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Trade bureaus (and multiples of same construct in system)

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11 years ago
Aug 20, 2013, 10:01:24 AM
Is this supposed to work on all home worlds you occupy, or only your homeworld?

I ask because after taking over half the galaxy, I noticed the enemy homeworlds I had taken over (aside from 2 of the +3 food per P with discovered moon buildings) had significantly large bonuses due to trade bureaus.

Also as per the bracketed thing, are you supposed to be able to have multiple versions of the "same" building by having different factions control the system and build their own equivalents? you could potentially get the sowers version as well by "gifting" the system to the sowers, then invading it later on. who says no to a free system?! +9 food per pop on moons is probably worth it.

This is from a craver homeworld I took over. It also had 332 base industry + 678 industry from trade bureau (and -492 from strike/4% ownership, but hey it still had 492 industry on a newly conquered system smiley: smile)

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11 years ago
Aug 21, 2013, 4:14:57 AM
Its been brought up before, and I think the devs acknowledged it as an issue but also said changing it require some hardcode rework, which they are leaving to later.
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