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nano repair/repair module

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11 years ago
Aug 25, 2013, 9:08:14 AM
nerf it please. it becomes too problematic mid-late game once you hit dreadnoughts and regardless of the fleets you purchase there is really no definite way to destroy some builds because of this. for some odd reason you have a tier 2 repair module thats 10% and the higher tiered are static amounts thats usless on smaller vessels and worse for larger due to the increase in hp. in conjuction with nano you get 20% per wave at around 10khp with 1-2armor/trait%. equates to roughly 1500-2k each phase with the new defense system it makes the ships stupidly indestructible. that or the defenses need to be revised once again to compensate, though doing this would throw more out of align then simply dealing with the repair module during battle phases and nano repair. i tired about 5 different fleets of hybrid dmg which is the least effective vs hybrid defenses and then massing kinects/missles of which the whole purpose of the revision to defense was to make kinectics "harder" to defend againts. which somehow fails to be true when a 100-200PR deflectors seem to be doing more then whats implied.
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11 years ago
Aug 28, 2013, 10:05:32 AM
The funny thing is: After they moved Nano-Repair from the start to a later tech, you can clearly see how it does the game good, that it isn't there from the beginning.

I think with Disharmony and the non-combat-invasion-fleets it became even more ridiculous. It basically leads to a point where you try to pick "healing-fights" against fleets that you know you will receive less damage than you can heal.

It also negates the whole point behind the new combat-formulas. The intention, as far as I know, was to prevent ships from being invincible by not allowing defenses to completely negate damage.

But if defenses reduce damage to less than you can repair/barrier, the effect is practically the same.

What I also don't quite get is the different Hull-Weakness that turns bigger ships just too tanky.

In 1.1.15-Beta small ships died instantly to every cough no matter how much defenses they had. So defenses were buffed to matter. And now that they feel just about right for small ships, they have once again become ridiculous on the bigger ones.

The thing is: The bigger ones can fit more of them anyways, so the additional bonus from hull-weakness just makes it too much. Probably wouldn't be too bad if there was no repair/barrier but since there is it still doesn't feel right.
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11 years ago
Aug 29, 2013, 1:37:10 AM
I'm going to repeat my old suggestion for hull weakness just for the heck of it:

Set hull weakness to 100 for every ship and don't touch it ever again. Use defense and HP values to balance the different chassis size.
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