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Super Mario Style Balancing.

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11 years ago
Sep 8, 2013, 4:49:49 AM
I thing i have noticed while playing this game, is whenever you gain an advantage some global event comes along that removes your hard work, or if you are failing an event comes along that throws you a bone.

An example of this is i was playing as a custom race that was focusing heavily on Research and i also had Builders. About 60 turns into the game as my race was begining to bloom a global event came along that decreased my science by 50%!!!! and also made buildings 30% more expensive for 20 turns. Its like i was racing ahead then a freaking spiked turtle shell comes out of nowhere and i go from 1st to 4th place!

Now i was pretty much in the lead at this point, playing on serious, this event let my enemies the hisso suddenly become threatening bringing all the races in my game on an equal level to me as my massive advantage is suddenly gone.

Now this is just one example, but this has happened to me many times with many of my custom races (i had a dust race, similar event occured, I has a industry race, same thing happened.) It seems like a kind of cheap way of making things balance in my opinion, unless im wrong and just really unlucky...

So has this happened to anyone else here?
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11 years ago
Sep 8, 2013, 9:57:02 AM
Yes this happens, it comes with random events. If I am not mistaken there is an option to disable random events in the game options.
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11 years ago
Sep 8, 2013, 6:10:00 PM
You're unlucky. Each random event in the game has "RandWeight" parameter. The more value of "RandWeight" of a random event, the more probability of the event to occur. As far as I know, once you start a new game all random events are generated and there's no way to change their sequence.
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11 years ago
Sep 8, 2013, 7:00:47 PM
Vicarious wrote:
As far as I know, once you start a new game all random events are generated and there's no way to change their sequence.
I think it is possible to alter the random events, aswell as their appearance turns, by editing the save file. I have once attempted this but it turned out to difficult for me t find where exactly to do so, and i gave up on the idea. There are numerous references to random events in the save file - so I think it is likely one can edit them this way.
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11 years ago
Sep 8, 2013, 7:42:46 PM
adder wrote:
I think it is possible to alter the random events, aswell as their appearance turns, by editing the save file. I have once attempted this but it turned out to difficult for me t find where exactly to do so, and i gave up on the idea. There are numerous references to random events in the save file - so I think it is likely one can edit them this way.

Yes they can be edited (I've seen it done, but I didn't do it lol) But still, the Game does not edit them. As vicarious said, they are random and generated before the game. And once they are generated the game engine never touches them again.

So... Sorry OP, but the game doesn't manipulate Random Events.
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11 years ago
Sep 13, 2013, 11:05:41 PM
You think that's bad? try having -9 population to every empire when every empire has only 4 planets..... although it made the AI who couldn't recover liek the cravers super easy :P
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11 years ago
Sep 17, 2013, 9:24:22 AM
Sometimes I do feel like the effects of an event are a little too potent.
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11 years ago
Sep 17, 2013, 11:20:09 AM
Igncom1 wrote:
Sometimes I do feel like the effects of an event are a little too potent.

100% agreed here. Not only are some events far to devastating, they are usually in no correlation to the game state. Events happening in the first 50 turns should not be as severe as those in the lategame, for example, and the other way round.

In most multiple choice events, the cost-benefit (or cost-lesslosses) ratio is pretty bad, too. 1000 dust for one random most expensive tech in turn 37? Only worthwhile if you are almost broke, because you cannot lose more than you have. Hiring the pirates has the same problem, but with a reverse effect - if I have the choice of being screwed because 4 totally broken almost impossible to beat fleets appear right above my homeworld and doing the same to my opponents while just losing whatever dust I might currently have, I will always pay.

Many of these events need to be massively retuned, ideally with some kind of variables that take note of the turn number.
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11 years ago
Sep 17, 2013, 1:26:57 PM
stormfox wrote:
Many of these events need to be massively retuned, ideally with some kind of variables that take note of the turn number.

One thing that can easily be done is push random events later in game. In stock game they happen from turn 20, but i find it more appropriate if they happened later, like turn 50 (when you actually had time to build up a bit). The variable is set in the Registry.xml and easily moddable (did it in Fair Fight). From what i could see though, i don't think individual events can be set to take into account turn played or how powerful players (the devs should change that IMO).
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