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Is Disharmony ready yet?

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11 years ago
Aug 18, 2013, 3:40:45 PM
I realize this is giving life back to a necrothread but my question fits perfectly into this thread so I thought there was no point in creating a new one.


The new patch 1.1.17 seems to have made a significant amount of changes to the vanilla (made newbie easier - they listened) and to disharmony. There were a lot of issues apparently with the expansion which turned me away from it. Specifically, I was very uncomfortable with the fact that ship components were restricted by % rather than fixed amount and not being able to use older ship components when a new one was discovered.

That being said, it appears that these things, among many others, have been fixed in this patch.

My question is, to the players who have purchased Disharmony and played with the new patch, is the expansion a worthy purchase yet? I'm leaning towards it as I want to support this developer but I'd hate to install it, become frustrated by the bugs and have to disable it just to enjoy the game.
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11 years ago
Aug 19, 2013, 10:11:49 PM
The ship design screen already has left and right arrows that let the player change the weapon from level 1 to level 3.

If those instead changed the weapon from laser to kinetic and missile, then you could put any three weapon types/ranges on your ship.

You would lose the ability to equip lower level modules, but it would be worth it to me.

You could then put short, medium, and long range versions of the weapon on your ships in order to make the fleet battles look even better.
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11 years ago
Aug 19, 2013, 9:18:06 PM
It's hard for me to consider the new weapon module/combat a positive until they let you take different ranges of the same weapon type. But if they do that, I could definitely get on board.
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11 years ago
Aug 19, 2013, 6:23:06 PM
Ail wrote:
Missing: (affects both vanilla and disharmony)

Waypoints (despite they were announced!)

Game remembering cards used in last battle so you don't have to click the same over and over again (how hard can something like that be to implement?)

Bigger lists of things! (It is beyond me why important information like the list of ships in a combat, build-queue or orbiting-fleet-list are so extremely small that you need a scrollbar where there's so much space on the screen is wasted for nothing)

These missing ones have bothered me for a long time.

The fleet spam thing never happens in my single player game because if you can defeat the AIs with less fleets, I think no one will build too many to punish himself and waste time on that. (Fleet spam by the AIs is a different story)

And I want to add some to the list, if I miss something I should know, please tell me:

The upgrade fleet button should be with the fleet information, not in the big fleet list.

I hope I can click the star system name in the list to jump to the part of the galaxy where the star system is in and that one can blink.

An easier way to manage fleets like that in Windows. You can know every ship's status, and drag and drop to put them into different fleets.

Now it's ok, but not so convenient.

The upgrade mechanism is not convenient.

I hope the devs can make that simple and easy to use.

The player can save every design he has made, and "select" the designs the fleet can use when upgrading the fleet.

Therefore, a ship can be upgraded to any design we have made if it can be.

And I hope I can use the keyboard to enter the number I want in the ship design menu, not clicking for 40 times.

Maybe a function like "Tab to select a nearby fleet." Sometimes it's difficult to select a specific fleet icon.

And "attacking enemy fleets when you arrive in the star system" order is necessary. Because the AIs can move when you are giving orders.

It's quite ridiculous to intercept a fleet, but before you can give the order to stop it, it just moves to another star system (are we playing RTS?).
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11 years ago
Aug 19, 2013, 3:52:45 PM
The question is, when you consider it "ready". The biggest issues in terms of bugs and balancing have been resloved. Combat results are now much closer to what one would expect and you can no longer get into the situation where you cannot design any buildable ship because you can't reduce the Level of your stuff.

Here's a list of features of Disharmony and how they affect how I like it over vanilla:


AMAS (Different AI-races act differently)

New Combat Formula with targeting- and formation options

Building and Ship-Components-Rebalancing (ship components only since last patch, before it was a huge mess and in no way to mention as positive)

more race-specific differences in the tech-tree


Fighters/Bombers and the even more useless new module-types


Changes to how Invasions work (I liked the old and simple way much more)

Drastic reduction of weapon-tiers (still don't really get why they did that)

Missing: (affects both vanilla and disharmony)

Waypoints (despite they were announced!)

Game remembering cards used in last battle so you don't have to click the same over and over again (how hard can something like that be to implement?)

Bigger lists of things! (It is beyond me why important information like the list of ships in a combat, build-queue or orbiting-fleet-list are so extremely small that you need a scrollbar where there's so much space on the screen is wasted for nothing)
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11 years ago
Aug 19, 2013, 3:43:07 AM
I, too, have been waiting to buy Disharmony until it's "ready." So, I welcome any opinions whether to go ahead or give it more time.
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11 years ago
Aug 18, 2013, 10:08:01 PM
Ail wrote:
I found it to be very playable and challenging in my first playthrough of 1.1.17.

I'm about to start my first game of 1.1.17. So far, what specifically have you found more challenging? Thanks in advance
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11 years ago
Aug 18, 2013, 8:01:03 PM
I found it to be very playable and challenging in my first playthrough of 1.1.17.
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11 years ago
Aug 18, 2013, 4:33:05 PM
Evrett37 wrote:
I'd say buy it. 20$ or whatever even more discounted price you can get is a total steal. Thats like a cheap dinner..the pirce of a pizza. Does the 1.1.17 fix the problems disharmoney introduced?. No. The ship component/shipdesign upgrade/downgrade issue is fixed.

Thanks for the reply. I'll probably pick it up today through Steam. The ship component thing was my biggest issue and now that that is fixed, I'm eager to try the expansion out.
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11 years ago
Aug 18, 2013, 4:25:31 PM
I'd say buy it. 20$ or whatever even more discounted price you can get is a total steal. Thats like a cheap dinner..the pirce of a pizza. Does the 1.1.17 fix the problems disharmoney introduced?. No. The ship component/shipdesign upgrade/downgrade issue is fixed.
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12 years ago
Jul 15, 2013, 9:51:22 PM

I have been waiting till Disharmony had been patched, so I'm wondering now if you all think it's ready to be bought or perhaps wait a bit longer for more problems to be worked out?

TY in advance
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12 years ago
Jul 17, 2013, 9:15:08 PM
Well to me Disharmony looks like a mayor add-on, changing a lot of the game mechanics. Although I'm still with in my first Disharmony game and not through yet (single player mode), I can say this:

1. Ship development is totally revamped. For almost all higher level weapons you need to have special ressources, this will definitely limit the masses on higher ships you can build!

2. Fighting got new mechanics, since you have to select for weapons the range preference. I still not quite sure how this works out. The bad thing is, you can not add say 10 melee beams, 10 mid-range beams and 15 long range beams, since you can just define 1 of 3 choices.

3. Invasion is totally revamped. In ES your fighting power was equal the invasion power (or almost), now invasion power is something completely different. That makes invasion somehow a longer procedure, I wished they had made my combat sound suggestion for more entertainement. ;-)

4. There are fighter and bomber ships in the game now, looking nicely.

However, it is somehow harder to love it than the old ES was. On the other side the development is promising, need perhaps just some polishing. Your turn to decide if you wait or not. :-)
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12 years ago
Jul 17, 2013, 5:19:09 PM
Ail wrote:
Well, since the Devs are still working on a relatively big patch to fix important stuff like late-game-performance-issues and the missing possibility to downgrade ship-equipment and this stuff can easily be called important enough to not call the game "ready" without, I'd say "no, it's not ready yet."

Not to mention the early game performance issues like extreme lag from turn 1 onwards.
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12 years ago
Jul 16, 2013, 7:48:50 AM
Well, since the Devs are still working on a relatively big patch to fix important stuff like late-game-performance-issues and the missing possibility to downgrade ship-equipment and this stuff can easily be called important enough to not call the game "ready" without, I'd say "no, it's not ready yet."
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12 years ago
Jul 16, 2013, 5:13:50 AM
I haven't had any problems with it. Unless it's mostly problems with the multiplayer, I have yet to jump into that.
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12 years ago
Jul 16, 2013, 12:47:20 AM
rtcreator wrote:
Well of course i have Endless Space (check award section), but what's this about it being on sale?


Your award wasn't there when I posted... But then again they do go on and off sometimes...

About the sale, I suggest you check steam, buddy lol
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12 years ago
Jul 16, 2013, 12:06:22 AM
Stealth_Hawk wrote:
I guess if you haven't bought either yet, play vanilla first and get the feel for the game. But as soon as you've done that, I encourage that you play disharmony, whether its been patched or not, as the game play is radically different in some respects.

Well of course i have Endless Space (check award section), but what's this about it being on sale?

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12 years ago
Jul 16, 2013, 12:02:14 AM
I guess if you haven't bought either yet, play vanilla first and get the feel for the game. But as soon as you've done that, I encourage that you play disharmony, whether its been patched or not, as the game play is radically different in some respects.
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12 years ago
Jul 15, 2013, 11:31:59 PM
I'd say pick it up because sale. Then wait to actually play the expansion until the first major add-on. You can play the 'classic' even after buying the DLC.
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