is influenced by both, no way it's exactly the same categories. Also the comparisons with civ series can be very nasty because Civ is pure AAA stuff and a series so there players that prefer the 1, the 2 or SMAC, some the 4 and some the 5 and they compare ES to the civ they preferred.
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11 years ago
Aug 4, 2013, 12:41:54 PM
I'm pretty much new to Endless Space (but not to 4X!) as I bought it with Disharmony a month ago, but so far I'm enjoying it very much. Some things are a little buggy and others could be improved, sure, but it does have that "this game is so good despite its downsides" feeling that I had for MOO2, Europa Universalis 2 or the first XCOM.

I'm a little surprised to read that there were many mixed reviews, though I haven't played vanilla (that could be the reason?).
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12 years ago
Jul 30, 2013, 7:35:28 AM
I felt bad after reading the mixed reviews of Disharmony, so I wanted to create this thread to thank Amplitude for making a modern, beautiful game where it's fun to command space fleets and conquer new star systems. Because the battle system isn't as complicated as in many other 4x games I find myself focusing more on political/trading/economical aspects of the game and exploring new planets still feels fresh.

I haven't bought Disharmony yet, but I will soon and wanted to encourage you to create more content and expand the game. You have a solid fan base outside these forums as well smiley: smile
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12 years ago
Aug 2, 2013, 7:23:06 AM
I like supporting small developers and normally would have purchased Disharmony immediately even if I wouldn't be playing it for awhile. However, the poor reviews made me pause. Much of the things that frustrated me about the vanilla game seem to have remained or been made worse.

I'm will definitely buy the expansion, but I'll wait until a few patches are out before dropping the $10.
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12 years ago
Aug 1, 2013, 5:14:01 PM
draeh wrote:
When I first heard of Endless Space, I thought it would never be able to match GalCiv2... and I was right.

It far surpasses GalCiv2! smiley: biggrin
To some degree, I agree. GalCiv2 has different options that ES doesn't have yet. I hope with time, the dev's will keep polishing the gem.
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12 years ago
Aug 1, 2013, 3:59:40 PM
Nasarog wrote:
I agree, it's the best since GalCiv2, that's for sure.

When I first heard of Endless Space, I thought it would never be able to match GalCiv2... and I was right.

It far surpasses GalCiv2! smiley: biggrin
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12 years ago
Aug 1, 2013, 10:32:11 AM
It's a great game, and Amplitude have a good way of interacting with their customers.

Just waiting for the full release of the Beta patch then I'll be giving Harmony a go - can't wait!
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12 years ago
Jul 30, 2013, 1:38:14 PM
Iliuthenin wrote:
.... You have a solid fan base outside these forums as well smiley: smile

Liorgurnad wrote:
I totally agree !

Ha, the turn for the "silent Bob" 's now to deliver their cheers. smiley: biggrin
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