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A question about AI and the diplomacy

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11 years ago
Aug 11, 2013, 5:48:40 PM

I have a question about how the AI views diplomatic deals. So if I want to trade research with him, what things does the AI takes into consideration when deciding what to accept and what not? Once for something I would have been able to research myself in 2-4 turns (don't remember correctly, and what it was actually), I wanted to get it from the AI (to save some turns). Literally I offered him EVERYTHING I COULD, involving all my systems and many resource items, but it still wasn't enough (though I wasn't stupid to submit this offer to him, if he accepted that would've meant game over for me..).

Does anyone know what numbers and modifiers are taken into consideration?

And another question. Why does the AI always leave the alliance we have? I like the idea of backstabbing the other one when he is at a big war (like a human would), but when the cooldown ended of peace, he offered alliance again.. and again he left when he could, and yet again offered alliance when it was possible... He was I think Pilgrim, though the problem occurred with other factions as well. It is a shame this game does not have allied start at the beginning if the AI is an indecisive idiot.

I'm using the Disharmony expansion.
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11 years ago
Aug 11, 2013, 9:57:36 PM
I wouldn't say I "know" it but I can at least give you a hint:



AttitudeMalusCoef="5" HyperbolaCoef="80" AttitudeMalusOffset="-50" AttitudeTrendCoef="10"

PriceOffset="0" PriceMin="0" PriceMax="10" TechnologyCostRatioCoef="0.5">

As you can see there's a lot of fancy ... uhm ... things affecting the trade deal.

Tweaking them could lead to much fairer deals. I think the "AttitudeMalusOffset" is the main reason why the deals are not fair.

I had done this somewhen in the past. But I don't really remember what I did. I just know I fiddled around with these and got the AI to sign deals that were even in terms of research-point-cost.
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11 years ago
Aug 12, 2013, 8:17:25 AM
Ail wrote:
I wouldn't say I "know" it but I can at least give you a hint:



AttitudeMalusCoef="5" HyperbolaCoef="80" AttitudeMalusOffset="-50" AttitudeTrendCoef="10"

PriceOffset="0" PriceMin="0" PriceMax="10" TechnologyCostRatioCoef="0.5">

As you can see there's a lot of fancy ... uhm ... things affecting the trade deal.

Tweaking them could lead to much fairer deals. I think the "AttitudeMalusOffset" is the main reason why the deals are not fair.

I had done this somewhen in the past. But I don't really remember what I did. I just know I fiddled around with these and got the AI to sign deals that were even in terms of research-point-cost.

Well, this would be good, though I don't really want to mod the game. So basically the AI takes that into consideration how much he likes me? (-200->200) Unfortunately I am not a modder and can only guess what those, fancy things are smiley: biggrin

Do you have any suggestions on how to make the AI accept more fair deals without actually changing the game files? Like raising relations or something.

Technology cost coefficient 0.5, so basically the game is designed that the AI will only accept research items worth the double of his item in research points (and even worse deals with more stuff from my side)? What kind of crap thing is it? Or am I wrong in how I am interpreting that line?
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11 years ago
Aug 17, 2013, 8:20:13 PM
AI are *beep* in terms of diplomacy, it is why we need to learn their "ways".

As far as I play, the only "fair" trade is when that appeal for peace, while I am sure that I will kill them in few ten turns, or able to do that just not interested.
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