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Game Too Easy on Reload After Defeat

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11 years ago
Aug 17, 2013, 2:58:46 PM
ironman mode would be still fun. Hum... except I still would want to load if I clicked dust purchase

button accidentally and suddenly spent entire dust reserve on a ship...
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11 years ago
Aug 17, 2013, 4:50:49 PM
There is a bug that has been haunting the game ever since:

Whenever you load a game it forgets if fleets had already fought this turn.

So this might come as advantage or disadvantage depending on the situation since whoever was attacking can now attack again.

Only known way to avoid it is to only ever load autosaves which are made before any fighting has occured this round.
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11 years ago
Aug 17, 2013, 8:04:43 PM
I personally think the bug is allowing everyone to initiate combat in a free-for-all style in a turn-based strategy game. This is the only part of the game that doesn't follow the spirit of a turn-based game.

This is what end up doing some times when I play. Enemy fleet incoming in a turn, scramble ships from different world to converge on the battle ground on the same turn; next turn, hit auto-move as soon as possible, hit fleet and merge as soon as all ships converged, assigned fleet hero super fast, all this before the enemy fleet initiate on me. If that doesn't work out at any step, save and reload to buy myself a few more seconds to finish the process. In what other turn-based game do you have to scramble like that just to keep up with the AI (and yes, this kind of "tactic" is sometimes necessary at higher diff).
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11 years ago
Aug 17, 2013, 8:45:42 PM
I agree. Changing the outcome of things by doing something very fast at the beginning of a turn is not what one would expect from a turn-based game.

There should be a rule-system that clearly defines under what circumstances you can to something to avoid something like that.
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